Powerpoint Presentation Cot2

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fun :humor : beautif :

nytoe :ous
2. :: ulfinger : han
3. read: learn :: d
4. : sweet ve
:: Cheet : fast
1. Define analogy
2. Identify the type of analogy.
3. Supply the best word complete an
4. Use analogy to describe and make
Analogy is a comparison between two
things. It is used to describe or make a
point about something by examining its
similarities with another thing. The two
things being compared may be very
dissimilar but the analogy forces the reader
or the listener to understand the connection
between them.
So, how do we read an analogy expression?
 Always remember that colons are part of the
structure of the analogy.
 Analogy Format: A : B :: C : D
red : stop :: green : ______
we read this as: red is to stop as green is
to blank
It is used to describe or make a point about
something by examining its similarities
with another thing.
1.Education is the key to success.
2.The health workers are as busy as the
3.Ana is mistreated by her stepmother.
She is indeed a Cinderella.
Education & They open metaphor Comparison of
key something 2 unlike things
Health workers They keep on simile Comparison
& bees working all day using like or as
Ana & They are allegory Comparison to a
Cinderella mistreated by character or
their stepmother historical or
political figure
As the definition of analogy includes all types of
comparisons, the following list of literary devices
all qualify as analogies.
1.SIMILE- It is a comparison of two things that are
essentially different, using the words like or as.
1. My mother is sweet like sugar.
2. She is as cold as ice.
3. Her children are like diamonds.
2. METAPHOR- It is a comparison that describes a person
or using
words that are not meant literally.
1. Her children are her treasures.
2. Books are his vacation.
3. Grandmother’s lap is a soft pillow.
3. ALLEGORY- It is an expression by which the characters
and events
are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a
political or
historical situation.
Activity 1:
Directions: Identify the type of analogies of the given
examples. Write Simile, Meataphor, or Allegory in your
answer sheets.

1.John is a cheetah when he runs.

2.Laughing is a medicine.
3.Among the siblings, Roland is the Judas.
4.The clouds are cotton balls in the sky.
5.Her skin is as white as snow.
Activity 2:
Directions: Choose the best word to complete the
Write your answers on your answer sheet
1. If door is to house, hand is to _________?
A. finger B. body C. wash D. palm
2. Finding a true friend is like finding a/an _________.
A. treasure B. flower C. enemy D. stone
3. Her cheeks are as red as _________.
A. snow B. rose C. sun D. face
4. My intelligent classmate is the ___________ of the class.
A. Queen Elizabeth B. Hitler C. Einstein D. Vice
5. The movie is a ______ ride of emotions.
A. rollercoaster B. jeepney C. bus D. motorcycle
Writers use an analogy to connect unfamiliar
words or new ideas with common and unfamiliar
objects. It functions as a description or explanation
of one thing by examining its similarities and
differences which forces the readers to understand
the connection between them
A. Directions: Identify the type of analogy of the given
Write only the letter of the correct answer in your answer
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Allegory
1) The pandemic is like a great hurricane.
2) Joann is the Maria Clara of the group.
3) The love of a mother is sweeter as chocolates.
4) She is the apple of his eyes.
5) Reading a book is an adventure.
B. Directions: Choose the correct pair in each number.
only the letters in your paper .

1. old : ancient :: __________ : junior

A. experienced B. aged C. matured D. young

2. forecast : future :: regret : ________

A. atone B. past C. present D. sins

3. moon : satellite :: Earth : __________

A. solar system B. asteroid C. planet D. sun

4. face mask : ________ :: CoVID-19 : virus

A. hands B. alcohol C. gatherings D. face to face

5. ________ : hot :: December : cold

A. January B. June C. March D. July
I. Directions: Identify the type of analogy of the given sentences.
Write only the letter of the correct answer.

A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Allegory

1. The pandemic is like a great hurricane.
2. Joan is the Maria Clara in the group.
3. The love of a mother is sweeter as chocolates.
4. She is the apple of his eyes.
5. Reading a book is an adventure.

II. Directions: Write a sentence that has an analogy describing the

given words. It can either be a simile, metaphor, or allegory.

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