World War 1-1

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World War I (1914-1918)

 It is the most devastating wars in the history of

mankind in which 9 million soldiers and 12 million
civilians died and many were injured.
 Allies powers- France, British empire, Russian
empire, Japan ,Italy ,US , Serbia, Belgium, china
 Central powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Bulgaria, poland.
World War I (1914-1918)
 Background-
 In 1871- Franco – Prussian (Germany ) war- France vs
 France Napoleon III lost

 Germany Chancellor Ottoman Bismark- won.

 Germany imposed humiliating treaty on france.

 Taken two french territories- Alsace and Lorraine.

 Rivalry between them started.

Origin Of I - World War
 The origins of the first world war can be traced back to the end
of the 19th century , which witnessed an increasing rivalry
between several European countries .
 After the unification of Germany in 1871 other European
countries especially Britain and France alarmed by such great
 Around this time new nations emerged, after Ottoman’s win
such as Serbia.
 This caused the Austro – Hungary to join forces with Italy and
Germany to defend one another.
 In response the triple alliance or triple entente was established
with same goals by Britain, France and Russia.
Origin Of I - World War
 Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary
and the man who shot him was Serb nationalist Gavrilo princpi.
 Gavrilo was protesting against Austria –Hungarian rule in
 Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia prompting Russia to
mobilize its army to defend Serbia.
 Germany In turn declared war on Russia and France.
 To invade France a large German army marched through
Belgium. This drew Britain into war since 1830.
 They were divided into 2 groups – the allied power and central
Causes Of World War I
 1. Expansionist Policy of Germany- Wilhelm II, the new
monarch of Germany started a foreign strategy in 1890 with the
goal of making his nation a global power. The other powers
viewed Germany as a threat which caused the international
situation to become unstable.
 2.Mutual Defense Alliances- Countries throughout Europe made
mutual defense agreements. These treaties meant that if one
country was attacked allied country was bound to defend them.
 a) The Triple Alliance 1882 Linking Germany with Austria-Hungary
and Italy.
 b) The Triple Entente which was made up of British , France, Russia
concluded by 1907.
 c) Thus there were two rival groups in Europe.
Causes Of World War I
 3 Imperialism- Before World War I Africa and parts of Asia
were points of contention among the European countries
because of their raw material . The increasing competition
and desire for greater empire led to an increase in the
confrontation that helped push the world into World War I.
 4. Militarism – As the world entered the 20th century an
arms race had begun. By 1914 Germany had the greatest
increase in military buildup. Great Britain and Germany
both greatly increased their navies in this time period. This
increased in militarism helped push the countries involved
into war.
Causes Of World War I
 5. Nationalism- The desire of the people of Bosnia to join
Serbia rather than Austria- Hungary was a major factor at the
beginning of conflict. Nationalism sparked the war in this
 6. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand-
 a) As a result- Russia got involved as it had an alliance with
 b) Germany then declared war on Russia because Germany had
alliance with Austria – Hungary.
 c) Britain declared war on Germany because of its invasion on
neutral Belgium. As Britain had agreement to protect both
Belgium and France.
Consequences of World War II
 1) Economic consequences –
World War I costed the participating countries a lot of money.
Germany and Great britain spent about 60% of the money their
money produced. Countries had to raise taxes are borrow money
from their citizens. They also printed money in order to buy
weapons and other things needed in war.
 2) Political Consequences-
The war bought end to various Monarchies as Czar Nicholas
II of Russia, Kaise Wilhelm of Germany, Emperor Charles of
a) New countries were created out of old empires. Austria-
Hungary was carved into a independent state.
Consequences of World War II
b) Poland received land from Germany and Russia. France
and Britain were given authority over nations in the Middle
3) Social Consequences-
World war changed society completely. Birth rates
declined because millions of young men died. Civilians lost
land and flew to other countries.
a) The role of woman also changed. They played a major
role in replacing men in factories and offices
b) The upper classes lost their leading role in society. So
they demanded a say in forming their country after war.
Consequences of World War II
4) Treaty of Versailles- On june 28,1919 World War I
officially ended with signing of the treaty of
Versailles. The Treaty was an attempt to prevent the
world from going into another war. Signed by
allied and central power
5) League of Nations- The League of nations was an
international diplomatic group developed after
World War I as a way to solve disputes between
countries before they erupted into open warfare.
First World War and Human Rights.

1) Spread of Democracy and Nationalism- As seen above

after the I world war there was a spread of democracy
and nationalism. National movement get the strength in
countries like Europe, Asia, Africa.
2) Internationalism was spread over- Most of the countries
decided for international cooperation and assistance to
each other. This made people aware about human rights.
3) Establishment of League of Nations- League of nations
was result of Paris Peace Conference that ended first
world war. It was first international organization whose
principle mission was to maintain world peace.
First World War and Human Rights.

4. Awareness about labour rights- The Labour

became actively conscious of its rights. As a result
trade union movement became stronger in various
5. Establishment of International labour organization-
In 1919 countries established ILO for protecting
the worker with respect to their rights including
their health and safety.

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