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 First aid to the injured or sick

patient has been practiced from
ancient times.
 The German surgeon General
Esmarch has given the idea of “
 World wide effort at giving first aid
came only in year 1877 with
formation of St.John ambulance
association of England after the
great apostle of St.John
 It is an immediate treatment given
to the ill or injured victim, before
the arrival of doctor or before
shifting the victim to the hospital.
 It is given by any person who has
knowledge regarding first aid.
 To preserve the life
 To ease the pain
 To promote recovery
 To prevent worsening of the casualty’s
general condition
 To limit the effect of condition
 To arrange for transport of the casualty to
the nearest medical aid if required
 To make the victim as comfortable as
possible & to conserve strength by giving
symptomatic care.
 Act quickly but quietly
 Take proper history & do priority wise care
 Always remain with the casualty
 Don’t handle casualty in hurry and in worry
 Check for patient’s circulation, breathing &
 Gain confidence of injured
 Work honestly & don’t do any experiments.
 Tell the relatives ,truthfully about
seriousness of casualty
 Try to find out the cause of injury & move
patient from that cause to prevent further
 Don’t let the crowd gather around causulty.

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