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The graph shows how the force acting on a rocket varies

with time.
Which one of the following is represented by the area
under the graph?
A distance travelled
B gain in kinetic energy
C change in velocity
D change in momentum
Unit 5 Turning Points
Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment
Aspire: Explain the importance
of Millikan’s experiment.

Challenge: Describe how Millikan

determined the charge of
an electron.
•Robert Millikan used a simple but famous experiment
that served to confirm the unit electronic charge as 1.6 ×
10-19 C.
•He sprayed oil drops into a space between two charged
plates. Each tiny oil droplet was charged up by friction as
it left the sprayer.
•The theory was simple; the attractive electrostatic force
between the droplet and the positively charged plate
would balance out the weight of the droplet.
•His apparatus was like this:
The forces on the stationary drop are like this:

We know that:
• the electric force = electric field × charge (F = Eq)
• the electric field strength in a uniform field, E = V/d

How might you find the weight of the drop?

We could measure the diameter of the sphere

and from that work out the volume.
Then use mass = density × volume to get the
Then multiply the mass by g to get the weight.
•This method is not a very satisfactory way
because the uncertainty is too great. So Millikan
used another method.
•Millikan turned off the plates and watched the
oil drop. Very quickly the oil drop reached
terminal velocity.
What forces are acting on an object at terminal
speed? What is the resultant force?
•Weight acting downwards is balanced
by viscous drag acting upwards.
Resultant force is zero.
So we can write: mg = drag force

The drag force can be worked out indirectly using

Stokes' Law, which describes the force acting on a
sphere falling at terminal speed through a viscous
fluid. Normally we think of viscous fluids as thick
oils but for a tiny oil droplet, air is pretty viscous.
The equation that describes Stokes' Law is:
r - radius of the sphere
v - terminal speed (m/s)
η - is "eta", a Greek lower case letter long 'ē', the
Physics Code for the coefficient of the viscosity
of a fluid.
The units for η are N s m-2.
For air, η = 1.8 × 10-5 N s m-2

A small metal sphere of radius 0.5 mm has mass

1.0 × 10-3 kg is dropped into oil of which the
viscosity is 0.36 N s m-2.
What is the terminal velocity at which it falls?

F = mg = 6πηrv

F = 1 × 10-3 kg × 9.81 = 0.0981 N

0.0981 = 6 × π × 0.36 × 0.5 × 10-3 × v

v = 0.0981 ÷ 3.39 × 10-3 = 2.89 m/s

Earlier we looked at the intuitive way of finding
the weight by:
Weight = density × volume × g

We can write this as:

So we can bring in the Stoke’s Law equation in

by writing:
Rearranging and cancelling out gives us:

So by observing the terminal speed, we can

work out the radius. From that, we can work
out the volume, hence the mass and
weight. Although it seems long-winded, this
method produces much less uncertainty than
attempting a direct measurement of the radius.
Worked Example

The data below is from an experiment similar to

Millikan’s experiment.
Density of oil = 900 kg m-3
p.d. across the plates = 613 V
Plate separation = 0.01 m
Viscosity of air = 1.8 × 10-5 N s m-2
When the voltage between the plates is turned off,
the droplet falls steadily a distance of 2.50 × 10-3 m in
a time of 22 s.
What is the charge? Take g as 9.8 ms-2
Work out the speed = distance ÷ time
= 2.50 × 10-3 m ÷ 22 s = 1.14 × 10-4 m/s
Now work out the radius using the equation:

r = 1.02 × 10-6 m

Mass = volume × density; vol. =

4.0 x 10-15 kg
We know that weight = force from the electric field.
mg = qV/d
Rearranging gives us
q = mgd
q = 4.00 ×10-15 kg × 9.8 ms-2 × 0.01 m
613 V
= 6.4 × 10-19 C
This is a charge of magnitude 4e
(where e = -1.602 × 10-19 C)
The important finding from this experiment was
that the charge was always a whole number
multiple of 1.6 × 10-19 C.
Therefore the electron charge came in definite
amounts (quanta); therefore it is said to
be quantised.
Electrons are indivisible, i.e. fundamental
particles of matter.

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