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UWA Bargaining

Presented by:
Group 3
Singh Maninderjit – 0866583
Nameer Mohamed – 0876359
Neelima Mohanan – 0877981
Askashdeep Signh Wadhwa - 0876359
Pay Increase
This Agreement, effective until November 30, 2026, or until terminated with a ninety (90)-day notice, presents proposals for pay increases improve for

Pay Increase:

Cost of Living Adjustment: Due to factors such as inflation rates, housing costs, and other expenses impacting the cost of living, a 4% pay increase is
essential to maintain the standard of living for employees.

Performance Recognition: Exceptional dedication and hard work by employees have significantly improved resident care, positively impacting residents'
well-being. Recognition of this performance justifies the need for a pay increase.

Increased Workload: With an increase in residents within the bargaining unit, job responsibilities and workload have risen. A corresponding increase in
compensation is demanded to support the additional responsibilities shouldered by workers.

Retention of Top Talent: All union-retained workers are considered top talent. To retain these valuable employees and avoid challenges in recruitment and
training costs, a pay increase is necessary to ensure competitiveness in current wages.

Positive Impact on Morale: Fair compensation positively affects employee morale and job satisfaction. Studies and surveys indicate that satisfied
employees contribute to improved resident care and overall organizational success.
This Agreement, effective until November 30, 2026, or until terminated with a ninety
(90)-day notice, outlines the following proposals for enhancing sick leave benefits

Sick Leave Benefits

The first objective advocates for increasing sick leave entitlement to a maximum of
twenty (20) days in a sick bank, recognizing the diverse health needs of members.

The second objective proposes the removal of percentage-based calculations, ensuring

full salary coverage for the entire sick leave duration to simplify the system and provide

Sick Leave The third objective emphasizes improved sick leave utilization by allowing employees
to access full salary coverage from the first day of absence, promoting prompt reporting
of illnesses and timely recovery

Finally, the fourth objective suggests establishing a fixed number of paid sick days,
moving away from percentage-based calculations to provide clarity and predictability
for employees, fostering a straightforward and fair system.

These changes aim to create a more stable, transparent, and employee-friendly sick leave
framework, aligning with the benefits of a longer-term agreement as detailed in the
arguments. A lengthened agreement promotes staff stability, builds trust between the
union and the employer, reduces employee stress, and enhances the retirement home's
ability to attract and retain top talent in a competitive labor market.
Health and Welfare
This Agreement, effective until November 30, 2026, or until terminated with a ninety (90)-day notice, articulates proposals for the enhancement of the
Health and Welfare Benefit Plan.

Health and Welfare Benefits

The first objective proposes adding an additional $50 to vision coverage, ensuring access to comprehensive vision-related services.

The second objective suggests increasing hearing coverage by $100 to address the potential impact of environmental factors on members' hearing.

The third objective advocates for expanding coverage to include one additional eye exam per year and increasing the frequency of hearing assessments to
once every two years. This adjustment aligns with the commitment to proactive healthcare management, supporting the overall well-being of the workforce
and enhancing their ability to perform effectively in critical roles.

The fourth objective aims to negotiate expedited claims processing for vision and hearing care, recognizing the need for prompt resolution, especially for
members in critical healthcare roles. Expedited processing demonstrates the employer's commitment to the health and well-being of its workforce.
Length of agreement
Length of Agreement (in years)

This Agreement will remain in force for 3 years or until November 30, 2026, unless either party
notifies the other in writing of their intention to terminate it or to make changes. Notify whether
changes are necessary or if either party would like to terminate this agreement, only if done
within ninety (90) days before the agreement's expiration date or on any anniversary of such a

 A longer-term agreement lowers turnover and promotes a more seasoned and committed
staff by offering stability to both the employer and the employees.

 The union and the employer can build trust and a productive working relationship with a
longer-term agreement.

 The knowledge that one's terms and conditions of employment will remain constant
throughout time might help employees feel less stressed, which promotes a healthier work

 In a labor market that is highly competitive, a retirement home can better attract and keep
top people with a secure, multi-year agreement.
Annual vacation for union
This Agreement, effective until November 30, 2026, or until terminated with a ninety (90)-day notice, puts forth proposals for enhancing annual vacation for
union employees.

Annual Vacation

The first objective acknowledges the unparalleled dedication and experience of employees with 27 years of service, proposing a dedicated 7-week vacation
to recharge, recognizing their vital contributions to the home's high-quality care and services. Additionally, a corresponding increase in vacation pay to 14%
is advocated, acknowledging their extended service and providing essential financial support during their extended time off.

The second objective advocates for the use of single vacation days, emphasizing flexibility and work-life balance. This allows employees to tend to personal
needs without requiring extended periods away from work, contributing to a more adaptable and employee-friendly environment.

Furthermore, the economic justification highlights the positive impact of extended vacations on employee well-being, mental health, and job satisfaction,
correlating with heightened productivity and overall workplace morale. The proposed changes align with industry standards, enhancing the retirement
home's competitiveness and positioning it as a sought-after employer.

The mutual benefit of these changes is underscored, emphasizing the cultivation of a positive workplace culture that values and acknowledges long-term
commitment. The flexibility offered addresses the diverse needs of employees, balancing long-term commitment and individual preferences, contributing to
a harmonious and adaptable work environment that enhances overall satisfaction.
Paid Holidays
This Agreement, effective until November 30, 2026, or until terminated with a ninety (90)-day
notice, articulates proposals for the enactment of paid holidays

Paid Holidays:

1.Addition of Floating Holidays: Introducing floating holidays contributes to a healthier and more
rested workforce, crucial for balancing work-life and overall well-being.

2.Flexibility and Adaptability: Three floating holidays provide employees flexibility for personal
matters or unexpected family needs, fostering a supportive and family-friendly workplace. This
accommodates diverse cultural traditions among workers.

3.Community Service Opportunities: Employees can use floating holidays for community service
or volunteer work, aligning with the retirement home's values of positive community

4.Flexible Scheduling: The proposed floating holidays are flexible and can be scheduled
throughout the year, granting employees autonomy and control over their time. This enhances
the adaptability of the work environment.

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