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Chr|s Lew|s

Crew Cholce Wlreless 8roadband (A1n Subsldlary)
Subscrlbers based ln uS vlrgln lslands from 300 ln 2004
Lo 10000 ln 2010 an exploslve growLh reflecLlng an
lncrease of 3333 wlLhln 6 years
Crew Cholce Wlreless 8roadband (A1n Subsldlary)
Subscrlbers based ln uS vlrgln lslands from 300 ln 2004
Lo 10000 ln 2010 an exploslve growLh reflecLlng an
lncrease of 3333 wlLhln 6 years
Slgned a Channel arLner LhaL generaLed 20 revenue
Slgned a Channel arLner LhaL generaLed 20 revenue
ueveloped new buslness opporLunlLles almed aL
corporaLe proflLablllLy and growLh lmplemenLed Soclal
Medla ln Lhe areas of MarkeLlng Sales and CusLomer
Servlce Lhe ouLcome of Lhls efforL resulLed ln addlLlonal
6000 subscrlbers and $13000000 ln annual revenues
ueveloped new buslness opporLunlLles almed aL
corporaLe proflLablllLy and growLh lmplemenLed Soclal
Medla ln Lhe areas of MarkeLlng Sales and CusLomer
Servlce Lhe ouLcome of Lhls efforL resulLed ln addlLlonal
6000 subscrlbers and $13000000 ln annual revenues
lnLernaLlonal experLlse lncludes markeLlng conLracL
negoLlaLlons and deploymenL of Wlreless 1echnologles ln
Carlbbean lslands LaLln / SouLh Amerlca Chlna !apan and
lnLernaLlonal experLlse lncludes markeLlng conLracL
negoLlaLlons and deploymenL of Wlreless 1echnologles ln
Carlbbean lslands LaLln / SouLh Amerlca Chlna !apan and
SLrong MarkeLlng / Sales Skllls almed aL
generaLlng 8evenues
SLrong MarkeLlng / Sales Skllls almed aL
generaLlng 8evenues
uLlllzlng Cuerllla
MarkeLlng" Lechnlques and
SLC pracLlces ln achlevlng
cusLomer's goals
uLlllzlng Cuerllla
MarkeLlng" Lechnlques and
SLC pracLlces ln achlevlng
cusLomer's goals
A 8ullLln asslon
for Wlreless
Soclal Medla
A 8ullLln asslon
for Wlreless
Soclal Medla
CreaLlve SoluLlon
provlder wlLh an
ablllLy Lo Lhlnk
ouLslde Lhe box
CreaLlve SoluLlon
provlder wlLh an
ablllLy Lo Lhlnk
ouLslde Lhe box
CommunlcaLlon and
Leadershlp Skllls
CommunlcaLlon and
Leadershlp Skllls
Chrls helped my company launch wlreless servlces on
SL !ohn Lhrough Cholce CommunlcaLlons sLarLlng ln
2003 Pe helped my buslness prosper as well as
Cholce's and he Look Lhe Llme Lo glve me valuable
Lools LhaL l sLlll use Lo Lhls day Lo LroubleshooL
wlreless modems LhaL are aL cusLomer slLes 1hls
saves me a huge amounL of Llme and helps me lsolaLe
where Lhe connecLlvlLy lssues are before l am
dlspaLched Lo slLe"
Chrls helped my company launch wlreless servlces on
SL !ohn Lhrough Cholce CommunlcaLlons sLarLlng ln
2003 Pe helped my buslness prosper as well as
Cholce's and he Look Lhe Llme Lo glve me valuable
Lools LhaL l sLlll use Lo Lhls day Lo LroubleshooL
wlreless modems LhaL are aL cusLomer slLes 1hls
saves me a huge amounL of Llme and helps me lsolaLe
where Lhe connecLlvlLy lssues are before l am
dlspaLched Lo slLe"
J||||am Cu|ver
Cwner CLC Culver ConsulLlng Corp d/b/a
Surf da Web
Chrls ls one of our few cllenLs
who really undersLands and
appreclaLes Lhe beneflLs of
Lechnology and how lL applles Lo
buslness More lmporLanLly Chrls
ls exLremely sharp and well versed
ln all areas of buslness A Lrue
leader and LrusLful cusLomer"
Chrls ls one of our few cllenLs
who really undersLands and
appreclaLes Lhe beneflLs of
Lechnology and how lL applles Lo
buslness More lmporLanLly Chrls
ls exLremely sharp and well versed
ln all areas of buslness A Lrue
leader and LrusLful cusLomer"
1om Mao
v Pead of resales Z1L uSA
8ecenL AccompllshmenLs SLrengLhs
Chr|s Lew|s
1el (678) 4313223

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