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Daily English Expressions

Daily English
Talking about your health
Daily English Expressions

Expression 1

Be killing someone
Daily English Expressions

A: My head is killing me.

B: Why don’t you take some aspirin?

A: I don’t have any. Do you?

B: Uh-huh. Here. Take two. I’ll get you some water.

A: Thanks a lot.
Daily English Expressions

Expression 2

What happened?
Daily English Expressions

A: What happened?
B: I can’t find my wallet.
A: Uh-oh. Let me help you look for it.

C: I was absent this morning. Can you tell me what

happened in class?
D: Sure. We worked in group and then we had a quiz.
Daily English Expressions

Expression 3

Fall down
Daily English Expressions

A: Why is he crying?

B: He fell down and hurt his knee.

Daily English Expressions

Expression 4

ធ្លា ក់/ជ្រុះ
Fall off/Fall out of
Daily English Expressions

A: What happened during the earthquake?

B: I stayed under the table and things fell off

bookshelves and they fell out of the kitchen cabinet. I
was scared.
Daily English Expressions

Expression 5

Will be right back
Daily English Expressions

A: Oh, I forgot my wallet. I’ll be right back.

B: I’ll wait here.

C: Where’s Judy?

D: She’ll be right back. She went to get some ice.

Daily English Expressions

Expression 6

Get/be swollen
Daily English Expressions

A: How’s your leg, Mike?

B: It’s getting swollen.
I think I need some ice.

C: How’s your leg, Mike?

D: It hurts and It’s swollen. I think I need to see a
Daily English Expressions

Expression 7

ភ្លា ម/លឿន
Right away
Daily English Expressions

A: Mom, can you come home?

B: What’s wrong?

A: I have a sore throat, and I think I have a fever.

B: I’ll be there right away.

Daily English Expressions

Expression 8

Stay put
Daily English Expressions

A: I need to go to work.

B: No, you don’t. You have the flu. Just stay put don’t
go anywhere.
Daily English Expressions

Expression 9

I (don’t) think so
Daily English Expressions

A: Is she sleeping?
B: I think so. I’ll go check. Yes, she’s asleep.

C: Is his leg broken?

D: I don’t think so, but he needs to have an X-ray so
we can be sure.
Daily English Expressions

Expression 10

Daily English Expressions

 I have a headache.

 I have a stomach ache.

 I have a toothache.

 I have a backache.

 I have an earache.

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