Quantum Mechanical Model of An Atom

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• Quantum Mechanical Model of
an atom aims to present further
development of the atom,
structure particularly the
• Atom
– smallest
particle of an
element that can
exist either alone
or in combination

Results when an atom is heated, it begins to
emit light of a definite color
• Firework effects are
produced by the
combustion of explosive
materials present in
fireworks. These
explosive materials are
also called metal salts.
• Metal salts emit
characteristic color of
light when heated as
shown in the Table 1.
Analysis of light given off by the vapors of
elements can be done more precisely with an
instrument called spectroscope.
How did Neils Bohr explain the spectral lines of an
element shown in the spectroscope?

• Each line in the atomic spectra of elements

suggest definite energy transformations within
the atom
• Bohr stated that electrons are moving around
the nucleus in circular path or orbit at definite
distances from the nucleus and an electron
can absorb or emit a quantity of
How did Neils Bohr explain the spectral lines of an
element shown in the spectroscope?

• Electrons in each orbit have definite energy. This

energy increases as the distance of the orbit from the
nucleus increases.
• The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged
• Bohr proposed that electrons are only found in
specific, discrete circular orbits around the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an atom

• Rutherford • Bohr
– The nuclear atom – These are not only
comprised the proton particles in the atom
and neutron because he found
– Their masses are other particles
concentrated in the – He found out that
nucleus electrons moved in
definite orbits around
the nucleus
Lesson 1:
Electron and Energy Level
Neil Bohr
• Suggested that each line
in the spectrum
corresponds a transition
between orbits
• Each line suggests
energy level of the atom
– are “orbits” of electrons
as they go around the
Neil Bohr

• proposed that
electrons are only
found in specific,
discrete circular orbits
around the nucleus
• The energy of the
electron in each orbit
is fixed
Electron Shells
• Each level has
equivalent energy
– electrons that are in the
first energy level (energy
level 1) are closest to the
nucleus and will have the
lowest energy.
– electrons far away from
the nucleus will have
higher energy.
Electron Shells
• Each level has
equivalent energy
– electrons that are in the
first energy level (energy
level 1) are closest to the
nucleus and will have the
lowest energy.
– electrons far away from
the nucleus will have
higher energy.
Group Activity
• Group yourselves into an 8 member group.
• Choose a member who will be the electron,
nucleus and the rest of the members will be
the electron levels
nucleus 1 2 3 4 5 6

Guide Questions:
• What does it need for you to be
able to jump from one level to
another level?
• What did you observe as the
electron moves from lower level
to higher level?
Electron Shells

It requires higher amount of

energy when taking higher

It requires low energy when

taking the first step/level or
lower levels
Electron Shells
Electron Shells
Electron Shells
Electron Shells

As long as the electron stays in its given orbit, there

is no absorption or emission of energy.
Excited State
• If the electron
received extra
energy, it can
jump into a
higher energy
What will happen when the
light is emitted in the flame
The electrons move from
the excited state to the
ground state
Ground State
• If the electron
released discreet
amount of energy
in the form of
light, it can jump
from higher
energy level to
lower energy level.
Electron Shells
• During a flame test, The electrons in
a lithium salt excited lithium atoms
produces a return to lower energy
characteristic red states within the atoms.
– Bohr’s atomic model can only describe
atomic spectrum of an atom having
only one electron like that of hydrogen
– Bohr’s atomic model gave limitation
- Since there will be a electron repulsion that
will happen in an atom if 1 shell consists of 2
electrons that are both negatively charge
- This limitation was addressed by the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom
What is the difference between Bohr’s model and the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom?

– An Austrian physicist, Erwin Schrodinger together

with Werner Heisenberg and Louis de Broglie
made a refinement of Bohr’s atomic model.
What is the difference between Bohr’s model and the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom?

• De Broglie hypothesize
that no one can predict
the exact path of an
electron and will follow
its moves around the
What is the difference between Bohr’s model and the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom?

• Heisenberg’s
Uncertainty Principle
states that it is
impossible to know the
position and momentum
of an electron at the
same time
What is the difference between Bohr’s model and the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom?

• Schrodinger’s Quantum
mechanical model of an
– states that there is a
region of space where
electrons are most likely
to be found
What is the difference between Bohr’s model and the
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom?

• Schrodinger’s Quantum
mechanical model of an
atom is
– a theoretical calculations
and experimental results
to devise and solve a
mathematical equation
describing the behavior
of the electron in a
hydrogen atom.
The relationship between energy levels, energy
sublevels and orbitals

– Used to describe the probable location
of electrons in an atom
• Principal Energy Level – shell (Bohr’s
planetary model of the atom)
• Energy Sublevels
• Orbitals
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Principal Energy Level

– Also known as Principal Quantum Number
which specifies the energy of an electron and
the size of the orbital
– The maximum number of electrons in the main
energy level is determined by the formula 2n²
where n is an integer that designates each
energy level.
• n – 1, 2, 3, etc.
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Principal Energy Level

– All orbitals have the same value of n are said to
be in same shell (level)
– Example: Hydrogen atom with n=1, the electron is
in its ground state, if the electron is in the n=2, it is
in excited state.
– The total number of orbitals for a given n value is

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

• as n increases,
orbital becomes
larger and
energy level
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Principal Energy Level

– May have one or more sublevels which are
assigned with letters: s, p, d, f and g
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

– Also known as
Angular Momentum
Quantum Numbers
– Specifies the shape
of an orbital with a
particular principal
quantum number
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

– May have one
or more
sublevels which
are assigned
with letters: s,
p, d, f and g
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Energy Sublevels
What is the relationship between
the principal quantum number and
the number of sublevels?

The principal quantum number is always equal

to the number of sublevels within that principal
energy levels
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

– particular shapes
and direction in
space of orbitals
• s orbitals – spherical
• p orbitals –
• d orbitals - 4 petal
• f orbitals - asterisks
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Orbitals • describes as the

region of space
around the nucleus
consisting of shells
where electron is
most likely to be
• Also called as
electron cloud or
atomic orbitals
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

– Each orbitals can only hold 2 electrons (Pauli Exclusion
Principle) Energy sublevel
Energy level Orbitals
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

How can 2 electrons stay in one

orbitals when electrons which
are negatively charge particles,
and electron repulsion can
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Electron Spins
– electrons acts like they are spinning on an axis
and generate a magnetic field
– No two electrons in the same orbital can have the
same spin
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Electron Spins
– In plotting electrons in orbitals ↑ and ↓ are used
to represent the clockwise and counterclockwise
spins of the electrons
Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom

Plotting the arrangement of Electrons

1 – 2. Define quantum numbers.
3. How many sublevels are present in energy level
4. How many electrons an orbital can hold?
5 – 8. Letters that represent energy sublevels
9. Who proposed Quantum Mechanical Model of
an Atom?
10. Which part of the discussion you find difficult?

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