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“Jagir is a compound of two Persian words and should strictly be,
though is most often not, spelt Jai-Gir. It means one holding or
occupying a place.”
Irfan Habib in his book “The Agrarian System Of Mughal India” writes,
the term was used to denote “a tract of land which kings grant to
Mansabdars and persons of that kind, that they might take its revenue
from cultivation, whatever it be.”
The late Dr. Mahesh Chandra Regmi, well-known economics historian,
defined Jagir as “an official post” and also as “the assignment of land
and other sources of income in lieu of cash salaries.”
The word Jagir has its origins in Mughal
India and was defined in those days (16th
century) as revenue right over specified
lands as granted by a Moghul ruler to one of
his Amirs (nobles) for the maintenance of
troops. The Jagirdar is the person who holds
the Jagir.
In Context of Nepal
• The jagir system in Nepal appears to have been borrowed from India
befire the political unification of Nepal by Prithivi Narayan Shah.
However, jagir system was expanded after unification by Prithivi
Narayan Shah mainly by fiscal, administrative and political
• At that time land tax was collected in kind. Collection of revenue in
this form created many problems. But the financial liabilities of the
government remained intact.
• After 1768, the increased administrative and military requirements
expanded the jagir land assignment system. Territorial expansion was
achieved for which tropps were recruited in large numbers.
• In the absence broad based money system and a centralized public finance
system, the government was in no position topay cash salaries of the civil
and military employees in the form of jagir, assignment as far as possible.

• The jagirdar was permitted to sell or mortgage his jagir lands with consent
of government. However, in case salary had been paid,land shall be with

• jagir system in Nepal helped to decentralize administration while

maintaining the overall control within the centre.
• The jagir system created adverse position on agricultural development. The
jagirdars possessed neither capacity nor the preference to develop the lands
assigned to him.
• Even jagir system did not serve the interest of Rana government as it reduced
revenue and the prime minister's profits.
• From 1920s, the action initiated to abolish the jagir land assignment system
entirely in selected districts. In 1923 AD, jagir lands were fully abolished in
several midland districts, including Palpa, Salyan and Bandipur.
• Subsequently, in 1928 AD(1985B.S), and 1935 AD, orders were issued
prohibitting the assignment of jagir land in some other districts.
• The jagir system was finally abolished in october 1951 AD( Kartik 2008 BS) after
downfall of the Rana Regime. It also directed payment of cash salaries to all
government employees according to prescribed pay scales. This marked the end of
the jagir system of land ownership in Nepal.
1768 1920 1923 1928-1935 1951
History of the term “JAGIR”
Thus, the history of this term must be understood to truly
understand the meaning of power, poverty, domestic labor and

Power Poverty Corruption
It is common practice for Nepali people who are
looking for work or for a position in any office or
business to declare that they are seeking a Jagir.

People leaving for their offices in the morning

will tell you they are going to earn their Jagir.

Young men desperately look for a Jagir as the

final qualification to get married.

Today, Jagir just means a steady job that fetches

you a monthly salary whether you are productive
or not

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