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Our Country’s
Health-Related Laws
Part I: National Laws
That Concern the
(RA 10354)-
Parenthood and
Reproductive Health
Act of 2012
It is a law in the Philippines that
guarantees universal access to
methods of contraception, fertility
control, sexual education, and
maternal care. It is formally known as
the Reproductive Health Law or RH
refers to a set of refers to the socially
constructed roles,
biological attributes
behaviours, expressions and
in humans and identities of girls, women,
animals. boys, men, and gender
diverse people.
Parenthood is one of the most important
duties in our society. Parenthood means
centering on the needs of others beside
one’s own. The best reason to have a
child is the desire to love and guide a
child. Children needs guidance in
growing up, developing themselves, and
being a responsible individuals.
 refers to state of complete
physical, mental, and social
well-being and not merely the
absence of disease relating to
the reproductive system and its
functions and processes.
implies that people are
able to have a
responsible, safe and
consensual sex life.
implies that women and
men attain equal
relationships in matters
related to sexual relations
and reproduction.
implies that women and
men attain equal
relationships in matters
related to sexual relations
and reproduction.
Activity 2: Write a letter for your
parents expressing gratitude for their
responsible parenting.
Part II: National
Laws That Support
the Consumers
1. Consumer Act of the Philippines (RA
● National policy that is aimed o protect the
interest of the consumers and buyers of
products and services.
● Aims to set and maintain standards of conduct
for both the business and industrial sectors.
This law provides:
1. Protection against hazards to health and safety
2. Protection against deceptive and unfair sales, acts, and
3. Giving of information and education so consumers can
make sound choices and decisions
4. Provision of adequate rights and means of redress
5. Allowing consumers to be represented in the making of
social and economic policies
What can a consumer do if he or she has a
● Identify the problem.
-what do you think is the way to solve the
-is it refund of your money?
-is it product repair or replacement?
What can a consumer do if he or she has a

●Show proofs of purchase.

-receipts, warranties or contracts
What can a consumer do if he or she has a
● Report the complaint to the proper
-explain the problem in a calm manner
and tell clearly what action you would
like to take.
What can a consumer do if he or she has a
● If you are not satisfied with the response,
write a formal letter of complaint to any
government agency that is tasked to
protect consumer.
2. Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Act of 1997 (RA 8423)
● Health care law that aims to promote and
provide affordable and effective traditional and
alternative medicinal methods to Filipinos.
Objectives of TAMA are:

1. To encourage scientific research on

traditional and alternative health care
systems that have a direct impact on public
health care
Objectives of TAMA are:
2. To promote and advocate for the use of
traditional, alternative, preventive, and
curative health care that has been proven
safe, effective, cost-effective, and
consistent with government standards on
medical practice
Objectives of TAMA are:
3. To develop and coordinate skills
training courses for various forms of
traditional and alternative healtjh care
Objectives of TAMA are:
4. To formulate standards, guidelines, and codes of ethical
practice appropriate for the practice of traditional and
alternative health care as well as in the manufacture, quality
control, and marketing of different traditional and alternative
health care materials, natural and organic products for
approval and adoption by the appropriate government
Objectives of TAMA are:

5. To formulate policies for the protection of indigenous

and natural health resources and technology from
unwarranted exploitation, for approval and adoption by
the appropriate government policies.
Objectives of TAMA are:

6. To formulate policies to strengthen the

role of traditional and alternative health
care delivery system.
Objectives of TAMA are:
7. To promote traditional and alternative health care in
international and national conventions, seminars, and
meetings in coordination with the Department of
Tourism, Duty-Free Philippines, Incorporated, Philippine
Convention and Visitors Corporation, and other tourism-
related agencies as well as non-government and local
government units.
Part III: Heath-Related
Laws That Suppports
Community Peace and
1. Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
(RA 9165)
●is a policy imposed by the
government to deal with the state’s
problem with illegal drugs,
particularly how it affects the youth.
What does this law cover?

● the policy covers drug-related situations such as

trafficking, possession, using, and even the
rehabilitation of previous drug users.

● Some details of these drug-related situations are

as follows:
1. Introducing a dangerous drug into a person’s body by
injection, inhalation, or any other method. The
exception is if it done by a licensed practitioner
(doctor, nurse, etc.) for medication purposes.

2. Passing a dangerous drug to another. It may be done

personally or using another person or means.
3. Giving away or selling dangerous drugs.

4. Illegal trafficking, delivery, administration,

dispensation, manufacture, sale, trading,
transportation, distribution, importation, and
possession of any dangerous drug, and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical.
a. FINANCIER- an persons who pays for raises, or supplies money
for or underwrites any of the illegal activities under the Dangerous
Drugs Act.

b. PROTECTOR/CODDLER- any person who knowingly and

willfully consents to the violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act and
uses his/her power, influence and position to shield, harbor, screen
or facilitate the escape of a y person he/she knows, suspects, or has
reason to believe has violated the Dangerous Drugs Act in order to
prevent the violator from being arrested, prosecuted, and/or
c. PUSHER- any person who sells, trades, administers, dispenses,
gives away on whatever terms, distributes, dispatches in transit,
transports dangerous drugs, or acts as a broker in any transaction
that violates the Dangerous Drugs Act.

The penalty for any of the given situations ranges from six months for
possession of drug paraphernalia to a life sentence or even a death
sentence for maintaining drug den.
This law also includes the following:

1. Fast destruction of dangerous drugs that are

2. Punishment for policemen and law enforcers
who delay drug cases
3. Mandatory drug test for drivers
This law also includes the following:

4. Random drug tests for students and

government and private workers.
5. Compulsory education on dangerous
drugs at all school levels.
Why should this law be obeyed?
1. Protects the integrity of all Filipinos from the
harmful effects of dangerous drugs on the
physical and mental well-being.

2. It pursues a serious and intensive campaign

against the trafficking and use of dangerous
drugs and other similar substances.
Why should this law be obeyed?
3. It makes sure that people with legitimate medical needs
including the use of dangerous drugs are not adversely
affected by this program.

4. It provides effective mechanisms or measures to

reintegrate into society individuals who fall victim to
drug abuse or dangerous drug dependence through
sustainable programs of treatment and rehabilitation.
2. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
(RA 10175)
● Law that is aimed at addressing legal issues
concerning on line interaction and the internet
in the Philippines.

● It is the 1st law in the Philippines which

specifically criminalizes computer crime.
What are cybercrime offenses?
a. Illegal Access- access to the whole or any part of a
computer system without the right to do so.

b. Illegal Interception- made by technical means, and

without right, of any nonpublic transmission of computer
data to, from, or within a computer system including
electromagnetic emissions from a computer system
carrying such computer data.
What are cybercrime offenses?

c. Data Interference- intentional or reckless alteration,

damaging, deletion, or deterioration of computer data,
electronic documents, or electronic data message, without
right, including the introduction or transmission of
What are cybercrime offenses?
d. System Interference- intentional alteration or reckless
hindering or interference with the functioning of a
computer or computer network by inputting, transmitting,
damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering, or suppressing
computer data or a computer program, electronic
document or electronic data message, without right or
authority, including the introduction or transmission of
What are cybercrime offenses?
e. Misuse of devices- use production, sale,
procurement, importation, distribution or
otherwise making available, without right
f. Cybersquatting- acquisition of a domain name
over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead,
destroy reputation, and deprive others of
registering the same
Computer-Related Offenses

1. Computer-Related Forgery
2. Computer-Related Fraud
3. Computer-Related Identity Theft
Content-Related Offenses

1. Cybersex
2. Child Pornography
3. Unsolicited Commercial Communications
4. Libel
3. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009
(RA 9775)
What is pornography?
includes the following: publication, exhibition,
cinematography, indecent, or any representation of a
person engaged in real or simulated sexual activities.
also includes any representation of the sexual parts of a
person primarily for sexual excitement.
What is child
includes the use of a child in pornographic
performances and materials.

also covers situations where child is forced to

What are unlawful or prohibited
acts under this law?
1. To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce,
or coerce a child to perform in the
creation or production of any form of
child pornography
2. To produce, direct, manufacture, or
create any form of child pornography

3. To publish, offer, transmit, sell,

distribute, broadcast, advertise,
promote, export, or import any form of
child pornography
4. To possess any form of child pornography
with the intent to sell, distribute, publish, or
broadcast: provided that possession of three
or more articles of child pornography of the
same form shall be prima facie evidence of
the intent to sell, distribute, publish or
5. To knowingly, willfully, and intentionally
provide a venue for the commission of
prohibited acts such as, but not limited to
dens, private rooms, cubicles, cinemas,
houses, or establishments purporting to be
legitimate business
6. For film distributors, theaters, and
telecommunication companies, by
themselves or in cooperation with other
entities, to distribute any form of child
7. For a parent, legal guardian, or a person
having custody or control of a child to
knowingly permit the child to engage,
participate, or assist in any form of child
8. To engage in the luring or grooming of
a child
9. To engage in pandering of any form of
child pornography
10. To willfully access any form of child
11. To conspire to commit any of the prohibited
acts stated in this section. Conspiracy to
commit any form of child pornography shall
be committed when two or more person
come to an agreement concerning the
commission of any of the said prohibited
acts and decide to commit it
12.To possess any form of child
Part IV: Heath-Related
Laws related to
Community Issues and
1. Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
(RA 9211)
To generally promote a healthful
Informs the public of the health risks
associated with cigarette smoking and
tobacco use.
2. National Environmental Awareness
and Education Act of 2008 (RA 9512)
Environmental education includes the
1. Concepts and principles
2. Laws
3. Sate of the international and local
4. Local environmental best practices
5. Threats of environmental degradation
and its impact on human-well being
6. Responsibility of the citizenry to the
7. Value of conservation, protection, and
rehabilitation of natural resources

8. Environment in the context of

sustainable development
Who shall implement the said act?
1. DepEd
4. DSWD in coordination with DENR
3. Philippine AIDS Prevention and
Control Act of 1998(RA 8504)
Its causes
Its modes of transmission
It means of prevention and control
4. National Blood Services Act of
1995 (7719)
Act promoting voluntary blood donation,
providing for an adequate supply of safe
blood, regulating blood banks and providing
penalties for violations thereof.
5. Seat Belts Use Act of 1999 (RA
requires mandatory compliance by motorists
of private and public vehicles to use seat belt
devices and requires vehicle manufacturers
to install seat belt devices in all their
manufactured vehicles.
Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS)
Condition characterized by a combination of
signs and symptoms, caused by HIV
contracted from another person.
Attacks and weakens the body’s immune

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