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Why are Managers Important?

Managers can:
• Inspire
• Energize
• Coach and guide
• Give feedback
• Help improve performance
• Inform
• Change your life
3 Reasons why Managers are Important
• The first reason that managers are important is because organizations need
their managerial skills and abilities in the current uncertain, and extremely
complex times. Organizations are facing so much change and chaos. Managers
can identify critical issues and plan for strategic responses.
• Another reason for managers importance is that they are critical for getting
things done. They create and coordinate the work environment and work
systems so that everyone can perform. They are the ones who find out if things
are not going as planned and get things back on track.
• Finally, managers matter in organizations. Studies have found that the single
most important variable in employee productivity is the relationship between
the employee and his direct manager. The way companies manage,
significantly affects financial performance.
Who are Managers and Where do they
• Managers are found in every type of organization, big or small, profit
or not for profit, international or local.
• In addition, managers can be found at the top level, middle or first
line of the organization.
• Managers can be any age. They can be young eighteen year old’s, or
experienced eighty five year old’s.
• This is called the universality of management.
Who is a Manager?
• A manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other
people, so organizational goals can be accomplished. It is about helping
others do their work.
• In traditionally structured organizations, managers can be classified as top,
middle and first line.
The lowest level of management is called first line. These managers manage the
work of nonmanagerial employees. An example would be a supervisor.
Middle manages manage the work of first-line managers and can be found between
the lowest and top levels of management. An example would be a store manager or
project leader.
Top managers are responsible for making organization wide decisions and
establishing plans for the entire organization. Examples include President, or CEO.
Where do Managers Work?
• Managers work in an organization, which is a deliberate arrangement
of people to accomplish a specific purpose.
• First, an organization has a distinct purpose which is expressed in
goals it wishes to accomplish.
• Second, an organization is composed of people, who perform the
work to accomplish the goals.
• Third, an organization develops a deliberate structure in which
members do their work to accomplish the goals.
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