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Creative Therapy

Emotional Freedom Technique – Tapping
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - Tapping
EFT tapping has roots in the 1970s when several doctors
began stimulating acupressure points to help their patients
deal with stress, fear, and phobias. One of them, patented by
Dr. Roger Callahan, is called Thought Field Therapy. Later Gary
Craig simplified the process and made it available to the public
under the EFT name. EFT falls into the category
of “body-centered therapies”.
Other leaders in EFT:
• Julie Schiffman
• Nick Ortner
Tapping draws on the ancient Chinese practice of
acupuncture, which teaches that the body's energy travels along
specific pathways. Certain points on these pathways are
stimulated to improve the flow of energy. The stimulation is
done by inserting very thin needles (acupuncture) or by applying
pressure (acupressure).

Studies show that acupuncture is effective for some conditions.

Some scientists believe that it works because it stimulates the
central nervous system and causes the body to release helpful
chemicals. EFT tapping stimulates acupoints by touch rather
than by the use of needles, making it similar to acupressure.
Using EFT Tapping to Treat Mental Health
• ‌Depression: One survey of 20 studies found that EFT techniques
reduced symptoms of depression just as well as conventional
treatments. The improvement in symptoms lasted over time.‌
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): An analysis of seven
studies showed that a series of EFT sessions is effective for a
variety of populations with PTSD. No adverse effects occurred,
and EFT techniques were effective both as a primary treatment
and as a self-help technique.
• Phobias: Fewer studies address the use of EFT tapping to treat
phobias. One study used EFT techniques on subjects who had
small animal phobias. Phobias improved after a single session.

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