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Challenges and
Power of Media and
an occasion or situation
that makes it possible to
do something that you
want to do or have to do,
or the possibility of doing
(Definition of opportunity from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)


the system of trade and
industry by which the
wealth of a country is
made and used:
Economic impact of media and information

1.Demand for entertainment

People typically consume media for
entertainment. They seek enjoyment
from watching shows despite studies
showing the possible effects on family
values and personality
Economic impact of media and information

2. Direct versus substitution effects

The demand for a particular media also
differs according to the season or
situation. This is shown in the sudden rise
of popularity for dramas related to
revenge in the country in the recent year.
Economic impact of media and information

3. Identification and time horizon

The analysis of whether a short or long run
incite changes and affect a person’s interest as
well as the identification of the unique
content in various types of media can also
incite significant changes in the people’s
consumption of media and its products.
Impact on Education of media and
It has been predicted that an “internet-enabled
revolution in education will spread more
opportunities, with less money spent on real
estate and teachers.” (Anderson and Rainie,
2014). Online education has started even in the
Philippines and this medium is continuing to
grow as the demand for it also spikes in numbers.
Political impact of media and information

According to Stromberg (2015) cited in Della

Vigna and La Ferrara’s article (2015), one of
the prominent examples of the political
impact of media and information is the daily
newspaper circulation which provide
detailed information on national politics.
relating to activities in
which you meet and spend
time with other people and
to your ability to be friendly
with others
Social impact of media and information

One of the greatest opportunities for media

and information is through the continuing
advancements in the use of these social
media networks. They are not only limited to
communication between people, but it also
streams information through online articles
and other websites designed to inform.
The amount of people we can interact with
through social media is nearly endless. Social
media networks allow us to achieve an even
wider reach of audience, our online content
and information accessible to almost everyone
in the globe.
Official correspondence, such as job
applications and distribution of memo, has
also made their transition to online for matters
of ease and convenience. Written content
must be summarized or else no one will
choose to read it. Online articles are known to
be brief and straight to the point to deliver the
information hot and ready for the audience to
Gasper (2016) showed this flow
of media effect:

Figure 1. Flow of Media Effect. Retrieved from: on August 1, 2017

Threats, Risks,
Misuse and Abuse of
The following list are the most common
types of cybercrime including hacking, online
scams, fraud, identity theft, and illegal or
prohibited online content. The violation of
privacy is the first and foremost effect of
these threats, leading them to feel powerless
in the midst of an attack.
Attacks on computer systems
– this involves attacks on your device through hacking, viruses
and malware.

with the use of social media networks on the rise, some
people are prone to bullying or harassment through
online communication that may cause the victim to be
offended, afraid, uncomfortable and feel unsafe.
Online sexual abuse –
sexual predators have found ways to utilize websites
for an individual to harm another.

Identity theft
your personal information may be used by a stranger,
including your name and photos to commit criminal
acts online.
these frauds are often committed through online
shopping by tricking people into buying products that
do not exist and taking the buyer’s money.
False information and fake news
a permeating threat to the internet’s credibility is the
reported rise of fake news reports and other false
information disguised as legitimate news sources.

Divide your class into four groups.

Task : The groups are to present a mind map on a
specific MEIL opportunity or threat. Each group
should elect the following: leader, secretary,
reporters, and mind map designers.

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