Social Science Inter-Disciplinary Project

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Social Science

i. What is colonialism ?
II. How has colonialism affected the forest bio-diversity and
the survival of indigenous communities living in and around
the forest.
Colonialism is defined as “Control by one power over a dependent area or
people”. Colonialism is also the act of power and domination of one Nation, by
acquiring or maintaining full or partial
Political control over another
Sovereign nation. For example:
The control of the British rulers
over India.
II. How has Colonialism affected the Forest Bio-diversity and the
survival of Indigenous communities living in and around the
Colonialism has had profound and often detrimental effects on forest bio-diversity
and the survival of Indigenous communities living in and around forests. The
impact of Colonialism on these aspects is complex and multifaceted, with various
historical,social,economical, and political factors contributing to the challenges
faced by both ecosystems and Indigenous communities. The main ways in which
Colonialism has influenced many issues are 1.)Land encroachment and
displacement activities, 2.)Cultural disruption and loss of traditional knowledge,
3.)Economic exploitation and poverty and many more activities are the reason for
the colonialism to affect the forest Bio-diversity and Indigenous communities
living in and around the forest.
1.)Land Encroachment and Displacement Activities
Colonial powers often sought to exploit natural resources, including timber and other
forest products. This led to the encroachment on indigenous lands, resulting in
displacement and loss of traditional territories for many indigenous communities.
Displacement disrupts the delicate balance between indigenous communities and
their ecosystems, as they are forced to
adapt to new environments or lose
access to vital resources.
2.)Cultural Disruption and Loss of Traditional
Colonialism brought about cultural disruptions for indigenous communities,
including the erosion of traditional knowledge about sustainable resource
management. The loss of traditional ecological knowledge can make
environmental challenges worse, as
indigenous communities are often
effective stewards of their environments
when allowed to maintain their
customary practices.
3.Economic Exploitation and Poverty
Colonial powers often established economic systems that exploited natural resources
for the benefit of the colonizers, leading to economic disparities and poverty among
indigenous communities. Poverty can contribute to unsustainable practices such as
illegal logging or overhunting
as indigenous communities may be
forced to prioritize immediate
economic needs over long-term
environmental conservation.
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