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“How to read effectively?”

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1 hour

• Can Reading be learnt?

• The Effective Reading Strategies in order to improve reading skills

• Some Concepts

• Some Hacks (?)

• Some Shared Understandings

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What is Reading ?
• Most common way of acquiring new information

• A process of interaction between the reader and the material

• To comprehend, interpret written words on a written product and


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Why Read ?
• Reading leads to Thinking

• Thinking leads to Reasoning

• Reasoning leads to logic for Action.

• Reading is not absolute

• Reading consists of two layers of reality: one that we can

see and one that we cannot see.

• Reading is to make the invisible layer and the underlying

meaning visible and clear (Kose, 2006).

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Reading is…… ?
• Process

• Clear start – Interacting with the text of the written product

• Clear End – Interpretation….what is interpretation ?

Interaction techniques : 1) Engage with the written product

2) Involve (if you do not like it, you don’t
- appreciate, underline, highlight, essence of

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Knowing the Structure
• “Introduction” / “Abstract” – must read.

• Paragraph – Every paragraph talks about a main point. What is it?

- write beside it / summarizes the main point [Thesis

• Paragraph to paragraph – stitching technique

• Start developing a summary [your summary]

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What’s the Thesis Statement?
Para -1
Organizational confrontation meeting mobilizes
organization members to identify problems, set
action targets, and begin working on problems. It
is usually applied when organization are
OCM is to take a quick reading on its
experiencing stress and when management own health and within matter of hours
needs to organize resources for immediate
problem solving. It is also an activity which allows
entire management group, composed of
individual from all levels of the organization to
take a quick reading on its own health and within
matter of hours to set action plan for improving

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What’s the Thesis Statement?
Intergroup relations are designed to improve
interactions among different groups or
departments in organization. Activities developed
by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, which Intergroup relations is a six-phase
constitute a six-phase change model involving the change model which may take 3-5 years

total organization. Internal resources are

developed to conduct most of the programs,
which may take from three to five years to

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Stitching the Paras
OCM is to take a quick reading on its own
health and within matter of hours but
Intergroup relations is a six-phase
change model which may take 3-5 years

To derive the Essence

What is OCM
What is IR
Their differences

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Effective Reading Strategies
• Predicting
• Making connections
• Visualizing
• Inferring
• Questioning
• Summarizing

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Effective Reading Strategies

- good readers use their experiences and knowledge to make predictions

and formulate ideas as they read

- Generates interest and improves their understanding of the text

- A sense of ‘let me see how correct I am’…

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Effective Reading Strategies
Making connections

- Activate your prior knowledge and connect the ideas in the text to your
own experiences

- Connects the ideas in the text to your experiences and beliefs

- Connect them to your world

- “Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World

- Make purposeful connections…’let me put Intergroup to CPH’

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Effective Reading Strategies

- Construct an image of what you are reading

- This image gets stored in your memory as a representation of the

your interpretation of the text.

- Trying drawing it or representing it by something.

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Effective Reading Strategies

- Determine what is important when reading and condense the information own words

- Distinguish the main ideas from the supporting ideas

- Distinguishing the related knowledge from the unrelated ones

- Use summarization to declutter.

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Effective Reading Strategies

- Questioning even before starting, during, and after reading

- Questioning process forces you to construct meaning, enhance understanding,

find answers, solve problems, find information, and discover new information

- Forces a practice to distinguish between questions that are factually inferred or based
on your prior knowledge

- Questioning strategy.. text segments are integrated …reading comprehension increases

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Effective Reading Strategies

- Reading between the lines…what is not said

- Information from the text to draw their own conclusions

- Inferences helps conclusions, make predictions, identify underlying themes

- use information to create meaning from text, draw models, wire frames

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Thank you

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