What Is A Bussness Plan For

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 Entrepreneurs who plan to enter any business endeavor
must have a business plan on hand to guide them
throughout the process. Different business plans are
prepared for different purposes. There are business plans
written prior to setting up an enterprise, which are similar
to a prefeasibility study and feasibility study. Many new
enterprises need to convince prospective business investor
about the soundness and potential of their business. They
need to convey the capabilities and competencies of their
owners and managers. They must also be able to sell the
proponent and the business proposition to this audience.
These are situations when a good business plan is needed.
 There are business plans that are written during the first
few years of the enterprise in order to guide the
entrepreneur on which strategies would be most
beneficial for the enterprise to take. And there are
business plans that are focused on bringing the enterprise
to a higher level of growth, a period where the enterprise
has already reach its peak and would want to enter into
another endeavor by recreating and re-establishing itself.
 Clearly, a business plan serves many masters. First, it
serves the entrepreneur who must set navigational course.
Second, it serves investors and cautious financiers. And
third, it serves the ,managers and staff of the organization
so that they will know the strategies and programs of the
 The business plan must have a specific audience in mind
and what important questions do this audience want
answered. In order to aid the entrepreneur in getting his
or her business plan organized, the following format mat
be a good start:

I. Introduction
A. The Business Concept and the Business Model
B. The Business Goals: Vision, Mission, Objectives, and
Performance Targets
C. The Business Offering and Justification
II. Executive Summary
III. The Business Proponents: Organizers with their
Capabilities and Contributions
IV. The Target Customers and the Main Value Proposition to
the Customer
V. The Market, Market Justification based on the Industry
Dynamics and the Marco Environmental Factors
Affecting the Opportunities and Threats in the Market, the
Size, Potential and Realistic Share of the Market
VI. The Product and Service Offering
VII. The Enterprise Strategy and Enterprise Delivery Systems:
Business Competitiveness
VIII. The Financial Forecasts and Expected Returns, Risk, and
IX. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
X. The Capital Structure and Financial Offering: Returns and
Benefits to Investors, Financiers, and Business Partners

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