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Electrical Circuits Theory

series & parallel resonance


Abeer Ibrahim Ali Abaker (M.Sc.)

LEC contents:

• Resonance in R-L-C series circuit .

• Graphic representation of R-L-C series resonance .
• R-L-C series resonance curve .
• Band width of series resonance circuit
• Resonance in parallel circuit .
• Graphic representation of parallel resonance .

Resonance in R-L-C circuit .

• As we know the net reactance in R-L-C circuit of fig7.1

fig 7.1
Z= =
• If for some frequency of the applied voltage (in
magnitude) then X=0 and Z=R as in fig 7.2

fig 7.2
The two are equal in magnitude but opposite in
phase .Hence they cancel each other out .the two
reactance taken together act as short circuit since no
voltage develops across them.
• The applied voltage V drops entirely across R so
that V=VR .
• The circuit impedance Z=R. the phasor diagram for
series reasons is show on in fig7.3.

The frequency at which net reactance is zero is given
from the relation
or ꙍL=
ꙍ2 = or (2 π f ) 2 = or fo =
• We have seen that under these conditions the
impedance of the circuit equals the ohmic
resistance R so current is maximum ,is being
limited by value of R alone. its value is Io = and in
phase with V.
• This condition is called series resonance and the
frequency at which it occurs is called resonance
frequency fo .
• Hence a series R-L-C circuit is said to be in
resonance when its net reactance is zero .
• since X=0 ,series resonance may be described as a
condition of maximum admittance or (which is the
same thing)minimum impedance .
• As current is maximum it produce large voltage
drops across L and C .but these drops being equal
and opposite ,cancel each other out.
• Taken together L and C form part of a circuit it a
cross which no voltage is developed however large
the current flowing .If it were not for the presence
of R , such a circuit would act like a short circuit to
currents the series resonance is often referred to
as voltage resonance.
Graphic representation of resonance
Suppose an alternative voltage of constant magnitude
but of varying frequency is applied to an R-L-C circuit.
The variation of resistance ,inductive reactance XL and
capacitance reactance XC with frequency are as shown in
• R: it is independent of f ,hence it is represented by
straight horizontal line .
• XL = ꙍ L = f L
Indicative reactance XL directly proportional to f ,hence
it graph is a straight line through the origin so XL increase
linearly with f.
• XC = =
Capacitance reactance XC is inversely proportional to f. its graph is
rectangular hyperboles which drawn in fourth quadrant because XC is
regarded negative.
• net reactance X=
Its graph is hyperbola (not rectangular ) and crosses the X-axis at point A
the value of frequency at A called resonant frequency.
• Z= =
At low frequencies Z is large fig 7.4. But XC > XL ,net impedance is
capacitance and P.f. is leading fig 7.5
at high frequency Z is again large but is inductive because XL >XC and the
P.f. is lagging .it minimum value R when XC = XL .
• Current I
It has low value on both sides of resonant frequency (because Z is large)
but has maximum value Io = at resonance as shown by the packed
curve .hence maximum power is dissipated under resonant conditions.
Resonance curve
The curve between current and frequency is known as
resonance curve .the shape of such a curve for various values
of R is shown in fig 7.6.for smaller value of R the current
frequency curve is sharply peaked but for larger value of R
the curve is flat .the variations of Z power factor and I are
shown separately in fig 7.5 .

fig 7.5
Band width of series resonance circuit
• As we known the maximum current is solely
determined by circuit resistance R but at frequencies
far removed from resonance ,the amplitude of current
becomes decreasingly dependent on R fig 7.5.for
circuit with low value of R the resonance curve is
sharply peaked and such a circuit is said to be sharply
resonant or highly selective.
• On the other hand circuits with high value of R have
flat resonance curve and said to have poor selectivity .
• the ability of a resonant circuit to discriminate
between one particular frequency and all others is
called it selectivity
• Selectivity of different resonant circuit are compared in terms
of their bandwidths .
• Bandwidth of circuit is given by the band of frequencies which
lie between two points on either side of the resonant frequency
where current falls to of its maximum value at resonance .
narrower the bandwidth ,higher the selectivity of the circuit .
• as shown in fig 7.6 the bandwidth AB is given by
∆ f = f2 – f1 or ∆ꙍ = ꙍ 2 - ꙍ 1
• Obviously ,over this range of frequencies ,current is equal to or
greater than where
Io = the maximum current at resonance .
• Obviously ,power at the two points A and B is
= I 2R = ( ) 2 * R = = *R =
• That is why these two point A and B on the response
curve are known as half power point
fig 7.6
f 1 = f o - f 2= f o +
It is obvious that fo is the Centre frequency between
f1 and f2
Summary :
i. Net reactance is zero i.e. X=0 or XC = XL
ii. Hence VC = VL or VL - VC = 0
iii. Impedance at resonance Z=R
iv. Line current at resonance is maximum and is
equal to and is in phase with V
v. Power factor is unity i.e. cos ɸ=1
vi. At resonance 2 L C =1
Example 7.1
A series circuit with resistance of 10 ,inductance of 0.2H and capacitance of
40µF is supplied with 100V supply at variable frequency .find the frequency
at which resonance will take place.at resonance find the current ,power
and power factor .also find the voltage across resistance ,inductance and
capacitance at that time
i. fo = = = 56.3HZ
ii. Current is the maximum and has value of
Io = = =10A
iii. Power= I2o R = 100*10=1000 W
iv. P.f.= 1
v. V R = Io R =10*10=100V
V C = Io X C = = =707.5 V
V L = Io X L = Io L = 10* *56.3* 0.2=707.5V
Example 7.2
A 20 Ω resister is connected in series with an
inductor , capacitor and as ammeter across a 25 V
variable frequency supply .when the frequency is
400Hz the circuit is at its maximum value of 0.5A
and the potential different across the capacitance is
150 V calculate :
i. The capacitance of the capacitor
ii. The resistance and inductance of inductor

X C = = = 300Ω
i. X C = , 300= ,C= =
1.325 *10 F=1.325µF
ii. X L =X C
= L, 300= , L = = 0.119H
At resonance Z= R +20
R+20= = = 50
Resonance in parallel circuit .

We will consider the practical case of a coil in parallel with a

capacitor as shown in fig 7.7. such a circuit is said to be in
electrical resonance when the reactive component of line
current become zero. The frequency at which this happen is
known as resonant frequency .

fig 7.7
• The vector diagram for this circuit is shown in fig 7.8.

fig 7.8.
Net reactive or wattles component = IC - I L Sin ɸ L
As at resonance its value is zero ,hence
IC - I L Sin ɸ L =0 or IC = I L Sin ɸ L
IL= ; Sin ɸ L = and IC =
Hence ,condition for resonance become
Now = ꙍL , =
Z2 = * = =
Z2 = = ………(i)
or = R 2+ = R 2+
= -R2
=( - )
fo= ( - )

This is the resonance frequency and is given in HZ if R is

in ohm ,L is in hennery and C is in farad
• If R is neglected then
• Current at resonance is minimum ,hence such circuit
(which used in radio work) is sometimes known as
rejecter circuit because it rejects that frequency to
which it resonance .
• The phenomena of parallel resonance is of great
practical importance because it forms the basis of
tuned circuit in electronic
Graphic representation of parallel resonance
• We will now discuss the effect of variation of frequency on the
susceptance of the two parallel branches .the variation are shown in fig
• Indicative susceptance : b= =
It is inversely proportional to the frequency of the applied voltage .hence
it is represent by rectangular hyperbola drawn in the fourth quadrant
(then it assumed negative )
• Capacitive susceptance : b= = ꙍc = C
It increase with increase in the frequency of the applied voltage .hence it
is represented by a straight line drawn in the first quadrant (then it
assumed positive)
• Net susceptance B:
it is the difference of the two susceptance and is represented by dotted
hyperbola .at point A net susceptance is zero ,hence admittance is
• Obviously ,bellow resonant frequency (corresponding to
point A) inductive susceptance predominates ,hence line
current lags behinds the applied voltage .but for
frequencies above the resonant frequency ,capacitive
susceptance predominates ,hence line current leads.

Example 7.3
A capacitor is connected in parallel with a coil having l=5.52mH
and R=10 ohm to 100V ,50Hzsupply .calculate the value of
capacitance for which the current taken from supply in phase
with the voltage .
At resonance
= Z2 , C =

XL = = = 1.734 Ohm

= R+ XL =10+1.734= 10.1 Ohm

C = = 54.6 µF
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