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Electrical Circuits Theory

Vector &Phasor &RL &RC

LEC five

Abeer Ibrahim Ali Abaker (M.Sc.)

LEC contents:

• Vector &Phasor representation

• A.C through resistance and inductance (RL)
• A.C through resistance and capacitance (RC)
• Power ,power factor .
• Active ,reactive and apparent power
Vector &Phasor representation
• To implement ohm law( crush law) on AC circuit with simple
way we use voltage phasor and current phasor and complex
• As see in fig 5.1.We can represent sinusoidal voltage or
current as vector equal the maximum value of volt and
rotate by angular velocity equal angular frequency of
voltage(v= Vm sin ἁ = Vm sin(ꙍt + Ѳv) = Vm sin(2π f t + Ѳv) )

fig 5.1
• As all currents and voltages in circle have the same
angler frequency it vectors rotate by the same
velocity so the angle between any 2 vectors remain
consistent with time and it value equal at t=0.
• The fig 5.2 represent the sin quantity v , i and its
vectors Vm , Im where the phasor v and i at the
beginning of time Ѳv , Ѳi in series.

fig 5.2
• You should know that we use r.m.s value of
voltage and current in circuit analyses in state of
maximum value . we use r.m.s value as length of
vector ( i.e. divide vectors value by .in this case
we symbolize to vector v by symbol V instate of
Vm .
• We can represent voltage vector(current) by
complex number. The real value is vector
coordinate in horizontal axis and imaginary value
is vector coordinate in vertical called
voltage (current) phasor.
• This representation facilitate the calculation in
AC circuit.
• So we can convert the sin voltage
V(t)=Vm sin(ꙍt + Ѳv)

To voltage phasor
V=V Ѳv (polar form)(phasor form)
Where :
v = magnitude of voltage phasor ( Vr.m.s ).
Ѳv = offset angle (voltage phase at t=0).
Note we use polar form for voltage phasor this makes division
and multiplication for rectangular (Cartesian) form
which facilitate sum and subtract is
v= V cos Ѳv +j sin Ѳv ( rectangular or Cartesian form)
It called diagram for voltage and current phasor in circle by
phasor diagram
Find phasor voltage for AC voltage :
V(t)= 141.4sin(377t+30 ̊) v
Vr.m.s = = = 100 v
Ѳv =30 ̊
Phasor voltage:
V=100 30
Vector algebra
In most cases we need sum or subtract or divide or multiply AC
volte and current to solve issue related to AC circuit. Since current
, volte and impedance represent by vector or complex numbers so
it is necessary to explain vector algebra or complex number.
We can analyze vector C in Cartesian coordinate to A in horizontal
axis (real) and B in vertical axis (imaginary)as in fig 5.3.

fig 5.3
• Cartesian form of C written as
C=A + j B
• As for polar form of C
C= |C| (cos Ѳ +j sin Ѳ) = |C| Ѳ

|C| =
Ѳ = tan -1
A= |C| (cos Ѳ)
B= |C| (sin Ѳ)
Sum & subtract of complex number
• Sum (or subtract ) of complex number so that it is
real number of complex number is the sum(or sub)
the real number of complex number .the imaginary
number of complex number is the sum (or sub) the
imaginary number of complex number that sum (or
C 1=A1 + jB1
C 2=A2 + jB2
C =C 1 ±C 2 = (A1 +A2 ) ± j (B1 +B2 )
NOTE : to do sum and sub by easy way we use
Cartesian form for complex number
Fig 5.4 bellow show the sum of 2 complex number.

Fig 5.4
Division & multiplication of complex number
• Complex number multiply so that the absolute value of complex
number is result of multiply of absolute value of multiplication
complex number. The angle of complex number equal the sum
of complex number angle multiply to each other.
C 1= | C 1 Ѳ1
C 2= | C 2 Ѳ2
C =C 1 * C 2 = | C 1 | C 2 (Ѳ1 + Ѳ2 )
As for division :
C =C 1 / C 2 = | C 1 | C 2 (Ѳ1 - Ѳ2 )

NOTE : to do Division & multiplication in easy way we use polar

form for complex number
Example 5.2
If it was C 1 = 5+j23 & C 2 = -3.5 +j8 Find C 1+C 2 , C 1- C 2 , C 1*C 2 ,
C 1/ C 2.


• C 1+C 2 = (5+(-3.5))+j(23+8)= 1.5+j31

– Or : |C| = = 31.04 ,
Ѳ= tan -1 (31/1.5) =87.2
31.04 87.2

• C 1 - C 2 = (5-(-3.5)+j (23-8) = 8.5+j15

– Or : |C| = = 17.02 ,
Ѳ= tan -1 (15/8.02) =60.5 ̊
17.02 60.5
• C1*C2

|C 1|= =23.5 , Ѳ1= tan -1 (23/5) =77.8 ̊

|C 2|= =8.7 , Ѳ2= tan -1 (8/-3.5) =113.6 ̊

|C| = 23.5*8.7 =204.5 , Ѳ = Ѳ1 + Ѳ2 = 77.8+113.6= 191.3 ̊

⇒C= 204.5 191.3

– OR:
A= 204.5 cos191.3= − 200.5;
B = 204.5sin191.3= − 40.1
⇒ C = − 200.5 − j 40.1
•C 1/C 2
C 1= 23.5 ∠77.8 ° ; C 2 = 8.7 ∠ 113.6° C
|C|= 23.5 / 8.7 =2.7; Ѳ =77.7- 113.6 = - 35.9
⇒ C= 2.7 - 35.9
– OR:
A= 2.7 cos(−35.9) = 2,19
B = 2.7 sin (−35.9) = −1.58
⇒ C = 2.19 − j1,58
A.C through resistance and inductance (RL)

• Apure resistance R and pure indicative coil of

inductance L are shown connected in series in fig

fig 5.5.
• Let
V = r.m.s value of the applied voltage
I = r.m.s value of the applied current
VR = IR voltage drop across R.(in phase with I )
VL = I XL voltage drop across L.(a head with I by 90 ֯ C )
These voltage drops are shown in voltage triangle OAB in fig 5.6.

Fig 5.6
• Vector OA represent ohmic drop in VR and AB represents
indicative drop in VL. The applied voltage V is the vector sum of
the two i.e. OB.
V = VR 2 + VL 2 ) = 2 + () 2 )
= I2 + () 2 )=
I =
The quantity 2 + () 2 ) is known as impedance (Z) of the seen
from the impedance triangle ABC fig 5.7 .

Fig 5.7
Z2= R2+ 2
i.e. (Impedance)2 = (resistance)2 + (reactance)2
From fig 5.6 it is clear that the applied voltage V lead the current I
by an angle ɸ such that
tan ɸ= = = = =
ɸ = tan-1 .
The same fact is illustrated graphically in fig 5.7 .in other words
current I lags behind the applied voltage V by angle ɸ.
Hence if applied voltage is given by
v= Vm sin ꙍt
Then the current equation
i= Im sin (ꙍt - ɸ)
Im = Vm /Z
FIG 5.7
In fig 5.8 , I has been resolved into its two
mutually perpendicular component I cos ɸ along
applied voltage V and I sin ɸ in perpendicular
with V.

fig 5.8
• The mean power consumed by circuit is given by the
product of V and that component of the current I which
is in phase with V.
P = V*I* cos ɸ = r.m.s voltage *r.m.s current *cos ɸ
The term cos ɸ is called the power factor of the circuit
Remember that in an a.c circuit the product of r.m.s. volts
and r.m.s. ampere give volt- ampere (VA) and not true
power in watts.
True power(watt)=VA cos ɸ
It should noted that the power consumed is due to ohmic
resistance only because pure inductance dose not
consumed any power.
Now P = V*I* cos ɸ = V*I* (R/Z) =(V/Z)*IR= I2R
( cos ɸ= R/Z)
• Graphical representation of the power consumed
is shown in fig5.9 .

• Let us calculate that power consumed in terms of
instantaneous values.
Instantaneous power= vi=Vm sin ꙍt *Im sin (ꙍt- ɸ)
= 0.5 Vm Im (cos ɸ - cos (2ꙍt- ɸ)
Obviously this power consist two part fig 5.10
i. Consistent part 0.5 Vm Im cos ɸ which contribute to the real
power .
ii. a Pulsating component 0.5 Vm Im cos (2ꙍt- ɸ) which has
frequency twice that of voltage and dose not
contribute to actual power since is average value over
complete cycle is zero.
Hence ,average power consumed = 0.5 Vm Im cos ɸ
= (Vm/)( Im / cos ɸ =V I cos ɸ
Where V and I represent the r.m.s value
Power factor :

It may define as :
i. Cosine of the angle lead or lag
ii. The ratio R/Z = resistance/ impedance
iii. The ratio true power/apparent power
=watt/volt ampere
= W/VA
Active ,reactive and apparent power:
Let R-L series circuit draw a current of I when an alternating voltage of r.m.s value V
is applied it. Suppose that current lags behind the applied voltage by ɸ. the three
powers drawn by the circuit are under:
i. Apparent power (S)
It is given by the product of r.m.s value of applied voltage and circuit current
S= VI= (IZ)I=I 2Z (volt-ampere (VA)
ii. Active power (P or W)
It is the power which is actually dissipated in the circuit resistance
P= I 2R =VI cos ɸ. Watt
iii. Reactive power (Q)
The power developed in the inductive reactance of the circuit
Q= I 2 XL = I 2 Z sin ɸ = I(I Z) sin ɸ= VI sin ɸ volt-ampere reactive (VAR)
The three power shown in the power triangle of the fig 5.10 from where it can seen
S2 = 2
fig 5.10
Example 5.3
In series circuit containing pure resistance and a
pure inductance the current and the voltage are
expressed as
i(t)= 5 sin (314t+2π/3) and v(t)= 15 sin (314t+5π/6)
(a)What is the impedance of the circuit?
(b) What is the value of resistance ?
(c)What is the inductance in hennery?
(d)What is the average power drawn by the circuit?
• Phase angle of current = 2π/3= 2*180/3= 120 ̊
• Phase angle of voltage = 5π/6= 5*180/6= 150 ̊
• Hence the current lags behind the voltage by 30 ̊.It means that it
in and R-L circuit .
• Also 314= 2π f; f= 314/ 2π =50 HZ
• R/Z= cos 30 =0.866
(a)Z = = 15/5 = 3 Ω
(b) R/Z= cos 30 =0.866
R=0.866*3=2.85 Ω
(c) / Z = sin 30 = 0.5
= 0.5 *3 =1.5 Ω
ꙍL =1.5
L = 1.5/314 =0.00477 H = 4.78mH
(D) P =VI=I2 R= =(5/ *2.6 = 32.5W
A.C through resistance and capacitance
The circuit shown in fig 5.5

Fig 5.4
Here ,
VR = IR ( drop across R . In phase when I)
VC = I XC (drop across capacitor Lagging I by π/2)

As capacitor reactance XC is taken negative , VC is shown along

negative direction of Y- axis in the voltage triangle fig 5.6.
Fig 5.6
Now V = VR 2 + (-Vc ) 2 ) = 2 + () 2 )
V = I2 + () 2 ) =
I =
The denominator is called the impedance of the
circuit so Z= .impedance triangle is shown in fig 5.7
Fig 5.7
From fig 5.6 it found that I lead V by angle ɸ such that
tan ɸ = - Xc/R.
Hence it means that if the equation of the applied
alternating voltage is v= Vm sin ꙍt ,the equation of the
resultant current in the R-C circuit is i= Im sin(ꙍt+ ɸ).
So that current leads the applied voltage by an angle
ɸ .this fact show graphically in fig 5.8
Fig 5.8
Example 5.4
Apure resistance of 50ohm is in series with pure capacitance of
100 microfarad .the series combination is connected across 100V
50 HZ supply .
Find :
a) The impedance
b) Current
c) Power factor
d) Phase angle
e) Voltage across resister
f) Voltage across capacitor

Xc = (106 /2π)* 50*100=32 Ჲ
a) Z = = 59.4 Ω
b) I=V/Z= 100/59.4= 1.684 A
c) P.f= R/Z = 50/59.4 = 0.842 (LEAD)
d) ɸ= COS -1 0.842 = 32.36 ̊
e) VR = IR = 50*1.684= 84.2V
f) Vc = I Xc = 32*1.684 =53.V
A tungsten filaments bulb RATED AT 500 W,100V IS
be connected in series with capacitance across
200V 50 Hz supply .Calculate :
a) The value of capacitor such the voltage and
power consumed by the bulb are according to
the rating of the bulb .
b) The power factor of the current drawn from the
c) Draw the phasor diagram of the circuit .
Thank you

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