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Electric tools

• It is important when working with electricity, to have

the necessary tools to be able to do the job in the best possible way.
• That is why in this post we will show what are the essential tools that
an electrician must have in order to work easily and safely.
• What are tools for electricity

The Electric Tools are tools used to perform work that involves manipulating
electricity. These guarantee safety if used with caution and facilitate the work.
Examples of tools for electricity
• Pliers pliers : It is a style of pliers widely used by electricians to bend,
hold or cut cables.
• Screwdrivers : Used to tighten and loosen screws . There are several
types depending on the screw to be loosened. They can be star, flat,
round with groove, among others.
• Find pole : Tool to confirm whether or not a cable has electric current
; Many times it is attached to the back of screwdrivers, but it can be a
tool per se .
• Flashlight : Generally electricians work without electricity and
therefore without light, so a flashlight is essential when carrying out
the work.
• Stripping: The clamps strippers used to remove the insulation cables
have to be protected.
• Cable gland guide : These are guides that facilitate work when
installing new cables through a wall.
• Welder : It is a very important tool for electricians since some
welding work is always required. A tin trowel is recommended for
these jobs.
• Multimeter : The multimeter is a tool used to measure electrical
quantities such as current intensity, voltage, resistances and capacities.
• Electrician's scissors: Used to cut generally thin cables and to
remove the insulating material from some cables.
• Voltage detector: It is a tool used to confirm that, for example, there
is voltage or potential difference in the sockets
• Insulating tape: It is a tape used to electrically insulate cables and
provide safety to people who handle these cables.
Characteristics of tools for electricity

• The tools must have a very important characteristic so that the work
can be done efficiently and that people are not at risk.
• These must be insulating. It is very important that the tools used for
electrical work meet this condition since otherwise, when working
with cables that contain electricity, this can cause an accident in the
person who handles it.
Cautions when handling electrical tools

• Although, as we mentioned earlier, the tools must be electrically

insulating, it is important to take certain care to minimize the risk of
receiving an electric shock.
• Must verify whenever cables work with those containing no electric
• Keep tools always clean electricity and stored in dry places.
• Use good quality tools.
• Thanks

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