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NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

At the end of this course students should be able


Explain and Formulate the basic concept

compressible flow

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

t the end of this course students should be able to:

efine speed of sound, mach number and stagnation properties.

etermine and analyze one-dimensional isentropic flow

etermine and analyze isentropic flow through nozzles

(converging nozzle and converging-diverging nozzle)

etermine and analyze shock waves (normal shock)

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

h  u  Pv

or high speed flow , normally the potential energy is negligible

but not the kinetic energy.

n this case it will be convenient and easier to combine between

these two energy which what we 2 call stagnation energy, h 0
ho  h 

hen we use static enthalpy, this is the ordinary enthalpy, h

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

sing the 1st law ofE&thermodynamics,
in  E&

V 12 V 22
h1   h2 
2 2
h01  h02

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

or ideal gas,
h c Tp

ho  h 
c pT o  c pT 
To  T 
2c p

T 0  T1 
2c P
tagnation Temperature
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
sentropic relation
Pv k  P0v 0k

tagnation Pressure
k k 1
P0  T 0 
 
P T 
tagnation Density

1 k 1
0  T 0 
 
tagnation state =  T 
isentropic stagnation

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

or low speed flows, the stagnation and static
temperatures are
T the
o T same.

or isentropic flow, the stagnation temperature and

pressure remain constant throughout the

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Air enters a compressor with a stagnation pressure
of 100 kPa and a stagnation temperature of 27°C,
and it is compressed to a stagnation pressure of
900 kPa. Assuming the compression process to be
isentropic, determine the power input to the
compressor for a mass flow rate of 0.02 kg/s.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

ork for compressor?

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Ein  E out
Qin Win   m  Qout W out   m 
in out

  V 12   0  V 22 
Q in W in  m  h1   gz 1   Qout  W out  m  h2   gz 2 
 2   2 

 0
W in  m h  ke  pe
  Q out

W in  m  h   Q out
 1  mh2  Q out
W in  mh

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

rom table, cWp =1.005
m  h kJ/kg
h  ⋅K and k = 1.4.
in 02 01 900 kPa
k k 1
P0  T 0  1.4 1 1.4
   900 
P T  T 02   27  273  
k 1 k
 100 
T 01  P01  T 02  562K AIR
  0.02 kg/s
T 02  P02 
k 1 k
P 
T 02  T 01  02  W in  0.02x 1.005 562.4  300 
 P01  100 kPa
W in  5.27 kW 27°C

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

c  kRT
peed of Sound
Ma 
ach Number, Ma
Ernst Mach

 Ma > 1 – supersonic
 Ma < 1 – subsonic
 Ma = 1 –sonic
 0.9 < Ma < 1.2 - transonic
 Ma > 5 - hypersonic

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

etermine the speed of sound in air at

00 K and

000 K.

lso determine the Mach number of an aircraft moving

in air at a velocity of 280 m/s for both cases.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

p =1.005kJ/kg.k,
c  kRT k=1.4, R=0.2870 kJ/kg.k
c  1.4x  0.2870x 1000  x 300
c  347 m / s

c  1.4x  0.2870x 1000  x 1000

p =1.005kJ/kg.k,
c  633.9m k=1.4,
/s R=0.2870 kJ/kg.k

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

arbon dioxide enters an adiabatic nozzle at 1200 K with a
velocity of 50 m/s and leaves at 400 K. Assuming constant
specific heats at room temperature, determine the Mach

t the inlet and

t the exit of the nozzle

ssess the accuracy of the constant specific heat assumption.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012


c  kRT
p =0.8439kJ/kg.k, k=1.288, R=0.1889 kJ/kg.k
c  1.288x  0.1889x 1000  x 1200
c  540.3m / s
Ma 
Ma   0.0925

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

utlet of a nozzle?

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

nozzle is a device that increases the velocity of a
fluid at the expense of pressure.

diffuser is a device that

ncreases the pressure of

Ein  Eout


0  V12   0 
0  V22 
Qin  Win  m  h1    Qout  Wout  m  h2  
 2   2 
fluid by slowing it down.
h1   h2 
2 2
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
p =0.8439kJ/kg.k, k=1.288, R=0.1889 kJ/kg.k
c  kRT
c  1.288x  0.1889x 1000  x 400
c  311.96m / s

V 12 V 22
h1   h2 
2 2
 V 12 
V 2  2000   h1  h2    V
 2000  Ma 
 V 12  1163
V 2  2000  c p T1 T 2    Ma   3.73
 2000  311.97
V 2  1163m / s
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
n real, we need to find the cp and k for both of the

t 1200K (927C)
 cp=1.272kJ/kg.K,

t 400K (127C)
 cp=0.9378kJ/kg.K,

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he speed of sound in dry air is approximately
343 m/s

herefore, the lightning is approximately one

kilometer distant for every 2.9 seconds that elapse
between the visible flash and the first sound of

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

roperties of fluid vary primarily in the flow direction only

low can be approximated as one-dimensional flow only

or low speed flows, the stagnation and static temperatures

are the same.
To  T

or isentropic flow, the stagnation temperature and

pressure remain constant throughout the duct/pipe.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Carbon dioxide flows steadily through a varying
cross-sectional area duct such as a nozzle at a mass
flow rate of 3 kg/s. The carbon dioxide enters the
duct at a pressure of 1400 kPa and 200°C with a low
velocity, and it expands in the nozzle to a pressure of
200 kPa. The duct is designed so that the flow can be
approximated as isentropic. Determine the density,
velocity, flow area, and Mach number at each
location along the duct that corresponds to a
pressure drop of 200 kPa.
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
For simplicity we use , cp=0.8439kJ/kg.k, k=1.288,
R=0.1889 kJ/kg.k
T o  T1
Po  P1
t P = 1200kPa

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

t P = 1200kPa
k 1 k V2
 P  To  T 
T  T 01   2c p
 01 
1.289 1 1.289 V  2c p T o T 
 1200 
T  473  
 1400  V  2  0.8439x 1000  473  457 
T  457 K V  164.3m / s

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

P m& V A
 RT m&
 A
P 1200 V
  3
RT 0.1889x 457 A  1.314x 103 m 2
  13.9kg / m 3 13.9x 164.3
A  13.14cm 2

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

c  kRT
V 164.3
Ma  
c  1.288x  0.1889x 1000  x 457 c 333.5
c  333.5m / s Ma  0.493

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

P, kPa T, K V, m/s , kg/m3 c, m/s A, cm2 Ma
1400 473 0 15.7 339.4 - 0
1200 457 164.5 13.9 333.6 13.1 0.493
1000 439 240.7 12.1 326.9 10.3 0.736
800 417 306.6 10.1 318.8 9.64 0.962
600 391 371.4 8.12 308.7 10 1.203
400 357 441.9 5.93 295 11.5 1.498
200 306 530.9 3.46 272.9 16.3 1.946

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

ote that the velocity of the fluid keeps increasing
after passing the minimum area although the flow
area increases rapidly in that region. This increase in
velocity past the minimum area is due to the rapid
decrease in the fluid density.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

mallest area – throat

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he flow area of the duct considered in this example
first decreases and then increases.

uch ducts are called converging–diverging nozzles.

Gustaf de Laval

ften called Laval nozzles.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

elation for isentropic
dA dP flow

V 2 
1  Ma 2

dA dV
1  Ma 2 

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

dA flow,
dP Ma < 1

1  Ma
V 2  2

 We know that, , A and V is positive value

 Because of Ma < 1, (1-Ma2) will also positive
 Thus is lead to dA and dP have the same sign

dA A

dP V 2
1  Ma 2

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

onic dA
flow,dPMa = 1

V 2 
1  Ma 2

 We know that, , A and V is positive value

 Because of Ma = 1, (1-Ma2) will become zero
 Thus is lead to dA and dP become zero

dA A

dP V 2
1  Ma 2

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

dA dPflow, Ma > 1

1  Ma
2  2

 We know that, , A and V is positive value

 Because of Ma > 1, (1-Ma2) will become negative
 Thus is lead to dA and dP having the opposite sign

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

dA flow,
dV Ma < 1
1  Ma 

 We know that, , A and V is positive value

 Because of Ma < 1, (1-Ma2) will become positive
 Thus is dA A
lead to
dV V
1  Masmaller
 dA/dV 2
 than zero


NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

flow,dVMa = 1
1  Ma 

 We know that, , A and V is positive value

 Because of Ma < 1, (1-Ma2) will become zer0
 Thus is dA A
lead to
1  Mawill
 dA/dV
 become zero

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

dA dVflow, Ma > 1
1  Ma 

 We know that, , A and V is positive value

 Because of Ma > 1, (1-Ma2) will become negative
 Thus is dA A
lead to
1  Mahigher
 dA/dV
 than zero

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he highest velocity we can achieve by a converging nozzle is
the sonic velocity, which occurs at the exit of the nozzle.

f we extend the converging nozzle by further decreasing the

flow area, in hopes of accelerating the fluid to supersonic
velocities, we are up for disappointment.

ow the sonic velocity will occur at the exit of the converging

extension, instead of the exit of the original nozzle, and the
mass flow rate through the nozzle will decrease because of
the reduced exit area.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
emperature ratioT  k 1 
 1 
01 2
 Ma1
T1  2 
k k 1
P0   k  1  2
 1   Ma
 1
P   2  
ressure ratio
1 k 1
0   k  1  2
 1   Ma
   2  1 

ensity ratio

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he properties of a fluid at a location where the
Mach number is unity (the throat) are called critical

t is common practice in the analysis of compressible

flow to let the superscript asterisk (*) represent the
critical values

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

ritical Temperature ratio

T0 k 1

k k 1
P*  2 
 
P0  k  1 
ritical Pressure ratio
1 k 1
*  2 
0  k  1 

ritical Density ratio

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Calculate the critical pressure, temperature,
density, area and velocity of carbon dioxide for the
flow conditions as we previously solved.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
From previous



=0.1889 kJ/kg.k




NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

1 k 1
k k 1 T *
2 *  2 
P*  2   
  T0 k 1 0  k  1 
P0  k  1 
1 k 1
2T 0  2 
P  767 kPa
T 
 *  0  
k 1  k 1
T *  413.5K  *  9.84kg / m 3

V2 m&
To  T  A
2c p V
V  2c p T o T  A
 9.62x 104 m 2
9.84x 316.9
V *  316.9m / s
A *  9.62cm 2
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
c  kRT
V 316.9
Ma  
c  1.288x  0.1889x 1000  x 413.5 c 317.2
c  317.2m / s Ma  1

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

P, kPa T, K V, m/s , kg/m3 c, m/s A, cm2 Ma
1400 473 0 15.7 339.4 - 0
1200 457 164.5 13.9 333.6 13.1 0.493
1000 439 240.7 12.1 326.9 10.3 0.736
800 417 306.6 10.1 318.8 9.64 0.962
767* 413.5 316.9 9.84 317.2 9.62 1
600 391 371.4 8.12 308.7 10 1.203
400 357 441.9 5.93 295 11.5 1.498
200 306 530.9 3.46 272.9 16.3 1.946

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

onverging Nozzles
 Pb = P1 – there is no flow
 Pb > P* – pressure along nozzle decrease
 Pb = P* - choked
 Pb < P* - no changes
 Pb = 0 - no changes

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

 k 1  2 k 1
k  2 
m&max  A *P0  
RT 0  k 1

 k 1  2 k 1
A 1  2   k  1 2 
   1  Ma 
A * Ma  k  1   2 

k 1
Ma *  Ma
2   k  1 Ma 2

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
ery Useful equation

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Ratio of
Ratio of
Critical Temperature to
Pressure to
Mach Stagnation
number temperature
Ratio of
Ratio of
Mach Density to
Area to
number Stagnation
critical area

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Nitrogen enters a converging–diverging nozzle at
700 kPa and 400 K with a negligible velocity.
Determine the critical velocity, pressure,
temperature, and density in the nozzle.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he stagnation pressure in this case are identical to
the inlet properties since the inlet velocity is

P0  700kPa
or nitrogen, k=1.4, R=0.2968kJ/kg.K
T 0  400K
P0 700
   5.896kg / m 3
RT 0 0.2968x 400

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

at Ma  1
T / T 0  0.8333
P / P0  0.5283
 /  0  0.6339

T *  T  0.8333T 0  333K
P *  P  0.5283P0  370MPa
 *    0.6339  0  3.74kg / m 3

V *  c *  kRT *
V *  1.4x  0.2968x 1000  333
V *  372m / s

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

s can seen using this table, we reduce times
calculating using equation

ut this table only for k=1.4

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

An ideal gas with k = 1.4 is flowing through a nozzle
such that the Mach number is 2.4 where the flow
area is 25 cm2. Assuming the flow to be isentropic,
determine the flow area at the location where the
Mach number is 1.2.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

at Ma  2.4
A / A *  2.4031
at Ma  1.2
A / A *  1.0304

A *  A1 2.4031  10.40cm 2
A 2  A *x 1.0304  10.7cm 2

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

ir enters a nozzle at 0.2 MPa, 350 K, and a velocity
of 150 m/s. Assuming isentropic flow, determine the
pressure and temperature of air at a location where
the air velocity equals the speed of sound. What is
the ratio of the area at this location to the entrance

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

, P*, A*/A

i Air *

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he stagnation pressure in this case are identical to
the inlet properties since the inlet velocity is

Tor air, k=1.4,
o T 
R=0.287kJ/kg.K 1.4 1.4 1
2c p  361.2 
P0  0.2  
 350 
T o  350   361.2K P0  0.223MPa
2 1.005 

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

at Ma  1
T / T 0  0.8333
P / P0  0.5283

T *  T  0.8333T 0  301K
P *  P  0.5283P0  0.118MPa

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

c i  c1  kRT i
c i  1.4x  0.2968x 1000  350
c i  375m / s

Mai 
Mai   0.40

 1.5901
A* 1
  0.629
A 1.5901
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
type of propagating disturbance

ormal Shock Wave- shock wave that occur in a

plane normal to the direction of the flow

efore and after the shock the properties of the

fluids changes significantly.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Schlieren image of a normal shock in
a Laval nozzle.
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
Pierre-Simon Laplace Bernhard Riemann William John MacquornRankine

Pierre Henri Hugoniot John William Strutt, Sir Geoffrey Ingram

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
3rd Baron Rayleigh Taylor
rom conservation Vof mass
1 1 2 2

h01  h02

rom conservationT of Tenergy,

01 02

A  P1  P2   m&V 2 V 1 

inear momentum

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

ombine conservation of mass and energy and plot on a h-s diagram,
the curve is called Fanno line.

ombine conservation of mass and momentum and plot on a h-s

diagram, the curve is called Rayleigh line.

oint 1 correspond before shock

oint 2 correspond after shock

he flow must change from supersonic to subsonic flow

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
Gino Girolamo
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
ery Useful equation

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Mach Ratio of Ratio of stagnation
Mach Density after pressure after
number and before and before
Before shock Ratio of shock Ratio of
shock Ratio of
shock Temperature stagnation
pressure after pressure after
and before and pressure
and before
shock before shock

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

raph showing the relation between the parameter
and Mach number

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Air enters a converging–diverging nozzle of a
supersonic wind tunnel at 1 MPa and 300 K with a
low velocity. If a normal shock wave occurs at the
exit plane of the nozzle at Ma = 2, determine the
pressure, temperature, Mach number, velocity, and
stagnation pressure after the shock wave.

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

etermine After
 Ma2 , V2, T2 ,P02, P2 shock
Before shock
Ma=1 shock

 Ma1 , T1 , P1 stagnation

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

he stagnation pressure in this case are identical to
the inlet properties since the inlet velocity is

or air, k=1.4, R=0.287kJ/kg.K

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

P01  Pi  1MPa
T 01  T i  300K

 k 1   k 1 
 k k 1
T  T 0 1  Ma 2  P  P0 1  Ma 2 
 2   2 
 1.4  1 2   1.4  1 2 
1.4 1.4 1
T 1  300 1  2  P1  11  2 
 2   2 
T 1  166.7 K P1  0.1278MPa

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

Ma table,
2 0.5774

 4.5
P2  4.5P1  0.5751MPa

 1.6875
T 2  1.6875T 1  281.3K
 0.7209
P02  0.7209P01  0.7209MPa
NAS-Unisel -nov 2012
Ma2 
V 2  Ma2c 2
V 2  Ma2 kRT 2
V 2  0.5774 1.4x  0.287 x 1000  x 281.3
V 2  194.12m / s

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

e can also solve this problem using the relations for
normal shock functions. The results would be

s can seen using this table, we reduce times

calculating using equation.

ut this table only for k=1.4

NAS-Unisel -nov 2012

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