Branding of Carpentry Products

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How These Custom Woodworking Logos
Represent the Business So Well ?
• Working with wood, building fittings and furniture, is a popular hobby
nowadays. The ability to work with your hands to carve something of great
beauty from a shapeless block of wood is something that attracts many of us. And
it is that same feeling that good woodworking logos aim to elicit from us, their

• For a woodworker, their specialty is something they take pride in. For example, a
carpenter who builds beautiful tables out of gnarled pieces of wood would be
extremely proud of the items they produce. And if they run a business doing that,
they would want their company logo to showcase that.
Why Does My Carpentry Business Need It?

• For a new business, a logo is an important factor that helps the company
establish its brand identity. That is especially true for scenarios where the
services you provide are quite similar to your competition. That is why,
for a woodworking or carpentry shop, a well-designed logo that embodies
their uniqueness is a great necessity.
There are several design elements and cues which can help a viewer
know that the logo in front of them represents a woodworking
business. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular elements
used in the carpentry and wood crafts industry, and see the types of
logos in the industry who use them.
Woodworking Logos That Include Trees
Woodworking inherently requires the use of wood, wood that
we get from trees. So, naturally, the imagery of trees would
be a common occurrence in woodworking logos. If we look at
the wood crafts business logo above, we can see that the logo
features a mix of tools and raw materials involved in creating
finished products, from trees, to hammers and a rotary saw

Aesthetically pleasing and perfectly portraying the business

as one that works with wood, the design is expressive enough
for the message to get across without the viewer having to
read the text. That is how the imagery of trees within a
woodworking logo helps make your memorable.
Woodworking Logos with
Carpentry Tools
One of the most obvious elements to use, the
addition of woodworking tools to your carpentry
logo would be it instantly obvious what your
business stands for. Moreover, different tools can be
used to portray specific niches. For example, a wood
crafts company that specializes in hand-carved
wooden products can portray it using a set of chisels
and wooden hammers.
Woodworking Logos Designed
Using Wood Grain Effect
Many logos, such as the one above, use the
different shades of the whorls and wood grain to
give their design a sense of depth. Such logos,
when used on different digital media, use a
simulated texture to give the same effect, as say, it
would if displayed when carved onto a wooden

One of the lesser used techniques, it is quite

successful nevertheless.
Woodworking Logos Showcasing
Articles of Furniture
We discussed woodworking logos being able to
portray the company’s niche by using the right
imagery and design elements. And the brand logo
displayed above is the perfect example of that.
Using a unique yet simple design, the logo for
The Woodshop Furniture was able to portray that
they build wooden furniture.

A simple concept to implement, but one many

businesses either ignore entirely, or fail to
implement properly.

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