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Time Management

Batryn N
What is management?
Management is simply the art
of getting your work done…..

What is time
Getting the job done by
working SMART
Working SMART

Time is money - it is a valuable resource

If you want time, you must make time - we

need to allocate time according to our

Have the time of your life - good time

management will allow you to fulfill your
personal/professional goals
The key is in not spending time, but in
investing it
Myths of time management
• With better time management,
you can find new time during the

•Effective time management is

the same for everyone

•Activity is good in itself

Myths of time management

•Time management is a
complex subject

•Once you learn the basics of

time management you
automatically make better use
of your time

•Good time managers are

born not made
Value of time
Ask a student who failed a grade

Ask a mother who gave birth to a
premature baby

Ask the editor of weekly newspaper
Value of time
Ask the lowers who are waiting to meet
Ask a person who missed the train
Ask a person who just avoided an
Ask the person who won a silver medal in
the Olympics
Value of time
Each day your bank deposit 86400 in
your account
Time is the most
valuable thing a man
can spend
Attitudes and behaviours to other
people’s time
1. I look upon the time of those who work for me as an
extension of my own, to do with as I please.
2. I frequently interrupt meetings in their offices, as I
have first priority on their time.
3. I regard job descriptions – that each position in an
organisation has its own proper duties, responsibilities
and authority – as a bureaucratic nonsense.
Attitudes and behaviours to
other people’s time
4. When telephoning anyone I never check to see if my
call is an unwanted interruption at that particular
5. I enjoy the sound of my own voice and I know that I
am rather long-winded at meetings.
6. In the last month I can think of at least one occasion
when I have kept someone waiting needlessly without
telling them why.
Attitudes and behaviours to
other people’s time
7. I am aware of the quantity of time that my people put
into their work (how many hours a day), but not the
quality of the time they give.
8. I have never reflected on the fact that other people’s
time is as precious to them – or ought to be – as my time
is to me.
9. I do not show potential or actual customers that I value
their time. It’s their money I am after!
10. I frequently miss agreed deadlines, I say that I will do
things and then don’t do them, and have to be chased by
others accordingly.
Attitudes and behaviours to
other people’s time
7. I am aware of the quantity of time that my people put
into their work (how many hours a day), but not the
quality of the time they give.
8. I have never reflected on the fact that other people’s
time is as precious to them – or ought to be – as my time
is to me.
9. I do not show potential or actual customers that I value
their time. It’s their money I am after!
10. I frequently miss agreed deadlines, I say that I will do
things and then don’t do them, and have to be chased by
others accordingly.
Attitudes and behaviours to other
people’s time
• ‘No’ answers
• 8-10 You are sensitive and thoughtful. Keep it up!
• 5-7 You are very good, but in some respects could be
• 2-4 Get some feedback and advice from friends and
• 0-1 Beyond redemption! A radical self-review of your
attitude is needed.
Obstacles to effective time

 Unclear objectives
 Disorganization
 Inability to say “no”
 Interruptions
 Periods of inactivity
9. Inaccurate information
1. Telephone 10. Indecision
interruptions 11. Unclear communication
2. Untimely visitors 12. Inability to say “NO”
3. Meetings 13. Fatigue
4. Crises 14. Correcting mistakes
15. Waiting time
5. Lack of priorities
16. Implementation time
6. Disorganization 17. Poor planning
7. Inability to plan
8. Family problems
What can we do?

Recognize that obstacles (wasters,

killers) exist
Identify them
Employ strategies to overcome
Time management process

Learn when to say “NO”

 Use your waiting time
 Concentrate on the task at
 Consider your personal prime
 Celebrate success
The ten principles of time-management
• Develop a personal sense of time
• Identify long-term goals
• Make medium-term plans
• Plan the day
• Make the best use of your best time
• Organize office work
• Manage meetings
• Delegate effectively
• Make use of committed time
• Manage your health
Time management process
 Set goals
 Set your own priorities
 Personal
 Professional
 Determine your goals for each priority
 Plan the steps for goal attainment
 Organize
 Allocate time appropriately for each step
 Use time management tools/techniques

Address the urgent

Accomplish what you can early
Attach deadlines to things you
٧ You can’t do everything
٧ Don’t undertake things you
can’t complete
٧ Remain consistent to your
Set goals for each priority
Personal priority: spend more time with family
– Goal: Spend additional ½ hour with family at dinner
– Goal: Spend one afternoon every three months with parents

Professional priority: achieve promotion

– Goal: Learn to use MS Project Management software
– Goal: Take one course each semester toward certificate in
Construction Management
Use your waiting time
٧ On public transportation

٧ At the doctor’s office

٧ Waiting for your plane

٧ On hold

٧ When you are early

Consider your personal prime time
٧ Morning?
٧ Evening?
٧ Late night?

Time management is about the quality of

your time as well as the quantity
Plan for goal attainment

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Planning is bringing the future into the
present so you can do something about
it now
Obstacles to planning work
• Unfortunately we often encounter a number of obstacles
in planning our work:
– Others’ plans and priorities
– Lack of solid planning skills
– Time required for good planning
– Pressure of other work
– Absences of examples, if the project is new
– Time wasters such as procrastination
– Interruptions

Try to anticipate obstacles, so you can work

around them before they become problems
Plan to allocate time
• Visualize the end result: your goal
• Estimate the time required
• Break the whole into pieces
• Develop a schedule
• Check your progress against your time estimate
• Refine the schedule if needed
• Anticipate/allow for possible problems
The “to do” list : a power tool
• Use it as a master planning tool
• Use annual, monthly, weekly versions
• Statistics prove you’ll be more productive
– It’s a visual schedule
– It acts as reminder
– It gives direction
– You get satisfaction when items are crossed
Keep a diary
Still can’t figure out where the times goes?
Keep a diary for about two weeks:

– Include personal time

– List time that was needed to do each task
– Prioritize what should have been done; compare
it to the actual work accomplished
– Analyze what can be cut/compressed
– Note time wasters
Time Management & Success

Being successful doesn't make

you manage your time well.
Managing your time well
makes you successful.
Sum up!
Believe it is possible to get more out of existing
Writing down goals is the first important step
Break down goals to tasks
Understand your ‘most effective time zone’
Create daily TO DO List for next 3 months
Prioritize & schedule tasks
Create processes on most of the tasks
Invest time to train someone & delegate in steps
Leave the habit of attending to everything that
comes in front
Take time to work, for it is the price of
Take time to think, it is the source of
Take time to play, it is the secret of
Take time to read, it is the seed of
Take time to be friendly, for it brings
Take time to dream, for it will carry
you to the stars.
Take time to love, it is the joy of life.
Take time to be content, it is the music
of the soul."

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