Shagun Bhardwaj: 2011PMB6533 (Mnit-Dms)

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Shagun Bhardwaj

2011PMB6533 (MNIT-DMS)

Googles Mission

Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful

Google Strategy: Search. Ads. Apps.




Search Engine Results Page(s). The page or pages that are displayed after entering a query into a search engine.

Search Engines Market Share

*The search engine rankings for September 2011, according to comScore

-Weather - Financial information -Music -Image -Vedios -Question & Answers

Google Evolution








Core Search 7





Google Languages Availability

Google Site Search is available in nearly 88 languages.

Google History
Larry Page
Co-Founder & President, Products Sergey Brin Co-Founder & President, Technology

1996 Larry and Sergey, begin collaborating on a search engine called BackRub. 1997 They decide to change the name fom BackRub to Googlea play on the word googol, a mathematical term .


2000 Google AdWords launches with 350 customers 2003 They acquire Pyra Labs, the creators of Blogger launch Google Print (which later becomes Google Book Search)

2004 orkut launches as a way to tap into the sphere of social networking They come up with an IPO , in oct. , of an Opening Price of $85 2005 & 2006 They launch Google earth and Picasa. And launches chat option in Gmail.

2011 Co-founder Larry Page become CEO in April 2011 A Google a Day is a new daily puzzle that can be solved using your creativity and clever search skills on Google celebrated 6th birthday of YouTube The Google+ projectreal-life sharing, rethought for the weblaunch. agree to acquire Motorola Mobility.

CTR&CPM (Clickthrough Rate&Cost Per Thousand)

Some Interesting Google DataPoints

Searches per day: Every day millions of people search on Google for information International traffic: More than half of searches come from outside the U.S. Google Network reach/frequency (Google Network includes all Google sites and AdSense for content pages) The Google Network reaches more than 80% of worldwide Internet users

The Google Network reaches more Internet users worldwide than any other web property or ad network

PageRank (just one of more than 200 signals we use to determine the rank of a website) The web changes all the time (1020% of the web is brand new every time we crawl it) Google has never seen 2025% of its queries before, showing the creativity of our users and proving that small indices arent useful Google updates its search algorithms on a weekly basis

Google News: now includes articles from over 10,000 news sources in more than 18 languages worldwide. Among these, over 4,500 are English language news sources
Advertisers: Hundreds of thousands of advertisers worldwide Client Software: Google Toolbar has millions of users worldwide Google Desktop: has millions of users worldwide Audio Advertising: More than 1,600 radio stations available to U.S. AdWords advertisers Print Advertising: More than 600 newspapers now available to U.S. AdWords advertiser TV Advertising: We are currently in a closed trial to test an auction-based TV advertising system working with EchoStar and Astound Cable YouTube: People watch hundreds of millions of videos on YouTube every day Hundreds of thousands of videos are being uploaded to YouTube daily

Every minute, eight hours of video is uploaded to YouTube

What is Google?

What is Google?

Yahoo! Search Mozilla AskJeeves MSN Search AOL

Industries where Google Inc. Competes:

Internet Search & Navigation Services Advertising & Marketing Services

Internet Publishing, Broadcasting & Search Portals Professional Services Sector

Speed Accuracy Objectivity Ease of use Less Spam Huge Storage(cloud computing)

Googles Positioning
is something that "understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want". (Larry Page)

SWOT Analysis
STRENGTH Google Already number one search engine . It has established a brand name, in which its users trust.Its dependable, reliable and fast. Google needs very little end user marketing as the name itself is getting word by mouth publicity.

Many spammers manipulate Googles ranking technology by creating dummy sites with thousands of links to pages that they wanted Google to rank highly. only 60% to 75% of web search queries are answered accurately by it.

Google can start new services like multimedia, product search, private database, and print media. Google can also merge with an established mass-market portal to lock in large number of users and advertisers. Google can start giving full fledged services on hand held mobile devices to capture market beyond conventional internet.

External Analysis
Global the company now has 20 offices in the U.S. and international locations in over 30 countries working on research, sales, and marketing (Google, 2010).

The United States is currently in a period of recession and stocks are trading at 52week lows. However,Google relatively isolated because search and consequently internet-based advertisements have become a staple to the world society and economy.

Googles success is clearly attributable to how it treats the people who have a stake in the company. Googles founders started the company with a unique vision and the implementation of that vision has been very successful. The degree to which the company succeeds in the future will largely depend on how it leverages its experience while staying true to its vision

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