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What is Culture?

Enculturation Enculturation is the process by which people learn
the dynamics of their surrounding culture and
acquire values and norms appropriate or necessary
to that culture and its worldviews. As part of this
process, the influences that limit, direct, or shape the
individual include parents, other adults, and peers.
Enculturation begins at birth and continues
throughout our lives. It is a gradual process that
happens through both formal and informal learning.
Formal learning takes place in schools and other
institutions, while informal learning happens
through everyday interactions with our family,
friends, and community.
Through enculturation, we learn about the language,
customs, beliefs, and values of our culture. We also
learn about the roles and expectations that are
associated with our age, gender, and social status.
Enculturation is important because it helps us to
become functioning members of our society. It
teaches us how to behave in a way that is acceptable
to our culture and how to interact with others.
Enculturation also helps us to develop a sense of
identity and belonging.
Enculturation •Observation: We learn by observing the people
around us. We watch how they behave, talk, and
interact with each other. We also learn by listening to
the stories they tell and the songs they sing.

•Instruction: We learn through instruction from our

parents, teachers, and other adults. We are taught
about the rules and norms of our culture, as well as
the skills and knowledge that we need to be

•Imitation: We learn by imitating the people around

us. We repeat the things that they say and do, and we
try to adopt their mannerisms and behaviors.

•Reward and punishment: We learn by being

rewarded for behaviors that are considered to be
acceptable and punished for behaviors that are
considered to be unacceptable. This helps us to learn
what is expected of us and how to behave in a way
that is approved of by our culture.
Cultural Elements

• Beliefs

• Values

• Traditions

• Language
Belief Values

Traditions Language
Beliefs are the tenets or convictions that people hold to
be true. They are often based on faith, tradition, or
personal experience. Cultural beliefs are the beliefs that
are shared by a particular culture. They can be about
anything, from the nature of reality to the way that
people should behave.
Cultural beliefs can be very powerful. They can shape the
way that people think, feel, and behave. They can also
influence the way that people interact with each other
and with the world around them.
For example, in some cultures, it is believed that spirits
inhabit the natural world. This belief can lead to people
behaving in certain ways, such as avoiding certain places
or objects, or performing rituals to appease the spirits.
In other cultures, it is believed that the ancestors are
watching over the living. This belief can lead to people
behaving in ways that are respectful of their ancestors,
such as making offerings or praying to them.
Cultural beliefs can be both positive and negative. They
can promote cooperation and harmony, or they can lead
to conflict and division. It is important to be aware of the
cultural beliefs that are present in a particular culture, so
that we can understand the way that people think and
Values are the beliefs that are important to a culture.
Values They are the things that people in a culture believe are
good, right, and desirable. Values can be about things
like family, community, hard work, honesty, respect, and
Values are important because they help to shape the way
that people think, feel, and behave. They also help to
create a sense of identity and belonging for people within
a culture.
Different cultures have different values. For example, in
some cultures, the value of family is very strong. People
in these cultures believe that family is the most
important thing in life and that they should always put
their family first. In other cultures, the value of
individuality is more important. People in these cultures
believe that it is important to be independent and to
think for oneself.
Values can also change over time. For example, in the
United States, the value of hard work has traditionally
been very strong. However, in recent years, there has
been a growing emphasis on the value of leisure and
It is important to be aware of the values that are
important in a particular culture, so that we can
understand the way that people think and behave. When
people from different cultures interact, it is important to
be respectful of each other's values, even if they are
different from our own.
Traditions Traditions are the customs and practices that are
passed down from generation to generation within a
culture. They can be about anything, from religious
rituals to everyday behaviors.
Traditions are important because they help to
preserve a culture's identity and heritage. They also
provide a sense of community and belonging for
people within a culture.
Different cultures have different traditions. For
example, in some cultures, it is traditional to
celebrate holidays with large family gatherings. In
other cultures, it is traditional to have a coming-of-
age ceremony for young people.
Traditions can also change over time. For example,
in the United States, the tradition of Thanksgiving
has changed over the years. Originally, it was a
religious holiday, but it is now more commonly seen
as a secular holiday.
It is important to be aware of the traditions that are
important in a particular culture, so that we can
understand the way that people think and behave.
When people from different cultures interact, it is
important to be respectful of each other's traditions,
even if they are different from our own.
Language Language is a system of communication that allows
people to share information, ideas, and emotions. It
is one of the most important cultural elements, as it
is essential for communication and interaction.
Language is also a way of expressing identity and
belonging. It is a way of connecting with people who
share our culture and heritage.
Different cultures have different languages. For
example, English is the most common language in
the world, but there are many other languages
spoken around the world, such as Spanish,
Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, and Arabic.
Language can also change over time. For example,
the English language has changed a lot over the
centuries. New words are constantly being added to
the language, and old words can fall out of use.
It is important to be aware of the language that is
spoken in a particular culture, so that we can
communicate effectively with people from that
culture. When people from different cultures
interact, it is important to be respectful of each
other's languages, even if we do not speak them
Cultural Elements

• Beliefs

• Values

• Traditions

• Language
Norms and Social Roles
Norms and Social Roles
• Norms and social roles are important in guiding individuals' behavior within a culture and society
because they provide structure and expectations for how people should behave. Norms are the
unwritten rules that govern behavior in a particular social group. They can be about anything, from how
to dress to how to interact with others. Social roles are the expectations that are placed on people based
on their position in society. They can be about things like gender, age, and occupation.

• Norms and social roles help to ensure that people in a society behave in a predictable and orderly way.
They also help to promote social cohesion and cooperation. When people know what is expected of
them, they are more likely to behave in a way that is considered acceptable and appropriate.

• Social roles are also important in guiding individuals' behavior. They help to define who we are and
what is expected of us. For example, the role of a student means that we are expected to go to school,
learn, and obey our teachers. The role of a parent means that we are expected to take care of our
children and raise them to be responsible adults.

• Norms and social roles can change over time. For example, the norms about gender roles have changed
a lot in recent years. Women are now more likely to work outside the home and hold positions of power.
The social roles of men and women are also becoming more fluid.

• It is important to be aware of the norms and social roles that are important in a particular culture or
society. By understanding these expectations, we can make sure that we are behaving in a way that is
considered acceptable and appropriate.
There are different types of norms, including:

•Folkways: These are the informal norms that govern everyday behavior.
They are often unwritten and not strictly enforced. For example, it is
considered a folkway to say "please" and "thank you" when interacting with

•Mores: These are the more serious norms that are considered essential to
the smooth functioning of society. They are often strictly enforced and
violations can result in social disapproval or even punishment. For example,
it is considered a more to not steal or cheat.

•Laws: These are the norms that are enforced by the government. They are
the most serious norms and violations can result in fines, imprisonment, or
other legal penalties. For example, it is illegal to murder or assault someone.
Positives and Negatives

•They provide structure and •They can be restrictive and

expectations for how people can limit individual
should behave. freedom.

•They promote social •They can be discriminatory

cohesion and cooperation. and can disadvantage
Negative certain groups of people.
•They help to ensure that
people in a society behave in •They can be difficult to
a predictable and orderly Positive change, even when they are
way. no longer relevant or
•They can help to prevent
conflict and violence. •They can be used to justify
•They can help to promote harmful or oppressive
social justice and equality. behaviors.
Consequences of Ignoring Cultural Rules
Consequences of Ignoring Cultural Rules

There are many consequences that individuals may face when they disregard or ignore the
rules and expectations of their culture. These consequences can vary depending on the
specific culture, but some common consequences include:
•Social disapproval: When people ignore the rules and expectations of their culture, they may
be met with social disapproval. This can include things like being stared at, whispered about,
or even shunned.
•Loss of social status: Ignoring cultural rules can also lead to a loss of social status. This can
make it difficult to make friends, get a job, or be accepted into certain groups.
•Legal consequences: In some cases, ignoring cultural rules can also lead to legal
consequences. For example, in some cultures, it is illegal to eat certain foods or to have
certain types of relationships.
•Physical harm: In some cases, ignoring cultural rules can even lead to physical harm. For
example, in some cultures, it is considered taboo to point at someone with your index finger.
If you do this, you may be seen as being disrespectful or even aggressive. This could lead to
someone getting angry with you and even hurting you.
•Psychological harm: Ignoring cultural rules can also lead to psychological harm. If you feel
like you are constantly being judged or rejected because you are not following the rules, it can
take a toll on your mental health. You may feel isolated, anxious, or depressed.
Thankyou :3

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