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English project


Simion Claudia an III- grp 334 IFR-MANAGEMENT

• Power distance
• individualism
• Motivation
• Uncertainty
• Long term
• Indulcence
POWER DISTANCE Spain’s score on this dimension
Romania scores high on this (57) is a high score, which means
dimension (score of 90) which means that Spain has a hierarchical society.
that people accept a hierarchical order This means that people accept a
in which everybody has a place and hierarchical order in which
which needs no further justification. everybody has a place and which
Hierarchy in an organization is seen as needs no further justification.
reflecting inherent inequalities, Hierarchy in an organisation is seen
centralization is popular, subordinates as reflecting inherent inequalities,
expect to be told what to do and the centralisation is popular,
ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat subordinates expect to be told what
to do and the ideal boss is a
benevolent autocrat.
Spain, with a score of 67 is an Individualist
Romania, with a score of 46 is society. This means there is a high preference for
considered a collectivistic society. This is a loosely-knit social framework in which
manifest in a close long-term individuals are expected to take care of
commitment to the member ‘group’, be themselves and their immediate families only. In
that a family, extended family, or Individualist societies offense causes guilt and a
extended relationships. Loyalty in a loss of self-esteem, the employer/employee
collectivist culture is paramount and relationship is a contract based on mutual
overrides most other societal rules and advantage, hiring, and promotion decisions are
regulations. The society fosters strong supposed to be based on merit only, management
relationships where everyone takes is the management of individuals. This has made
responsibility for fellow members of Spaniards quite easy to relate with certain
their group. In collectivist societies, cultures -mainly non-European- whereas other
offense leads to shame and loss of face, cultures can be perceived as aggressive and blunt.
employer/employee relationships are On the other hand, teamwork is considered
perceived in moral terms (like a family something natural, employees tend to work in
link), hiring and promotion decisions this way with no need for strong motivation from
take account of the employee’s in-group, Management.
and management is the management of
Romania scores 42 on Spain scores 42 on Motivation towards
Motivation towards Achievement and Success and is a country
Achievement and Success and where the key word is consensus. Polarization is
is thus considered a relatively neither well considered nor excessive
Consensus society. In competitiveness appreciated. Spanish children
countries scorin low on are educated in search of harmony, refusing to
Motivation towards take sides or stand out. There is a concern for
Achievement and Success, the weak or needy people that generate a natural
focus is on “working in order current of sympathy. Regarding management,
to live”. Managers strive for managers like to consult their subordinates to
consensus, and people value know their opinions and, according to it, make
equality, solidarity and quality their decisions. In politics, it is desirable to have
in their work lives. Conflicts the participation of all minorities in an effort to
are resolved by compromise avoid the dominant presence of just one winning
and negotiation. Incentives party. In this society, it is the country opposite to
such as free time and ‘the winner takes it all’.
flexibility are favoured. Focus
is on well-being, and status is
not shown.
If there is a dimension that defines Spain very clearly,
Romania scores 90 on this
it is Uncertainty Avoidance, as is reflected in a high
dimension and thus has a very high
score of 86. Spain is considered the second noisiest
preference for avoiding uncertainty.
country in the world. People like to have rules for
Countries exhibiting high
everything, changes cause stress, but, at the same
Uncertainty Avoidance maintain
time, they are obliged to avoid rules and laws that, in
rigid codes of belief and behaviour
fact, make life more complex. Confrontation is
and are intolerant of unorthodox
avoided as it causes great stress and scales up to the
behaviour and ideas. In these
personal level very quickly. There is great concern for
cultures there is an emotional need
changing, ambiguous and undefined situations. Thus,
for rules (even if the rules never
for example, in a very recent survey 75% of Spanish
seem to work) time is money, people
young people wanted to work in civil service (i.e. a
have an inner urge to be busy and
job for life, no concerns about the future) whereas in
work hard, precision and punctuality
the USA only 17% of young people would like it.
are the norm, innovation may be
resisted, security is an important
element in individual motivation.

Romania has a score of 32

on this dimension, it means Despite an intermediate score of 47, Spain is a
that Romania has a normative country. Spanish people like to live in the
normative culture. People in moment, without a great concern about the future.
such societies have a strong Spain is the country that has given the meaning of
concern with establishing ‘fiesta’ to the world. In Spain, people look for quick
the absolute Truth; they are results without delays. Moreover, there is a need for
normative in their thinking. clear structures and well-defined rules prevailing
They exhibit great respect against more pragmatic and relaxed approaches to
for traditions, a relatively life, particularly, in the long term time.
small propensity to save for
the future, and a focus on
achieving quick results.
With a very low score of 20, With a low score of 44, Spain is not an
Romanian culture is one of Indulgent society. Societies with a low
Restraint. Societies with a low score in this dimension have a tendency to
score in this dimension have a cynicism and pessimism. Also, in contrast
tendency to cynicism and to Indulgent societies, Restrained societies
pessimism. Also, in contrast to do not put much emphasis on leisure time
Indulgent societies, Restrained and control the gratification of their desires.
societies do not put much emphasis People with this orientation have the
on leisure time and control the perception that their actions are Restrained
gratification of their desires. People by social norms and feel that indulging
with this orientation have the themselves is somewhat wrong.
perception that their actions are
Restrained by social norms and feel
that indulging themselves is
somewhat wrong.

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