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Seed storage
Under ordinary room conditions (= open Storage), viability of many seeds in
reduced by half within 6 months.
•Seeds with harder seed coats tend to live longer than those with thin coats.
•For improved storability, seed moisture and storage temperature must be kept low
and controlled.
The store seeds, follow this simple procedure Step-by-step:
1.Store only new, mature, healthy and well dried seeds
2.Keep them in dry and cool place to extend their viability.
3.Seeds are easily re-absorb moisture. To maintain dryness, keep seeds in air-tight
containers like tin cans or glass jars with tight fitting lids.
4. Put in some moisture absorbing materials. Dry wood ash, dry charcoal, powdered
milk, toasted (cooled) rice, or small pieces of newspaper are all good. The drying
materials should take up about One-four of the containers space.
5. Label the containers with the type of seed place, and date of collection.
6. If possible, includes the initial percent viability see how many generates. If 8 of 10 germinate, for
example, percent viability is 80% this information Will help you to learn about how much each type of seed
loses viability between collection and planting
7. Protect from rodents and birds during storage.
•After seed has been dried properly, store it in tin cans, metal boxes, glass jars, or plastic bags or containers
with kids that can be sealed


• Never sealed in moist seed.
• Use airtight containers
• Make sure that the container is clean
• Open the seed containers only when necessary.
Some species have seeds which do not tolerate drying or cold temperatures. Example of these are rambutan,
durian, mangosteen, mango, jackfruit, avocado, rubber, cacao, mahogany, and been. They can only be stored
from several days, up to a few months under ordinary room conditions. It is best, therefore, to plant these
kind soon after collection.
■ 2. Fill plastic bags half and half with seed, and slightly damp charcoal, peat,
moss, sawdust, or sand
■ 3. Keep the bags in a cool place.
■ 4. Open the bags for one-half hour each day to permit air to one.
■ 1. Point to remember when using sealed container.
A. Never seal in moist seed C . Open the seeds containers
B. Use airtight containers D. Open the seed containers
With your hands.
2. What seeds which do not tolerate drying or cold temperatures?
A. Mango B. Banana
C. Apple D. Starfruits

3. What is the best practices that can be helf you to be a good farmer?
A. Read, first before you use a tools.
B. First, you need to make sure that the materials are stored in a safe and secure location
C. You need to ensure that the materials are easily accessible
D. All of the above
4. To store seeds, follow this simple procedure Except one?
A. Store only new, mature healthy and will dried seeds
B. Keep them, in a dry and cool place to extend their viability
C. Do not label the containers with the type of seemed, place, and date of collection
D. Protect from rodents and birds during storage
5. 5. What is the first step in storing plant materials for agricultural crop?
■ A. Drying the plant C. Sorting the plants
■ B. Harvesting the plants D. Cleaning the plants

6. Why is it important to dry the plant material before storing?

■ A. To prevent mold growth C. To prevent insect infestation
■ B. To improve the storage life D. All of the above

7. How should plant materials be stored to prevent moisture from accumulating?

■ A. In airtight containers C. I’m wet surrounding
■ B. In bags or boxes with ventilation D. None of the above

8. What is an affective way to prevent insect infestation in stored plant materials?

■ A. Use chemicals insecticides C. store the plant with apple cider vinegar.
■ B. Frequent inspection and cleaning D. None of the above
9. What is the proper ways of using and storing materials?
■ A. Place heavier loads on lower or middle shelves
■ B. Put it in a wet place
■ C. Store long, tall or top heavy items, on their side or secure them to prevent tip over
■ D. A and B

10. Why is it important to Keep preparation Storage Areas and equipment Hygienic?
■ A. Avoid the spread Of bacteria
■ B. To avoid an accident
■ C. To avoid Rust
■ D. All of the above

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