Punitive Measures

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Punitive Measures

An overview of the punitive measures taken against participants of the mass

unrest in December 1986
The "Shakhanov Commission" report provides details on the punitive measures:

● 2,401 persons were detained for participation in the mass unrest

● 5,324 persons were questioned by the procuracy
● 850 persons were questioned by the KGB
● 326 cases were directed to People's Courts
● 108 individuals were fined
● 3 individuals were sentenced to corrective labor camps
● 201 individuals' case materials were reviewed by the commission
False Charges
● Witnesses were charged with criminal activity
they didn't commit
● Unproven charges included wrecking a military
car, shooting at a building, and burning a red flag
● Lack of evidence for the charges
Bolekov's Case
● Bolekov was accused of violating four articles of the criminal code
● Charges of 'interethnic hostility,' 'mass disorders,' and 'possession of drugs'
● No charges could be proven against him
● Bolekov was held in a psychiatric hospital for a year
● Injections administered made him forgetful and impaired his ability to function
● Unable to hold down a job
Dekelbayev's Case
● Dekelbayev was summoned by the KGB
● Sentenced to six years of imprisonment
● Received the message "Your song is over"
Amanzhol Malibayev

Kazakh lawyer involved in Sentenced to five years in

the December 1986 protests 02 prison

01 03
Arrested in January 1987 Charged with 'anti-State

Kozhakhmetov’s case
● His trial began on April 22, 1987, and lasted six days
● He was charged with violating articles 62 ("anti-Soviet
agitation and propaganda"), 65 ("organizing
demonstrations and mass disorders"), and 170-1 ("anti-
Soviet slander")
● Under article 170-1 he was given four years' strict regimen
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