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Effects of the Environment on

the Life Cycle of Organisms

Day 1

Describe the effect of

environment on the life cycle of

Determine the things an

organism does to survive.
Activity 1
Put a check () on the Remarks column if the following factors
affect the life cycle of the organisms and a cross mark if it does
not (x).
Factors Remarks
1. Water to Humans
2. Sunlight to Animals
3. Air to Humans
4. Water to Fishes
5. Birds to Trees
Activity 2
Which of the pictures are living things and
which are non-living things.
Biotic Abiotic
Living Things Non-Living Things
Biotic Abiotic
Living Things Non-Living Things

Beneficial Harmful
Organisms to organisms relationship may also be
affected by the amount of sunlight, water and food.
Biotic Abiotic
Living Things Non-Living Things

Beneficial Harmful
These actions and reactions (cause and effect) happens
naturally to maintain a balance in ecosystem.
The largest and most
complex level of organization
consists of all animals, plants
and microorganism which
function with all
environmental factors such as
sunlight, climate, soil, water,
air, nutrients and energy
Learning Task
Direction: Tick ( )the part of the ecosystem which are
called living things.
Learning Task
Direction: Tick ( )the part of the ecosystem which are
called living things.
Effects of the Environment on
the Life Cycle of Organisms

Day 2
There are six elements
that keep the ecosystem
1. Sun
2. Producers
3. Abiotic substances
4. Primary consumers
5. Secondary consumers
6. Decomposers
Abiotic factors
-things without life.
They are also called non-
living things.
this includes:
Biotic factors
-things with life.
They are also called living
this includes:
Primary consumers

-consist of plant-eating
animals called herbivores.
Secondary consumers

-consist of animals that eat

other animals. They are
called carnivores.

-break down dead plants

and animals and turn it
into nutrients.
Food is essential to every
living organism to carry out
life processes and important
interactions. Organisms
interact with other organism
in many beneficial ways.
However, some interactions
causes harm to other
The environment where an
organism lives is important
for their survival.
How does the interaction
in the environment take
How does the interaction
in the environment take
Learning Task 1
Connect these animals to show what they eat and
which eats them.
Learning Task 2
Among the pictures given in learning task 1, identify
the following:
Primary source of Sun
Rice Plant
Grasshopper and Mouse
_____ Frog, Bird and Snake
Earth Worm
Effects of the Environment on
the Life Cycle of Organisms

Day 3
Let’s watch the short video
”Environment” so that we can
answer the next activity.
Learning Task 2
Fill in the graphic
organizer with the
important ways to
protect and
preserve the
environment by
choosing your
answers below.
Learning Task 2

Re d uc e , re use a nd re c yc le
Using p la stic b a g s ra the r tha n e c o b a g .
Sa ve Ele c tric ity
Sa ve Wa te r
Pla nt a tre e .
C o nse rve wa te r
No t c le a ning up the surro und ing s
C utting yo ung tre ss
Effects of the Environment on
the Life Cycle of Organisms

Day 4
Make a list of different things that you may reduce,
re-use and recycle.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1.Everything that surrounds and affects an animal,
including living and nonliving things, is______
A .climate.
B. environment.
C. shelter.
D. oxygen.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
2. The population of mice lives in a barn community. A cat
population has just joined the community. What will happen?
A. The mouse and cat population both go up.
B. The mouse and cat population both go down.
C. The mouse population goes up and the cat population
goes down.
D. The mouse population goes down and the cat population
goes up.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
3. Which statement is true about an ecosystem?
A. Only one population at a time lives in an ecosystem.
B. An ecosystem contains populations but no communities.
C. An ecosystem can be home to many different
D. An ecosystem is made up of only abiotic factors.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
4. A species that has more individuals dying than
being born within a year is considered
A. extinct.
B. threatened.
C. thriving.
D. endangered.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
5. A living thing is a(n)
A. community.
B. population.
C. consumer.
D. organism.

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