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In the presence of beauty


‫❖ َأْن يتعرف الطالب على مفردات جديدة‪.‬‬

‫❖ أن يفهم الطالب المعنى اإلجمالي للفقرة‪.‬‬
‫ وَس اِلٍم َطاِلِب الَم اِج ْس ِتيِر في الَّتاِريِخ ِبَج اِمَعِة‬،‫حـواٌر َبيَن َأْح َم َد الُم َهْنِد ِس الِم ْع َم اِر ي اإلماراتي‬
‫َع ِليَك َر ه اِإل ْسالمَّية‬
‫ َصَباُح الَخ ْيِر‬: ‫سالم‬
‫ َصَباُح الُّنوِر‬: ‫أحمد‬
‫ َد ْع ِني َأتَعَر ْف َع َلْيَك ؟‬، ‫ ُهللا ُيَباِرُك ِفيَك‬: ‫سالم‬
.‫ َأْع َم ُل ِفي َش ِر َك ٍة َأْم ِريِكَّيٍة ِبُد بي‬،‫ ِم ْع َم اِرُّي ِإَم اَر اِتي‬، ‫ َأَنا َأْح َم ُد‬: ‫أحمد‬
‫ َم ا َهَد ُف ِزَياَرِتَك ؟‬، ‫ َأَطاَل ُهَّللا ُع ْمَر َك‬: ‫سالم‬
‫ َألْع ِرَف َهْنَد َس ًة ِم ْع َم اِرَّيًة لَتاِج َم َح ل َو َتاِريَخ ه‬: ‫أحمد‬.

A dialogue between Ahmed, the Emirati architect, and Salem, a master's student in history at the University of
Aligarh Islamic
Salem: Good morning
Ahmed: Good morning
Salem: God bless you, let me get to know you?
Ahmed: I am Ahmed, an Emirati architect, and I work for in an American company in Dubai
Salem: May God prolong your life, what is the purpose of your visit?
Ahmed: To know the architecture of the Taj Mahal and its history
‫ َأَتَش َّر ُف ِبَهَذ ا الَّلَقاِء‬: ‫سالم‬
‫ َأْنَت َطاِلُب الَبَك اُلوِر ُيوِس َأو الَم ا ِج ْس ِتيِر ؟‬: ‫أحمد‬
‫ َطاِلُب الَم اِج ْس ِتيِر في الَّتاِر يِخ ِبَج اِمَعِة َع ِليَك َر ه اِإل ْس اَل ِم َّية‬: ‫سالم‬
‫ وَأَتَم َّنى َلَك َنَج احًا َو اِفرًا ِفي اْلُم ْسَتْقَبِل‬،‫ َأَقِّد ُر َش ْغ َفَك ِبالَّد َر اَسِة والَتَع َّلم‬، ‫ َباَر َك ُهللا ِفيَك‬: ‫أحمد‬
‫ َم اَذ ا َتْش ُعُر اآلَن َبْع َد ُم َش اَهَد ِة ِإْح َد ى الَعَج اِئِب العالمية الَّسْبِع؟‬: ‫سالم‬
‫ ُهَو َأعِج ُب الَعَج اِئِب اَّلِتي َر َأْيُتَها ِفي َحَياِتي‬،! ‫ وهللا‬: ‫أحمد‬
‫ َتُسُّر ِني ِج ًد ا َهِذِه الَّلْح َظُة واِال ْس ِتَفاَد ة ِم نَك‬: ‫سالم‬
‫ إلى اللقاء‬،‫ ُش كرا لك‬: ‫أحمد‬
‫ مع السالمة‬،‫ وفقنا هللا‬: ‫سالم‬
Salem: I am honored by this meeting
Ahmed: Are you a bachelor's or master's degree student?
Salem: MA student in history at Aligarh Islamic University
Ahmad: May God bless you. I appreciate your passion for studying and learning, and I wish you much success
in the future.
Salem: How do you feel now after seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the World?
Ahmed: By God!, It is the most amazing miracle that I have seen in my life.
Salem: I am very pleased to have this moment and benefit from you.
Ahmed: Thank you, bye
Salem: May God grant us success, bye .

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