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Electrical resistance

The electrical resistance of an object is a measure of its opposition to

the flow of current.

The unit of resistance in the International System of Units is the ohm

(Ω). To measure it in practice, there are various methods, including
the use of an ohmmeter or multimeter.

For a large number of materials and conditions, electrical resistance

depends on the electric current that passes through an object and the
attention on the terminals, which means that given a temperature and
a material, the resistance is a value that will remain constant.
Color code
• The resistance code is made up
of a number of bands ranging
from 3 to 6 and which, in
addition to resistance, also
indicate tolerance, reliability
and failure rate.

• The way to read and interpret

the color code will depend on
the number of bands it has.
Four band electrical resistance color code

• The four-band color color code is the most common. It reads as follows:

• The first band, starting from the far left, represents the most significant
digit of the resistor.
• The second band is the second most representative digit.
• This band refers to the power of 10 raised to the corresponding color
and multiplied by the number obtained from the first and second band.
• The fourth band represents tolerance.

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