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Miss Jessica Zarate

What is informatics?
 Informatics is the study of the structure, behaviour, and
interactions of natural and engineered computational systems.

 Informatics studies the representation, processing, and

communication of information in natural and engineered systems.
It has computational, cognitive, and social aspects. The central
notion is the transformation of information - whether by
computation or communication, whether by organisms or artifacts.
 Software is a collection of computer programs, procedures
and documentation that performs some task on a computer
Consists of those physical and tangible elements of computing,
that is, everything we can touch, and is part of a computer or
computer equipment.
That is, all the electronic, mechanical elements and computer
components within a system (RAM, CPU, SSD disks...) are part
of the hardware of a computer.
Let's see what are the most important elements, parts or components that
you should know:

 Microprocessor or CPU
 Power supply
 ROM memory
 Motherboard
 optical disk drive
 Monitor
 Keyboard
 Mouse

 University of Edinburgh, s.f., What is informatics?

 Area tecnologia, s.f., Software
 Juliá, S, s.f., ¿Qué es el hardware y qué importancia tiene?

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