Career Pathways

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▸What is your reactions/

reflections after watching
the video clip?

▸ A young man tries fails at
every job he tries, until
he finds his dreams
▸ Explain that understanding of the concepts of career and
life goals can help in career planning.
▸ 2. Identify the internal and external factors influencing
career choices.
▸ 3. Take a self-assessment tool to know one’s personality
traits and other personal factors in relation to one’s life
▸ 4. Identify career options based on the different factors,
career development concepts and personal goals.
Activity: My Future!
▸ Imagine that you are retiring from
a job you have held for so many
years. How old do you think you
are that time?
▸ 2. What do you think you have
accomplished by then?
Activity: My Future! (answer in 1 phrase only)
▸ 3. Do you consider yourself
successful? Why or why not?
▸ 4. How do you measure your
happiness or contentment at
the end of your career?
▸ Your career basically dictates a lot of
things in life. It can determine the kind
of lifestyle that you will be leading.
▸ It can also affect the quality of
relationships that you have with
people around you, like your family
and friends.
Career Concepts
▸ CAREER is defined as the
combination and sequence of roles
played by a person during the
course of a lifetime.
▸ JOB is a position an individual
holds doing specific duties.
Career Concepts
▸ OCCUPATION responsibilities and
for which they develop a common
set of skills and knowledge.
▸ WORK -an activity that produces
something of value for oneself.
LIFE GOALS are your dreams for your future and
they are more realistic versions of
▸ Characteristics of a Realistic Life
▸ 1. A life goal is attainable.
▸ 2. A life goal is time bound.
▸ 3. A life goal is specific.
Is planning and career important?

▸ Careers dictate the amount of

salary a person can have.
▸ Careers also affect how happy
or satisfied a person can
become. 13
Is planning and career important?

▸ People who are forced into the job

or people who took-on a job simply
because it is where the money is,
are people who tend to experience
an unsatisfying work life.
Is planning and career important?
▸ People who take careers that fit their
needs and wants in life are people
whom you see retiring happily in their
▸ Career planning is a series of steps to
help you clarify and determine your
short and long – term career goals.
What are the factors
that influence
. career
1. Internal factors
2. External factors

Internal Factors:
1. Self-concept or self-
 what you want to do or not
want to do.
 Your values will also play a
role in your career choice.
Internal Factors:
2. Interest and Personal
Type / Personal Preferences
matches personality characteristics
and personal preferences to job
3. Motivation
 The drive to fulfill one’s fullest
potentials is the best motivation
 desire to improve the quality of their
family’s lives.
 A person WITHOUT any motivation
will end up wasting a life of unfulfilled
potentials. 20
Internal Factors:
4. Self confidence
keep his eyes on
his goals, and
declare to the world
Internal Factors:
5. Personal Skills and Abilities
 Considering your skills and abilities and how
they may fit a particular occupation comes out of the
earliest career development fields.
 Ask yourself what you like and enjoy doing.
 The skill that you have may be hidden.
Have the courage to stand up and take the relevant
course that will hone your skills.
Be the master of your own destiny.
Internal Factors:
6. Personal Characteristic
 Are you the quiet type who would
rather work alone than with a group?
Are you the more sociable type who
enjoys working with a team?
Internal Factors:
7. Personal Health
 can be handled given the
proper guidance from a
professional medical
specialist. 24
Internal Factors:
8. Emotional Consideration
 Check yourself when
you are deciding on what
course to take.
Internal Factors:
9. Previous Experiences
 Having positive experiences and
role models working in specific careers
 focus on areas in which we have
had proven success and achieved
positive self-esteem.
Internal Factors:
10. Childhood
 What do you want to
be when you grow up?
Internal Factors:
11. Self-sabotaging Thoughts
 Knowing one’s strengths
and weaknesses will put a
person’s feet on the ground and
make him realistic about his
capabilities and limitations
Internal Factors:
12. Life Roles
 How we think about ourselves in
these roles, their requirements of
them, and the external forces that
affect them, may influence how we
look at careers in general and how
we make choices for ourselves.
external Factors:
▸ 1. Parental Preferences
▸ there will be no friction between you and
your parents if your parents have some idea
of what course you should take.
▸ if what they think does not match with your
own choice, then you can ask your parents
for their reasons.
external Factors:
▸ 2. Family Considerations
▸ You might have a sibling who
wants to take up the same
course you chose or a sibling
who wants to go to another
school, 31
external Factors:
3. Financial Constraints
▸  This would always be the
major consideration among
families especially if your
siblings are already in college.
external Factors:
3. Financial Constraints
▸ parents’ financial standing is a
determinant of whether you will even go
to college or if the course of your choice
might be feasible for them to support
▸ try looking for some scholarships
external Factors:
▸ 4. Culture
▸ may impact career decisions.
▸ shapes our values and
external Factors:
▸ 5. School Location
▸ If your family’s financial capability
is not a problem, then there is the
option to rent a boarding room
somewhere nearby your school of
choice. 35
external Factors:
▸ 6. Peer pressure
▸ Your friends may exert some pressure on
you to take up a course so that you can be
together even in college.
▸ But, at the end of the day, you decide what
is best for you.
external Factors:
7. Gender Bias
▸ How we view ourselves as
individuals may influence both
the opportunities and barriers we
perceive as we make career
decisions. 37
external Factors:
▸ 8. Language Limitation
▸ Language can be learned, so
if you have this challenge
before you, do not be
discouraged 38
external Factors:
9. Academic Performance
10. Job market preference (Immediate
▸ Often, the first job may not be the one’s
first choice, but to gain experience and
immediate employment.
external Factors:
▸ 11. Social and Economic
▸ All of our career choices take
place within the context of
society and the economy.
▸Activity 1:

▸ This is a personality test, it will help

you understand why you act the way
that you do and how your personality
is structured. In the table below, mark
how muchyou agree with the
statement on the scale of 1-5, where:
▸1 Disagree
▸2 Slightly disagree
▸3 Neutral

▸4 Slightly agree
▸5 Agree 43

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