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Intro to Fourier Analysis

• Definition
• Analysis of periodic waves
• Analysis of aperiodic waves
• Digitization
• Time-frequency uncertainty
The Fourier series
• Any continuous waveform can be partitioned
into a sum of sinusoidal waves
• P(t) = Po + Pn cos (2fnt + n)
• Po is the ambient pressure
• Pn is the pressure of the nth cosine wave
• fn is the frequency of the nth cosine wave
• n is the phase of the nth cosine wave
Sound spectrum
Time domain

Frequency domain
Types of periodic waveforms

• Amplitude varies in a repeating manner -

amplitude modulation
• Frequency varies in a repeating manner -
frequency modulation
• The shape of the waveform varies in a
repeating manner - nonsinusoidal periodic
Amplitude modulation (AM)

Carrier frequency
plus side bands
Frequency modulation (FM)

determines the
number of side
Periodic nonsinusoidal signals

Harmonic series
Harmonic series
• Harmonic frequencies
are integer multiples of
the fundamental frequency,
i.e. w, 2w, 3w, 4w …
• Dirichlet’s rule states that the energy in higher harmonics
falls off exponentially with the frequency of the harmonic
• Note, however, that some animals alter the amplitude of
harmonics by selective filtering during sound production
Compound signals
• Nonsinusoidal modulation of a sine wave
• Sinusoidal modulation of a nonsinusoidal
carrier wave
• Nonsinusoidal modulation of a
nonsinusoidal carrier wave
Pulsed sine wave (frog or insect)
Fourier analysis of aperiodic signals

• Most natural signals have a short, not

infinite, duration
• The more aperiodic a signal is, the more
frequency components are needed to
describe the signal with a Fourier series
• In the limit, an infinitely short signal has
constant amplitude at all frequencies, a
delta pulse
Finite sounds and Fourier ‘lobes’
Fourier “windows”


Digitizing sound

Nyquist frequency = 1/2 the sampling frequency

Fourier window size and bandwidth
Time-frequency uncertainty
Sound spectrum “waterfall”

Song sparrow
Song sparrow

Narrow bandwidth analysis is good for frequency

measurements, but not accurate for time measurements

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