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Seven Quality


1. Cause and Effect/ Fishbone Diagram
It is employed to identify the underlying symptoms of a problem or
“effect” as a means of finding the root cause.
Major Factors
4M’s (Method, Manpower, Material and Machinery)
4P’s (Policies, Procedures, people and Plant)

2. Pareto Chart

It organizes and displays information

in order to demonstrate the relative
importance of various problems or
causes of problems.

Alfredo Pareto, an economist who

noted that a few (20%) people
controlled most of a (80%) nation’s

Pareto Principle – states that 80% of

the problem is attributed to 20% of its
causes or inputs.
3. Check Sheets

It is also known as data

collection sheets and
tally sheets.
It used to capture data
in a manual, reliable,
formalized way so that
decisions can be made
based on facts.
4. Histogram

It is a form of bar
Used to measure the
frequency distribution
of data that is
normally grouped
together in ranges or

5. Control Charts
Most complicated of the basic tools of TQM, but are based on simple principle.

It focuses on monitoring performance over time by looking at the variation in data points
and distinguishes between common cause and special cause variations.

Control Limits are values from mean and variances that sample measurements not expected
to exceed unless some special cause changes the process.

6. Scatter Diagrams
It is used to identify whether there is a relationship between to

7.Flow Chart
Sometimes called process map.
It is a visual representation of a process.
Used to piece together the actual process as it is carried out, which quite often
varies from how the process imagines it is.

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