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Marketing Activities

Marketing Activities
 Research
 Product Development
 Packaging
 Pricing
 Branding
 Sales
 Distribution
 Inventory Management
 Storage
 Promotion

 Purpose: to learn about the market

 Consumer preferences, habits, lifestyle
 Competitors
 Examples:
 Surveys
 Media research
 Focus groups
Product Development

 Purpose: Make a product that effectively and

profitably meets the needs/wants of

 Must provide protection for the product while

also serving as a promotional tool
 Package must be attractive/enticing to the
 Must also obey government regulations

 Setting the price of a product/service in order

to maximize profit for the company
 The lowest price is not always the best
 Based on
 Cost to produce and market the product
 What the customer is willing to pay
 Competitor pricing
 Brand image

 Creates an identity in the mind of consumers

 Key components:
 Trademark
 Logo
 Slogan
 Package design

 Convincing potential customers to purchase

your product/service
 Goal is to increase the size of your market
 Acquire new customers while retaining old ones

 Moving products to their final destination

 From the manufacturing plant, to distributors, to
 Must be done efficiently and inexpensively
Inventory Management
 Retailers must make sure they have enough
product on hand to meet demand, but not too
 Don’t want to have more products than you can
 Products take up space
 Older products become difficult to sell
 Must also keep track of inventory so you
know when to order more, are aware of
thefts, etc.

 Arranging and maintaining storage for

products until they are needed
 May be done by a manufacturer, distributor,
or retailer

 Used to make consumers aware of a

company’s products/services
 Examples
 Advertising
 Coupons
 Samples

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