STM Unit 3 DT

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Unit 3 – Domain Testing

Compiled with reference from:

Software Testing Techniques: Boris Beizer
Craft of Software Testing: Brain Marrick
Domain Testing U3

We will see in this part of Unit 3:

• Domains & Paths

• Nice & Ugly Domains

• Domain Testing

• Domains & Interfaces Testing

• Domains & Testability

ref boris beizer 2

Transaction-Flow Testing U3

Contents of the unit

• Domains
• Model, as a set, paths
• Predicates
• closure, dimensionality, assumptions
• Nice & ugly domains
• specified & implemented domains
• Nice domains – properties, testing implications
• Ugly domains, simplification by programmers & testers
• Domain testing
• Bugs & testing for those bugs
• Testing procedure
• Variations, tools, effectiveness
• Domains & Interface Testing
• Range, closure, span
• Interface range, domain compatibility
• Finding the values
• Domains & Testability
• Linearizing, coordinate transformations. Canonical program form

ref boris beizer 3

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

Domain Testing Model


(x,y,z,…) Dn { Outcome }
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…)



4 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing U3

Domain Testing

Views Programs as input data classifiers

Verifies if the classification is correct

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

Domain Testing Model

Two Views

• Based on Specs

• Functional Testing

• Based on Implementation information

• Structural Technique

6 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

Domain Testing Model

• Variables
• Simple combinations of two variables
• Numbers from - to +

• Input variables as numbers

• Loop-free Programs

7 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

Domain Testing Model

• Structural Knowledge is not needed. Only Specs.

• For each Input Case,

• A Hypothetical path for Functional testing

• An Actual path for Structural testing

8 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

Domain (simplified)

• A Single Connected Set of numbers D1

• No arbitrary discrete sets

• Defined by the boundaries

• One or more boundaries

• Specified by predicates

• Bugs likely at the boundaries

• One or more variables

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3


• Interpretation

• Structural Testing - CFG

• Functional Testing - DFG

• Specifies the Domain Boundary

• n Predicates in Sequence  2n domains

• Or, just two domains A .AND. B .AND. C

10 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3


• At least One PATH thru the Program

• More paths for disconnected domains

11 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

• Domain for a loop-free program corresponds to a set of
numbers defined over the input vector

• For every domain, there is at least one path thru the

routine, along which that domain’s processing is done

• The set of interpreted predicates traversed on that path

(ie., the path’s predicate expression) defines the
domain’s boundaries.

12 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Domain Closure U3

Boundary: Closed / Open

X >= MIN X <= MAX

D1 D2 D3


X >= MIN
D2 X < MAX
D1 D3

MIN Closed Open MAX

13 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Domain Closure
Boundary: Closed / Open

D1 D2 D3


14 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Domain Dimensionality U3

• One dimension per variable

• At least one predicate

• Slices thru previously defined Domain

• Slicing Boundary

• N-spaces are cut by Hyperplanes

15 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Bug Assumptions U3

• Processing is OK. Domain definition may be wrong.

 Boundaries are wrong.

 Predicates are wrong.

• Once input vector is set on the right path, it’s correctly


• More bugs causing domain errors …

16 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Bug Assumptions.. U3

• Double-zero representation

• Floating point zero check

• Contradictory domains

• Ambiguous domains defined

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Bug Assumptions.. U3

• Over-specified domains
X > 3 .AND. X < 2 .AND. Y > 3

• Boundary errors

Boundary closure


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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Bug Assumptions U3

• Boundary errors….



Extra boundary

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Bug Assumptions U3

X >= 3
• Closure Reversal

• Faulty Logic

Simplification of compound

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Bug Assumptions U3

Strategy for domain testing in 2-dim

21 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Restrictions U3

In General…

1. Coincidental Correctness

DT cannot detect
F1(x) : +1

• Representative outcome D1

Partition testing

Input Equivalence D2
F2(x) : -1

22 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths U3

Domain Testing Model

Function f1

(x, y, z, …) D2 { Outcome }
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…) f2



23 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - - Restrictions U3

3. Simple boundaries & Compound predicates

X X >=0 .AND. X <= 16
0 16

Y Y = 1 .AND. X >=0 .AND. X <= 16
0 16

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - - Restrictions U3

Compound predicates….

• Impact of .OR.

• Concave, Disconnected

• Adjacent domains with same function

• Example


• Eliminate compound predicates

25 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Restrictions U3

4. Functional Homogeneity of Bugs

• Functional form still Retained

a x + b y >= c

• Bugs are only in a, b, c

26 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - - Restrictions U3

5. Linear Vector Space

• Linear boundary predicate, Interpreted

• Simple relational operators

• Conversion to linear vector space

• 2-d Polar co-ordinates

• Polynomials

• Problems with Non-linear Boundaries

27 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Restrictions U3

6. Loop-free Software

Predicate for each iteration

Loop over the entire transaction

Definite loop

28 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice & Ugly domains U3

Nice Domains

• Bugs  ill-defined domains

Before DT

• Analyze specs

• Make the Boundary Specs Consistent & Complete

29 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice domains U3

Implemented Domains

• Complete, Consistent & Process all inputs

Specified Domains

• Incomplete, Inconsistent

Programmer’s / Designer’s Effort

30 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice domains U3

Nice Domains

• Linear, Complete, Systematic, Orthogonal, Consistently

Closed, & Convex

U1 U2

V1 D11 D12

V2 D21 D22

31 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice domains U3

Nice Domains


• Ease of DT

• Fewer Bug Occurrences

32 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice domains U3

Nice Domains
Boundaries are

1. Linear 5. Closure consistency

1. Complete
6. Convex
2. Systematic

1. Orthogonal 7. Simply connected

33 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice domains U3

1. Linear Boundaries

Interpreted linear inequalities

n-dim Hyperplane:

n+1 Points

n+1 + 1 Test Cases


• Transform
34 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Nice domains U3

2. Complete Boundaries

• Span the total number space (-, +)

• One set of Tests


• Reasons

• Tests

35 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

3. Systematic Boundaries
• Linear Inequalities differing by a constant

fj (X) ≥ kj or, fj (X) ≥ g (j, c) g (j, c) = j + k * c

• Parallel lines
• Identical Sectors in a Circle

• DT
36 • Test a domain  Tests for other Domains
ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

4. Orthogonal Boundaries

• Two boundaries or, boundary sets


• Parallel to axes

• DT

• Each Set Independently

• # Tests  O (n)

37 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

Orthogonal Boundaries
• Tilted sets
• transformation
• Test cases: O(n)

• Concentric circles with radial lines

• Rectangular coordinates
• Polar
r ≥ aj .AND. r < aj+1 .AND.
 ≥ j .AND.  < j+1
38 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

Non-Orthogonal Boundaries

• Test Intersections  O ( n2 ) + O (n)

39 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

5. Closure Consistency

• A Simple pattern in all boundary closures

• Example

• Same relational operator for systematic boundaries

D3 D1 D2 D4

40 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

6. Convex Domain
• Line joining any two points lies with in the domain

• DT
• n on-points & 1 off-pt


• “ But, However, Except, Or … “ in Specs

• Handle with special care

41 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths - Nice domains U3

7. Simply Connected Domain

• In a single piece D2 D1 D3


• 2 complementary domains

• D1: Convex  D2: Concave, not-Connected

• Programmer / Designer
• Convex part First
42 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3


From Bad Specs

Programmer / Designer Simplifies => Ugly to


possibility of Introduction of more bugs ?!?

43 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3


1. Non-linear Boundaries

1. Ambiguities & Contradictions

1. Simplifying the topology

1. Rectifying boundary closures

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

1. Non-linear Boundaries

• Transform

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

2. Ambiguities

• Holes in input vector space.

• Missing boundary

• Detected by Specification languages & tools.

46 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

2. Contradictions..

• Overlapping of

• Domain Specs

• Closure Specs


D1 D2

47 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

3. Simplifying the Topology….

• Complexity !

• Concavity, Holes, Disconnectedness

48 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

3. Simplifying the Topology….

• Smoothing out concavity

• Filling in Holes

49 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

3. Simplifying the Topology….

• Joining the pieces


• Connect disconnected boundary segments

• Extend boundaries to infinity

50 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Ugly Domains U3

4. Rectifying Boundary Closures.

• make closures in one direction for parallel boundaries with

closures in both directions

• Force a Bounding Hyperplane to belong to the Domain.

Consistent Direction Inclusion / Exclusion Consistency

51 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

General DT Strategy

1. Select test points near the boundaries.

2. Define test strategy for each possible bug related to


3. Test points for a domain useful to test its adjacent domain.

4. Run the tests. By post test analysis determine if any

boundaries are faulty & if so how?

5. Run enough tests to verify every boundary of every domain

52 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

DT for Specific Domain Bugs


• Interior point

• Exterior point

• Epsilon neighborhood

• Extreme point

• On point

53 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

DT for Specific Domain Bugs

Off Points


Boundary point

Epsilon neighborhood
On Points

Domain D1
54 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

1. 1-d Domains

2. 2-d Domains

3. Equality & inequality Predicates

4. Random Testing

5. Testing n-dimensional Domains

55 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Testing 1-d Domains : Bugs with open boundaries

Closure Bug
x x

Shift left Bug
x1 x

Shift Right Bug
x x1

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Testing 1-d Domains : Bugs with open boundaries

Missing Boundary x
x x

Extra Boundary B A C
x x
x x1

Bugs with Closed Boundaries : Similar to the above

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

2. Testing 2-d Domains

• Closure bug

• Boundary Shift : up / down

• Tilted Boundary

• Extra Boundary

• Missing Boundary

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

2 n : Domains share tests

3 n : no sharing of tests by domains

Strategy for domain testing in 2-dim

59 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

3. Equality & Inequality Predicates

• An Equality predicate defines a line in 2-d

c c’

To avoid bugs

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

4. Random Testing

• A Point in the center : verifies computation

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

5. Testing n-Dimensional Domains (strategy)

n-dimensions, p boundary segments

• (n+1)*p test cases : n on points & 1 off point

• Extreme pt shared : 2 * p points

• Equalities over m-dimensions create a subspace of n-m


• Orthogonal domains with consistent boundary closures,

orthogonal to the axes & complete boundaries

• Independent testing
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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Procedure for solving for values

Simple procedure. Need tools.

1. Identify input variables

2. Identify variables which appear in domain-defining

predicates, such as control-flow predicates

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3


3. Interpret all domain predicates in terms of input variables:

• Transform non-linear to linear
• Find data flow path

4. Predicate expression with p # predicates.

Find # domains : < 2 p

3. Solve inequalities for extreme points

4. Use extreme points to solve for nearby on points …

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3


• Cost effective

• Bugs on boundaries, extreme points

• Hardware logic testing – tool intensive

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Domains & Interface Testing

• Domain

• Range

Variable Domain Range

Function /

66 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Domains & Interface Testing

Range for Domain for Range for
Routine 1 Routine 2
Domain Routine1 Routine2 Routine2

• Span compatibility

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Domains & Interface Testing

• Closure compatibility

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Interface Range/Domain Compatibility Testing

• Test each var independently

• Find an inverse function

• Build a super domain

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Finding the values / solving inequalities

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Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Domains and Testability

• Linearizing transformations

• Polynomial
• Rectangular to polar
• Generic & rational => Taylor series

71 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Domains and Testability

Perform transformations for better testing.

• Co-ordinate transformations

72 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing - Domains & Paths – Domain Testing U3

Domains and Testability

• Canonical Program Form

73 ref boris beizer

Domain Testing – Questions from the previous year’s exams U3

1. Explain Nice & Ugly Domains.

2. What is domain testing? Discuss applications of domain testing

3. Explain the domain boundary bugs for two dimensional domains

4. What is the purpose of Domain Testing? Give its schematic


5. Define the following concepts.

1. Domains 2. Domain closure 3. Domain
dimensionality 4. Bug assumptions for Domain Testing

6. Explain simple domain boundaries & compound predicates.

7. Classify what can go wrong with boundaries, then define a test

strategy for each case in domain testing.
74 ref boris beizer
Domain Testing U-3

To Unit 5…Paths, Path Products & Regular Expressions

75 ref boris beizer

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