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Mechanical waves
Traveling waves

Transverse Waves

Longitudinal Waves
kinds of waves
• mechanical waves
– transverse waves in a string
– longitudinal waves in air (sound)
– Seismic waves (Tsunami!)
• Light???
• Matter???
Q1) In a transverse wave on a spring,
the coils of the spring vibrate in
a. directions parallel to the length of the spring.
b. directions antiparallel to the length of the spring.
c. directions perpendicular to the length of the
d. directions off axis by the helix angle of the
e. directions parallel and antiparallel to the length
of the spring.



At t=0 the shape is After the time t the shape is the

D(x,t=0) same, but it is centered at position
(D is displacement) vt

D( x, t )  D( x  vt , 0)
A Solution
d 2D d 2
D wave number
v 2
2 (-) moving to right
dt x  constant
dx t constant (+) moving to left
angular frequency =2f

A solution is D( x, t )  A sin(kx t )

check with (-)

d 2D d 2
  2
A sin( kx   t ) 2
  k 2
A sin(kx  t )
dt dx
 A sin(kx  t )  v k A sin(kx  t )
2 2 2

Sinusoidal traveling waves

D( x, t  0)  A sin(kx)


0 2
 4 6
2 8

Full "Wave "


k   2  k

This is nice because
  2 f 
2 2
d D d D wave number
v 2

dt 2 x  constant
dx 2 t constant (-) moving to right
(+) moving to left
angular frequency =2f

A solution is D( x, t )  A sin(kx t )


 2
v k ( wave number )

  2 f  (angular frequency )
Q2-The wave number k of a
sinusoidal wave is
snapshot and history graphs

k=1, =1 x

x t

snapshot graph, t=0 history graph, x=40

Properties of traveling waves

A sinusoidal
traveling wave is
described by 4

D( x, t )  A sin(kx t )
And always any
point on the rope
just oscillates up
2 and down
2 
k   2 f  v
 T k
When waves hit the wall
Change in the force
When a pulse finds of the string acting
an obstacle it will on the wall
be reflected, at
least partially
rce The pulse arrives
If the obstacle is very wa
ll r op
heavy a pulse on an e
attached string is
completely reflected
and inverted Before
The pulse
the is
back rope

Force on the wallro

The pulse is reflected

Equal and opposite

reaction of the wall
on the string


This is a phase change of Δ=π

The pulse arrives

If the obstacle is
very heavy a pulse
on a sliding string is
completely reflected
but not inverted rop

The pulse
the is gonearrives
back w rope
Before pulse the
e on
FoForce on the wall

The vertical component

of the tension moves
the ring down. The
pulse is reflected but
notother situations
reflection/transmission occurs

This is a phase change of Δ=0

• 3) When a traveling wave reaches a
boundary with a medium of greater
density, the phase change in radians in
the reflected wave is
a. 0.
b. /4
c. /3
d. /2
e. 
Speed and tension
Do not confuse
tension with
The tauter a string period!
is the faster the
speed of the waves v must grow with
the tension T

The heavier (per v must drop with

length) a string is the mass/length
slower the speed of
the waves

•T has units of force: mass •length/time2

•  has units of mass /length

The only combination that has units of speed is:

These arguments
determine v (up to a

numerical constant which
turns out to be 1)
• A transverse wave on a string is
described by the wave function
D=(0.12m) sin(⅛x+4t)
a) determine the transverse speed and acceleration
at t=0.2 s for the point on the string that is
located at x=1.6m.
b) What are the wavelength, period, and speed of
propagation of this wave?
•Transverse refers to the y direction
•Velocity is a t derivative
•Acceleration is two t derivatives
•  and  I can get form the formula

y  A sin(kx  t ) (left-moving)

yy00.12 sin(xx//8844tt))  k   / 8,   4
2 2
vTy    0.48 cos(
0.5 sx / 8  4t )
 4
22 2
  d y  162 m
a y  k 2 /18.92 sin(x / 8  4t )

vvy (x  1.632 )  0.48left)
 0.2(moving
, t m/s cos(0.2  0.8 )  1.5 m/s
a y ( x  1.6, t  0.2)  1.92 2 sin(0.2  0.8 )  0
A light string with a mass per
unit length of 8g/m has its
ends tield to two walls
separated by a distance
equal to ¾ the length of the
An object of mass m is suspended from the center
of the string, creating tension in the string.
a) Find the expression for the transverse wave
speed in the string as a function of the mass
b) How much mass should be suspended from the
strong to produce a wave speed of 60 m/s?
•The weight of m generates T
•Velocity determined by T and 

Equilibrium : mg  2T sin 
T mg
T sin  T 
2 sin 
T cos T mg
L/2 v 
 2  sin 

3L / 8
cos   0.75  sin   0.66
The horizontal 9.8m
v  30.43 m
mg components of T 2  0.008  0.66
v  60 m/s  m  3.89kg
Q5 In general the velocity of a wave is
a. f/T T=tension
b. λ/T T=period
c. 2π/ω
d. 2π/k
e. ωt
• Q6 In a longitudinal wave on a spring, the coils
of the spring vibrate in
a. directions away from the source of vibration.
b. directions toward the source of vibration.
c. directions perpendicular to the length of the
d. directions off axis by the helix angle of the
e. directions back and forth along the length of the
Principle of Superposition
• If two or more waves combine at a given
point, the resulting disturbance is the sum
of the disturbances of the individual
• Two traveling waves can pass through
each other without being destroyed or
even altered!
Some Results of Superposition:
• Two waves, same wavelength and
frequency, opposite direction:
Standing Wave
• Two waves, same wavelength and
frequency, similar direction, different phase:
Two waves, same direction, slightly different
frequency and wavelength:
Standing Wave:
The superposition of two 1-D sinusoidal
waves traveling in opposite directions.
Standing Waves
• Are a form of “resonance”
• There are multiple resonant frequencies
called harmonics
• The boundary conditions and speed of
waves determine which frequencies are
• The ends of the resonant cavity have
forced nodes or antinodes
• With a wave on a string, it is possible to
force an intermediate node
Standing Wave in Pressure
Forces the Flames higher at antinodes!
Equation of standing wave in
bounded medium
• Equation of the wave travelling in +ve x
direction y1= a sin(kx-wt)
• And travelling in –ve x direction
y2= a sin(kx +wt)
After super position in bounded medium
Y= y1 –y2
Y= asin(kx-wt) –a sin(kx+wt)
Y= -2a sinkxcoswt

• Amplitude of the wave
• A= 2a sin Kx
• At x=0 A=0
• At x=L A= 0 are the condition of nodes
at the boundary.
so A= 2a sinKL =0 =sin nΠ
2 ΠL/λ = n Π
λ = 2L/n
now frequency ν = v/λ = 1/λ √T/μ
where μ is mass per unit length
• λ =L
• Now the position of antinodes

A= 2a sinkx = 1= sin(2n-1)Π/2
kx = (2n-1) Π/2
(2 Π/λ) x = (2n-1) Π/2
x= (2n-1)λ/4
Thus for n= 1,2,3,4……………… the position of
antinodes are λ/4, 3λ/4……………….
Harmonic frequencies on a
Transverse standing wave on a string
clamped at both ends: there are nodes in
displacement at both ends.
fm  m (m  1,2,3,...)
A violin and all other stringed instruments
almost always operate in the m = 1 or
fundamental frequency.
Violin Demonstration
A-string, fundamental frequency (A-note)

A-string, second harmonic (m = 2, A-note)

Higher octave A-note played in the normal

Violin Demonstration
A-string, third harmonic (m = 3, D-note)

D-note played in the normal way

Harmonic notes in sheet music: boxes

Closed organ pipe

• The sound wave travel down the pipe then

it gets reflected at its closed or open end,
producing longitudinal stationary wave, if
the frequency of theses wave is equal to
edge tone resonance occurs and loud
sound is produced.
Analytical treatment
• If the length of the pipe x=0 to x=L then
equation of waves are travelling towards +
ve x direction and reflected wave towards
–ve x direction will be
• y1= a sin(kx-wt) and y2= -a sin(kx+wt) are
super imposed on each other then
• Y= 2a coswt sinkx
where amplitude od the resultant
wave A = 2a sinkx
• For nodes position
• A=2a sinkx = 0= sin Πn
• (2 Π/λ)x = n Π
• X=n λ/2
• For n= 1,2,3………..
• X= λ/2,2 λ/2 , 3λ/2……………………..
• Similarly for antinode position
A= 2a sin kx = 1= sin(2n-1) λ/2
for x=L
L= (2n-1) λ/4

Closed organ pipe
Open organ pipe
Both sides of pipe are open is called
open organ pipe
• If the length of the pipe x=0 to x=L then
equation of waves are travelling towards +
ve x direction and reflected wave towards
–ve x direction will be
• y1= a sin(kx-wt) and y2= a sin(kx+wt) are
super imposed on each other then
• Y= 2a coskx sinwt
where amplitude od the resultant
wave A = 2a coskx
• For antinodes position
• A=2a coskx = 1= cos Πn
• (2 Π/λ)x = n Π
• X=n λ/2
• For n= 1,2,3………..
• X= λ/2,2 λ/2 , 3λ/2……………………..
• Similarly for nodes position
A= 2a cos kx = 0= cos(2n-1) λ/2
for x=L
L= (2n-1) λ/4
• So the rational change in harmonics if
closed and open organ pipe are 1:3:5…
and 1:2:3…..respectively that is why open
organ pipe sound are very much pleasant
than closed organ pipe.
Harmonic frequencies in air
Standing sound wave in a tube open at both
ends: there are nodes in pressure both ends.
fm  m (m  1,2,3,...)
Standing sound wave in a tube closed at one
end: there is a node in pressure at the open
end, and an anti-node at the closed end.
fm  m (m  1,3,5,...)
Standing Wave Quiz
The white wave is the sum of the blue and
red waves. It is the
A. Fundamental Frequency (m=1)
B. Second Harmonic (m=2)
C. Third Harmonic (m=3)
D.. Fourth Harmonic (m=4)
E. Fifth Harmonic (m=5)
Quiz b

• A string is clamped at both ends and plucked so

creates a standing wave. Define upward motion to
be positive velocities. When the string is in position
a, the instantaneous velocity of points along the
• .A. is zero everywhere
• B. is positive everywhere
• C. is negative everywhere
• D. depends on location
Quiz b

• A string is clamped at both ends and plucked so
creates a standing wave. Define upward motion to
be positive velocities. When the string is in position
b, the instantaneous velocity of points along the
• A. is zero everywhere
• B. is positive everywhere
• C. is negative everywhere
• D. depends on location
Quiz b

• A string is clamped at both ends and plucked so
creates a standing wave. Define upward motion to
be positive velocities. When the string is in position
c, the instantaneous velocity of points along the
• A. is zero everywhere
• B. is positive everywhere
• C. is negative everywhere
• D. depends on location
Quiz b

• A string is clamped at both ends and plucked so
creates a standing wave. Define upward motion to
be positive velocities. When the string is in position
b, the instantaneous acceleration of points along
the string
• A.. is zero everywhere
• B. is positive everywhere
• C. is negative everywhere
• D. depends on location
• Q1- Can a great singer cause a glass object
to shatter by his singing? Explain with
• Q2- Explain why (a) transverse mechanical
wave can not be propagated in liquids and
gases while (b) waves on strings are always
• Ans- To transmit a transverse mechanical
wave the medium must be elastic so as to
provide a restoring force when acted on by
shearing stress. But liquids and gases flow
when acted on by shearing stress.i.e.
They cannot sustain shearing stress to,
provide restoring force. And cannot
transmit transverse mechanical waves.
(b) longitudinal waves are pressure waves
i.e. they are transmitted as compression
and rarefaction in a medium. Now as the
string is non stretchable so it can neither
be compressed nor stretched. So waves
produced only transvers wave.
• Q3- The angle for the displacement of a
stretched string is given by
• Y=4sin2Π[t/0.02 –x/100]
• where y and x are in cm and t in
sec.determine (a) direction in which wave
propagating (b) amplitude (c) time period (d)
• (e) angular frequency (f) wavelength (g)
propogating constant (h) phase constant (i)
the max velocity (j) phase constant
• Q4- An observer standing at sea coast
observe 54 waves reaching the coast per
minute. If the wavelength of the waves is
10m find the velocity. What type of waves
did he observed.
• Ans – as 54 waves reaches per min
• f- 54/60=9/10Hz
• now velocity v=nλ
• answer- 9m/s
• Q5- The frequency of progressive wave
500Hz is travelling with velocity of 360
m/s. how far apart are two points 60ͦ out of
• Ans- path difference = λ/2Π × Δφ
• Q6- From a cloud at an angle of 30 degree
to the horizontal we here the thunder clap
8s 8s after seeing the lighting flash. What
is theheight of the cloud above the ground
if velocity of sound 332m/s.
• Ans- 1320km
• Q7- Which one of the following does not
represent a travelling wave.
• y= ymf(x-vt) (b) y=ymsink(x+vt)
• © y= ym log(x-vt) (d). y= f(x2-vt2)
• Q8-Where will person here maximum
sound at (displacement) node or antinode.
• Answer _ perception of sound due to pressure
variation and as at node displacement is
minimum pressure will be maximum while at
antinode the condition is reverse. So sound will
be maximum at displacement nodes (which
actually pressure antinode)
• Q9- Beats are the result of
• (a) diffraction (b) destructive interference
• © constructive and destructive both
• (d) superposition of two waves of nearly
equal freq
• Q10- Two tunning forks of frequency
512Hz and 532Hz are sounded toghether
beats produces and heard reaspectively
• (a) 20 and 20 (b) 20 and 0
• (c) 0 and 20 (d) 0 and 0
• Q11- The two tunning fork producing
progressive wave
• Given by y= 4 sin(500Πt)
• y’= 2 sin(506Πt)
• Are held near the ear of person. The
person will hear Number of beats and the
max and min intensity ratio.
• Ans : 3, and 9

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