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DFA is a subset of DFM which involves the minimization of cost of

• To maximize ease of assembly
– Part is inserted from top
– Part is self aligned
– Part does not need to be oriented
– Part requires only one hand for assembly
– Part require no tool
– Part is assembled in single linear motion
– Part is secured immediately upon insertion
Design for Assembly

• Methods consists of a design review by

–Design and development personnel
–Production personnel
• The technique imposes
• The technique also imposes
–Exciting rivalries
–Defensive postures within an organization
Aspects of Design for Assembly

• DFA is applicable to
–Products consisting of 20 -200 parts
–Mainly for mechanical parts (not electronic circuits)
–Dimensions lie between those of watches and cars
• No specialized knowledge of the means of production is
• Requires 1-2 days to perform for a product
• Often 30% improvement in the assembly cost
• Can be performed in the various stages in the design
process and repeated
Design for Assembly (Criteria)
• Execution of assembly operations
• Identifying
• Picking-Up
• Moving
• Orientating
• Aligning
Design for Assembly (Criteria)
• Standardization of assembly operations
• Possible use of existing assembly equipment and tools
• Possible use of standard assembly tools
Design for Assembly (Criteria)

• Number of operations in overall assembly

• Favorable sequence (preassembly, parallel assembly)
Design for Assembly (Criteria)

• Poss Freedom ability of automation from possible assembly errors

• Avoidance of damage to components
Design for Assembly (Criteria)

• Avoidance of special training of the assembly staff

• Maintenance of safe working conditions

• Observance of ergonomic standard

Questions Raised During DFA

• Is it possible to eliminate part of the process?

–Are there inherently different material needs
–Can the product be assembled if the part is
integrated with another part?

• What is cost to deliver a part to the place of assembly

and give correct spatial orientation and position needed
for assembly?

• What does it cost to carry out the actual assembly

of the part?
Design for Assembly Guidelines

• During the operation of the product, does the part

move relative to all other parts already assembled?
–Only gross motions should be considered
–Small motions that can be accomplished by elastic
hinges, for example, are not sufficient for a positive

• Must the part be of a different material than, or be

isolated from all other parts already assembled?
–Only fundamental reasons concerned with material
properties are acceptable.
Design parts by considering access and visibility Uni-directional insertion
for ease of insertion

Design for uni-directional

assembly preferably
using gravity. Assembly to
a stable base

Self Aligned Parts Avoid separate fasteners: design the fastening

functions into the parts.
Use hustle free joining

Snap Joints
• Cannot assemble wrong part
• Cannot omit part
• Cannot assemble part wrong way around.
Annuiar Snap-Fits

A pen utilizes an annular snap fit to retain the cap

A ball and socket joint is a kind of annular snap fil Bottle cap uses an annular snap fit
Three solutions to the same design issue.

Which do you prefer?

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