Kartilya NG Katipunan

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Kartilya ng Katipunan


Emilio Jacinto is an eloquent and brave young man that brought him in the
position for the "Brain of Katipunan". He wrote a newspaper entitled "
Kalyaan" and was the author of "Kartilya ng Katipunan". This is the guide
book for new members and current members of katipunan. He was one of the
highest ranking officers in the Philippines Revolution and was one of the
highest ranking officers of the revolutionary society Kataas - taasang,
Kagalang - galangang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan or simply and
more popularly called Katipunan, being a member of its Supreme Council. He
was elected secretary of the State for the Haring Bayang Katagalugan, a
revolutionary government established during the outbreak of hostilities.
He is popularly known in Philippine History texbooks as the Basis of the
Katipunan while some content he should be rightfully recognized as the
"Brain of the Revolution" (a title given to Apolinario Mabini). Jacinto was
present in the Cry of Pugad Lawin with Andres Bonifacio, the supremo of the
katipunan, and others of its member which signated the start of tge Revolution
against the spanish colonial government in the island. He's real name is Emilio
Jacinto y Dizon and is from Tondo Manila. He is known for his pen name,
"pingkian" "Dimasilaw" "ka llyong". He was married to Catalina de Jesus who
was pregnant at the time of his death.
Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang
Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan
it is the only organization that envisioned a (1) united Filipino nation
that would revolt against the Spaniards for (2) the total independence of
the country from Spain.
The Kartilya ng Katipunan served as the guidebook for new members of
the organization, which laid out the group's rules and principles. The first
edition of the Kartilya was written by Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto will
later pen a revised Decalogue. This is a secondary source that made use of
the minutes of a supreme assembly dated December 1895 as a primary
source and was published in the year 2013. Richardson's and Jacinto's
documents were published for the Filipino people; Emilio's kartila primarily
wrote the document for the recruits of katipunan. The author is Jim
Richardson, an american photographer for National Geographic Magazine
and contributing editor to TRAVELER Magazine.
I.The life that is not consecrated
to lofty and reasonable purpose
is a tree without a shade, if not
a poisonous weed.
II.To do good for personal gain
and not for its own sake is not
III. It is rational to be
charitable and love one’s
fellow creature, and to adjust
one’s conduct, acts and words
to what is in itself reasonable.
IV.Whether our skin be black or
white, we are all born equal :
superiority in knowledge,
wealth and beauty are to be
understood, but not superiority
by nature
V.The honorable man prefers
honor to personal gain; the
scoundrel, gain to honor
VI.To honorable man his sword
is sacred
VII. Do not waste thy time:
Wealth can be recovered but
not time lost
VIII. Defend the oppressed and
fight the oppressor before the
law or in the field
IX. The prudent man is
sparing in words and faithful in
keeping secrets
X. On the thorny path of life,
man is the guide of woman and
children, and if the guide leads
to the precipice those whom he
guides will also go there
XI. Thou must not look upon
woman as a mere plaything, but as
a faithful companion who will
remind thee of the penalties of
life; her physical weakness will
increase thy interest in her and she
will remind thee of the mother
XII.What thou dost not desire
done unto thy wife, children,
brothersand sisters, that do not
unto wife, children, brothers
and sisters of thyneighbor
XIII. Man is not worth more because he is
a king, because his nose is aquiline, and his
color white, not because he is a priest, a
servant of God, nor because of high
prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but
he is worth most who is a man of proven
and real value, who does good, keeps his
words, is worthy and honest; he who does
not oppress nor consent to being oppressed,
XIV.When these rules of conduct shall be
known to all, the longed for sun of Liberty
shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy
portion of the globe and its rays shall
diffuse everlasting joy among the
confederated brethren of same rays, the
lives of these who gone before, the
fatigues and the well-paid sufferings will
remain. If he who desires to enter has
Kartilya ng Katipunan is a set of
principles that shows the path on how
each and every one of us must live of
lives by living to the fullest through good
values. I believe that this Kartilya ng
Katipunan was made to change the
thoughts of every Filipino’s unacceptable
behavior. Katipunan was not just an
organization working towards the
freedom of the Filipinos. They built on
the ideological and political foundation
Just like Rizal who pushed Filipinos to
think critically with full understanding, this
code of conduct was made to inform people
of what they deserve to know for making
their lives better. Going back to the past, the
journey to freedom is long and hard. The
price of bravery and principle is high. Back
then, they thought that the day of real
freedom will forever remain a dream. . And
through Kartilya ng Katipunan, Filipinos
were united to fight for what they own.
And while we have different
interpretation with what was intended by
Bonifacio, there is one thing that everyone
can agree on: Kartilya ng Katipunan was
meant to guide us in living our everyday
life to the fullest. More importantly, it
highlights the importance of having the
right attitude towards other people.

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