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Nature of organizations
What is organizing?
Organizing is the function of management that
involves developing an organizational structure
and allocating human resources to ensure the
accomplishment of objectives. The structure of
the organization is the framework within which
effort is coordinated.
Nature of organizing
Once a plan has been created, a manager can
begin to organize. Organizing involves
assigning tasks, grouping tasks into
departments, delegating authority, and
allocating resources across the organization.
The specialization of the workforce according to the skills of a
person, creating specific personal and professional
development within the labour force and therefore
increasing productivity, leads to specialization which
increases the efficiency of labour. By separating a small part
of work, the workers speed and accuracy in its performance
increases. This principle is applicable to both technical as
well as managerial work.
-Henry Fayol
The Nature of Organizing

01 02 03
Process Structure Dividing and grouping

04 05 06
Accomplishment Authority Human and Material
of goals responsibility Aspects
The organization is a process of defining,
arranging, and grouping the activities
of an enterprise and establishing the
authority relationships among the
persons performing these activities.
The function of organizing is the creation
of a structural framework of duties and
responsibilities to be performed by a
group of people for the attainment of the
objectives of the concern.
Dividing and grouping
Organizing means the way in which the parts of an
enterprise are put into working order. In doing
such, it calls for the determination of parts and
integration of one complete whole into the other.
Accomplishment of goals

An organizational structure has no

meaning or purpose unless it is
built around certain clear-cut goals
or objectives.
Authority Responsibility
An organization structure consists of
various positions arranged in a
hierarchy with a clear definition of the
authority and responsibility associated
with each of these.
Human material aspects
The organization deals with the human and
material factors in business. The human
element is the most important element in
an organization. To accomplish the task of
building up a sound organization, it is
essential to prepare an outline of the
organization which is logical and simple.

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