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The importance of effective communication in commerce:
appropriate methods of communication in commercial contexts
• Communication is the process of conveying information from sender to
receiver with use of medium.
• Elements of Communication are: Sender, Receiver and Mode of
Effective Communication
• In which the communicated information is understood the same way by
both sender and receiver.
• Elements of Effective Communication are: Sender, Receiver, Mode of
communication and Feedback.
Internal and External Forms of
Internal communication is
information and ideas
exchange within the
organization itself,
while external
communication means
exchange of information both
within the organization itself
and outside the organization.
Types/Modes of communication

• Oral/Verbal - Oral communication is the process of verbally transmitting

information and ideas from one individual or group to another. It is face to
face. Methods of oral communication are telephone or mobile phone,
meeting, seminar/conference/teleconferencing.
• Written - Written communication involves any type of message that makes
use of the written word. The methods of written communication are letters,
circulars, minutes, agenda, manuals, reports, telegrams, office memos,
bulletins, newspaper, SMS, Internet/Intranet etc.
• Electronic – Electronic communication can be defined as, the
communication which uses electronic media to transmit the information.
Methods of electronic communication: • internet • teleconferencing •
videoconferencing • email

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