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Humanoid Robots

Presentation By
Dipansha Choudhary
B.Tech CSE
4th Year VII Sem
What is a Robot?
🞂 The word robot comes from the
Slavic word robota, which means
🞂 A robot is a mechanical or virtual
agent, usually an electro-
mechanical machine that is
guided by a computer program or
electronic circuitry and ranging
from industrial to humanoids and
even microscopic nano robots. By
mimicking a lifelike appearance
or automating movements, a
robot may convey a sense of
intelligence or thought of its own.
What is Robotics?
🞂 Robotics is the branch of technology
that deals with the design,
construction, operation, and
application of robots, as well as
computer systems for their control,
sensory feedback, and information
🞂 These technologies deal with
automated machines that can take
the place of humans in dangerous
environments or manufacturing
processes, or resemble humans in
appearance, behavior, and/or
🞂 Many of today's robots are inspired
by nature contributing to the field
of bio-inspired robotics.
What is meant by humanoid robot?
🞂 A humanoid robot is a robot with its body
shape built to resemble that of the human body
. A humanoid design might be for functional
purposes, such as interacting with human tools
and environments, for experimental purposes,
such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for
other purposes. In general, humanoid robots
have a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs,
though some forms of humanoid robots may
model only part of the body, for example, from
the waist up. Some humanoid robots may also
have heads designed to replicate human facial
features such as eyes and mouths. Androids
are humanoid robots built to aesthetically
resemble humans.
Why robots?
 Throughout history, robotics has been often seen
to mimic human behavior, and often manage
tasks in a similar fashion. Today, robotics is a
rapidly growing field, as technological advances
continue, research, design, and building new
robots serve various practical purposes, whether
domestically, commercially, or militarily. Many
 robots do jobs that are hazardous to people such

as defusing bombs, mines and exploring

Timeline Of Development
🞂 The concept of creating machines
that can operate autonomously
dates back to classical times, but
research into the functionality
and potential uses of robots did
not grow substantially until the
20th century.
🞂 The idea of automata was given
in third century B.C. and earlier.
It has achieved rapid growth in
20th century and it has achieved
much more within beginning of
21st century.
What are the useful components to make
a robot?
 1. Power Source: At present mostly
(lead-acid) batteries are used as a power
source. Many different types of batteries
can be used as a
power source for robots.
Potential power sources could be:
• pneumatic (compressed gases)
• hydraulics (liquids)
• flywheel energy storage
• organic garbage (through anaerobic
• faeces (human, animal); may be
interesting in a military context as faeces
of small combat groups may be reused
Power sources used
for the energy requirements of the robot
2.Sensors: Sensors allow robots to receive information about a certain
measurement of the environment, or internal
components. This is essential for robots to perform their tasks, and act upon
any changes in the environment to calculate the appropriate response. They
are used for various forms of measurements, to give the robots warnings
about safety or malfunctions, and to provide real time information of the task
it is performing.
 3.Actuators:
 Actuators are like the "muscles" of a robot,
the parts which convert
 stored energy into movement. By far the
most popular actuators are electric motors
that spin a wheel or gear, and linear
actuators that
 control industrial robots in factories. But
there are some recent
 advances in alternative types of actuators,
powered by electricity,
 chemicals, or compressed air.
 Most commonly used actuators are-
Electric motors , Linear actuators, series
elastic actuators, Piezo motors, Elastic Actuators in a Robotic leg
nanotubes etc.
Control of a robot to perform a task

Perception Processing Action

Sensors give Information is Signals are

information then then received
about the processed to by actuators
environment calculate the which move
or the robot appropriate the
itself signals mechanical
What are the various types of robots?

Rescue robot

AIBO (animal robot)

ASIMO humanoid entertainment robot

Industrial robot
Mining robot

Social robot
Robot soldiers
What is artificial intelligence?
 Artificial intelligence (AI) is
technology and a branch of
computer science that studies
and develops intelligent
machines and software.
 The field was founded on the
claim that a central ability of
humans, intelligence—the
sapience of Homo sapiens—can
be so precisely described that
it can be simulated by a
What are the advantages of humanoids over
commonly used robots?
 Though humanoids don't yet have some
features of the human body. They include
structures with variable flexibility, which
provide safety (to the robot itself and to the
people), and redundancy of movements,
i.e. more degrees of freedom and therefore
wide task availability.
 In earlier days, robots were designed to
perform only some laborious , hazardous
works only and those had no such
intelligence. But in case of humanoid
robots, scientists succeeded to implement
artificial intelligence and also some
artificial emotions and they can interact
with human.

How the androids interact with human?

 If robots are to work effectively in homes and other

non-industrial environments, the way they are
instructed to perform their jobs, and especially
 how they will be told to stop will be of critical
importance. The people who interact with them may
have little or no training in robotics, and so any
interface will need to be extremely intuitive. Science
fiction authors also typically assume
 that robots will eventually be capable of communicating
with humans through
 speech, gestures, and facial expressions, rather than a
command-line interface.
Robots interact with human in
following ways:
1.Touch: Current robotic and prosthetic
hands receive far less tactile information
than the human hand. Recent research
has developed a tactile sensor array
that mimics the mechanical properties
and touch receptors of human
2.Vision: Computer vision is the science
and technology of machines that see. As
a scientific discipline, computer vision
concerned with the theory behind
artificial systems that extract
information from images. The image
data can take many forms, such as
video sequences and views from
 3.Speech recognition: Though it
becomes harder when the speaker
has a different accent, currently,
the best systems can recognize
continuous, natural speech, up to
160 words per minute, with an
accuracy of 95%.
 4.Robotic voice : For social
reasons, synthetic voice proves
suboptimal as a communication
medium, making it necessary to
develop the emotional component
of robotic voice through various
 5.Gestures: It is likely that
gestures will make up a part of the
interaction between humans and
robots . A great many systems
have been developed to recognize
human hand gestures.
🞂 6.Facial expression: A robot
should know how to
approach a human, judging
by their facial expression
and body language.
Whether the person is
happy, frightened, or crazy-
looking affects the type of
interaction expected of the
robot. Likewise, robots like
Kismet and the more recent
addition, Nexi can produce
a range of facial expressions,
allowing it to have
meaningful social exchanges
with humans.
🞂 7. Artificial emotions:
Artificial emotions can also
be generated, composed of
a sequence of facial
expressions and/or
🞂 8.Personality: Researchers
are trying to create robots
which appear to have a
personality , i.e. they use
sounds, facial expressions,
and body language to try to
convey an internal state ,
which may be joy, sadness,
or fear.
Future of Robotics
 Various techniques have emerged to develop the science of robotics and
robots. One method is evolutionary robotics, in which a number of
differing robots are submitted to tests. Those which perform best are used
as a model to create a subsequent "generation" of robots. Another method is
developmental robotics, which tracks changes and development within a
single robot in the areas of problem-solving and other
functions.Cooperation between robots with different capabilities is one of
aspects which can influence on the future of robotics. In this situation
coordination is an important factor which must be take to account for
making a robust behavior for each robot.
 Projected robotics timeline:
 2015-2020 - every South Korean and many European households will have
a robot, The Ministry of Information and Communication (South Korea),
 2018 - robots will routinely carry out surgery, South Korea government
 2022 - intelligent robots that sense their environment, make decisions, and learn
are used in 30% of households and organizations - TechCast
 2030 - robots capable of performing at human level at most manual jobs
Marshall Brain
 2034 - robots (home automation systems) performing most household tasks,
Helen Greiner, Chairman of iRobot
 2050 - robot "brains" based on computers that execute 100 trillion
instructions per second will start rivaling human intelligence
 Military robots :
 2015 - one third of US fighting strength will be composed of robots - US
Department of Defense, 2006
 2035 - first completely autonomous robot soldiers in operation - US Department
of Defense, 2006
 Developments related to robotics from the Japan NISTEP 2030 report :
 2013-2014 — agricultural robots
 2013-2017 — robots that care for the elderly
 2017 — medical robots performing low-invasive surgery
 2017-2019 — household robots with full use.
 2019-2021 — Nanorobots
Can Robots be a threat in future?

According to research
commissioned by the UK Office of
Science and Innovation's Horizon
Scanning Centre, robots could one
day demand the same citizen's
rights as humans. The study also
warns that the rise of robots could
put a strain on resources and the
environment. Even this technology
can be misused for destructive
works also (which is a treat to us).
 The robotics field is quite promising but to make a really intelligent
robot takes supreme effort. The ultimate goal of robotics is a super
human system that embodies all the skills (such as intelligence,
touch and sensitivity) of humans without of any their limitations
(such as strength, ageing). Today we find most robots working for
people in industries, factories, warehouses, and laboratories. Robots
are useful in many ways. For instance, it boosts economy because
businesses need to be efficient to keep up with the industry
competition. Therefore, having robots helps business owners to be
competitive, because robots can do jobs better and faster than
humans can, e.g. robot can built, assemble a car. Yet robots cannot
perform every job; today robots roles include assisting research and
industry. Finally, as the technology improves, there will be new
ways to use robots which will bring new hopes and new potentia

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