The Scream

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By Povilas C. 7alfa

• “The scream” is a painting created by Norwegian artist Edward munch in 1893.

There are four versions of “The scream”, two of them were created using
paint, and other two using pastels and crayons. It shows an agonized face and a
sea with orange sky behind him.

• The movement of this painting is Expressionism, an art movement which

started in Europe in the beginning of 20th century.
• The Expressionism paintings try to show not objective reality, but rather the
subjective emotions and response that objects arouse within a person.
• The artist accomplishes this aim through distortion, fantasy, violent or dynamic
application of formal elements.

• The first version of painting was exhibited in 1893 in the

National gallery in Oslo, Norway. It is exhibited there to
this day.

• Other version of the painting was sold for nearly 120

million US dollars, and is in the private collection of
Leon Black.

• One of the pastel versions commanded the fourth highest nominal price paid
for an artwork at a public auction. The painting was bought by Peter Olsen for
120 million US dollars.

1994 THEFT 2004 THEFT

On 12 February 1994 two men broke into The 1910 version of The Scream was stolen
the National Gallery in Oslo, and stole its on 22 August 2004, during daylight hours,
version of The Scream, leaving a note when masked gunmen entered the Munch
reading "Thanks for the poor security“. In Museum in Oslo and stole it with Munch's
the same year the painting was recovered Madonna. In 2006 police recovered both of
undamaged. the paintings undamaged.

• All of the paintings are now safe, in the museums

1893 1893 1895 1910


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