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BS FYP Project Proposal

Virtual Mart E-Commerce Platform

Student Name:
Tazmeer Ul Hassan Shahzad 20014198-085
Ali Adnan 20014198-067
Usman Aleem 20014198-065

Supervised by
Dr. Usman Sana

Department of Software Engineering,

University of Gujrat, HH Campus, Gujrat
• Introduction
• Existing System
• Proposed System
• Goals and Objectives
• Aims and Objectives
• Main Modules
• System Workflow
• Tools and Technologies

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• Introduction

The Virtual Mart E-commerce Platform is an

innovative web application designed to transform
local commerce. It seamlessly connects users,
shopkeepers, drivers, and administrators in a dynamic
ecosystem. With personalized shopping experiences,
efficient workflows, and robust security measures,
Virtual Mart empowers local businesses and enhances
user engagement.

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Existing System
• Existing System
The existing system likely represents the traditional approach to local commerce, which
typically involves physical storefronts and manual processes. In this conventional setup,
customers visit physical stores, browse products in person, and make purchases using
cash or card payments. Shopkeepers manage their inventory manually and handle
customer transactions on-site.

Drivers, in this context, may not be directly integrated into the system. Instead, they
might be third-party entities responsible for delivering products to customers, typically
organized by the shopkeepers themselves.

Administrative tasks, such as user verification and order management, may rely on
manual processes or basic software solutions. Discounts and special offers may be
communicated through traditional advertising methods.

Overall, the existing system lacks the digital sophistication, personalized experiences,
and streamlined workflows that the proposed Virtual Mart E-commerce Platform aims
to provide. The new platform aims to bridge these gaps and bring local commerce into
the digital age.
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Proposed System
• Proposed System

The proposed system, Virtual Mart E-commerce Platform, is a

comprehensive and digitally-driven solution designed to revolutionize local
commerce. It introduces a dynamic ecosystem that seamlessly connects
users, shopkeepers, drivers, and administrators. Here are the key
components and improvements in the proposed system:
• User-Centric Experience:
• Efficient Shopping Process:
• Discount Offers:
• User Roles:
• Admin Verification Process:
• Shopkeeper Features:
• Order Management:
• Driver Workflow:
• Payment Release Process:
• Location-Based Access:
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Goals and Objectives
• Goals and Objectives
1. Empower Local Commerce
2. Enhance User Experience
3. Streamline Driver Operations
4. Admin Oversight and Verification
5. Promote Local Engagement
6. Ensure Scalability and Adaptability
7. Prioritize Security and Privacy

8. Personalized Recommendations
9. Efficient Order Handling
10. Transparent Delivery Process
11. Verification Workflow
12. Dynamic Discount System
13. Scalable Architecture
14. Data Protection and Compliance
15. Community Engagement
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Main Modules
• Main Modules

1. User Management
a. Registration & Authentication
b. Profile Management

2. Shopkeeper Workflow
a. Product Management
b. Order Assignment

3. Driver Workflow
a. Order Notifications
b. Delivery Status Updates

4. Admin Oversight
a. Verification & Approval
b. Discount Management

5. Order Processing
a. Cart Management
b. Secure Payments

6. Location-Based Filters
a. Targeted Product Searches

7. Notification System
a. Real-Time Updates
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System Workflow
• System Workflow

1. User Registration and Authentication

2. User Profile Management
3. Interest-Based and Location-Based Filters
4. Product Viewing and Selection
5. Adding Items to Cart and Order Placement
6. Shopkeeper Portal Access
7. Product Management by Shopkeepers
8. Order Assignment by Shopkeepers
9. Driver Workflow
10. Order Pickup and Delivery
11. Payment Request by Drivers
12. Admin Oversight
13. User Feedback and Reviews
14. Receipt Download and Order History
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Tools and Technologies
• Tools and Technologies

• Frontend Development (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript)

• Backend Development (Node.js, Express.js)
• Database Management (MySQL)
• Framework (React.js (for dynamic user interfaces))
• Authentication and Authorization (FireBase)
• Payment Integration (Stripe API)
• Geolocation Services (Google Maps API)
• Version Control (Git, GitHub)
• Deployment and Hosting ( MS Azure virtual machine)
• Data Security (SSL Encryption)
• User Interface Design (Figma)
• Project Management (Jira, GitHub)
• Documentation (GoogleUniversity
DOCs, MS Visio)
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Thank You


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