D1S16-People Hope For A Saviour

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Session 16

Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study


People Hope for a Saviour

Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study


People Hope for a Saviour

“As I watched in the night visions, I saw one like a
human being coming with the clouds of heaven. And
he came to the Ancient One and was presented before
him. To him was given dominion and glory and
kingship… that shall never be destroyed.”
Daniel 7:13-14

Our Human Condition

We swing between two extremes. Either we drift into

cynicism, supposing that evil prospers and death ends
all. Or we try to convince ourselves that a new
government, a change in leadership, some quick fix
will save us. Only special people seem to catch the
vision of God’s final kingdom of peace.

Video Viewing & Discussion

• What setting does the writer of Daniel base his story?

• What is the message of Daniel?

• What are the characteristics of apocalyptic literature?

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Video Viewing & Discussion

• What setting does the writer of Daniel base his story?

• What is the message of Daniel?

• What are the characteristics of apocalyptic literature?


Scripture & Study Manual

In the Study Manual, review the commentary on the time in
which Daniel was written, that is, the period of Antiochus
Epiphanes IV.

• Why do you think the writer of Daniel thought the period

of the Exile a good setting for his message?

Scripture & Study Manual

• Identify the apocalyptic themes and characteristics being
used in Daniel 7

Scripture & Study Manual

• Describe one picture of hope based on the following
Scripture passages:

Daniel 1-3

Daniel 4-6

Daniel 7

Daniel 12

Encounter the Word

Isaiah 65:17-25

• Listen for sounds, sights, smells, touches and tastes as

the Scripture passage is being read

• Which senses does the Scripture appeal to?


Our Human Condition

We swing between two extremes. Either we drift into

cynicism, supposing that evil prospers and death ends
all. Or we try to convince ourselves that a new
government, a change in leadership, some quick fix
will save us. Only special people seem to catch the
vision of God’s final kingdom of peace.

Mark of Discipleship

Disciples sense their unity with the historic people of

God and live in hope with a vision of God’s kingdom
Book Title Memory

All OT Books

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