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LabZone (Laboratory Appointment


Supervised By:
Mr. Usman Rafi

Presented By:
Fahad Hassan(Bsf1902027)(GL), Farhan Abbas(Bsf1901783), M
Usama Tayyab Gondal (Bsf1901479)
 Introduction
 Objectives
 Problem Statement
 Problem Solution
 Functional Non- Functional Requirements
 Modules
 Tool and Technology
 Architecture Design
 Use Case Design
 User Interface
 Limitation
 Future Work

 Patients can schedule appointments online through a mobile app and also chose the home
sample collection service.
 Offers a user-friendly interface and patients can choose a preferred time for appointments.
 Aims to enhance the patient experience by reducing wait times, and providing a convenient and
reliable platform for scheduling laboratory appointments.
 Delivering exceptional service and ensuring that patients have a positive experience when using
our system.

 Online laboratory appointments can be especially useful for patients

who live in rural or remote areas, or for those who have mobility issues
or difficulty traveling such as disable persons.
 Providing a single platform and a simple convenient way to schedule
 Allowing users to manage their appointments on the go either by
calling each laboratory separately.
 This can be especially important for pandemic or natural disaster.
Problem Statement:

 The current process of scheduling appointments for laboratory services is often time-consuming.
 Patients may face challenges such as finding available appointments and visiting the laboratory.
 The manual methods used for appointment scheduling, leading to mistakes in patient information,
appointment scheduling, and result reporting.
 Lack of a user-friendly system for scheduling appointments may lead to inconsistencies in
appointment processes.
Problem Solution:

 Schedule appointments online can save time and effort.

 Home Sample Collection.
 Can provide a platform for patients to communicate with their laboratory.
 Access laboratory services remotely.
 A convenient and safe way.
Functional Requirement:

 Appointment Scheduling
 Patient Registration and Information Management
 Billing and Payment
 User Management and Access Control
 Security
 Usability and Accessibility
 Scalability and Performance
Non-Functional Requirements:

 Performance
 Reliability
 Security
 Scalability
 Usability
 Accessibility
 Maintainability

 User
 Laboratory
 Rider
 Admin
Tools and Technology:

 Android Studio
 Xml
 Java
 Firebase
 Google Maps API
Architecture Diagram:
Use Case Diagram:
Splash Screen Graphical User Interface:
and Sig in Page:
User Sign In-
Sign up
User Home
Search by
Location and
Lab Details &
Sign In-Sign up
Lab Home &
Add Lab Time:
Lab Add Rider
Fee & Add Test:
Lab Rider
Assign Screen:
Admin Log In &
Home Screens:
Admin Verify Lab &
Rider Accounts
Rider Sign in –
Sign up Screens:
Rider Home &
User Details

 It is available for Android only.

 Proper Payment Module is not available.
 Only manual JazzCash, Easypaisa and Bank payment
methods are available.
Future Work:

 Implementation of a feedback and rating system to allow users to rate and review laboratories
based on their experiences, helping other users make more informed decisions.
 Implementation of a virtual consultation feature, allowing users to consult with laboratory staff
remotely for tests or follow-up appointments.
 It will be available for IOS and Web.
Thank You

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