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(eat/read) (rain/shine) (run/walk)


- ing
• I’m running now.
• You are studying English at this moment.
• Luisa is eating..
• Tom is doing a good job.
Write - writing
I am writing
You are writing
He is writing
She is a song.
It is
We are
They are

NOT- ing
• I’m not running now.
• You aren’t (are not) sleeping at this moment.
• Luisa is not eating. She’s working.
• Tom isn’t (is not) doing a good job.
I am I’m not
I am not
You are You aren’t
He is He isn’t
She is not She isn’t
It is It isn’t
We are We aren’t
They are They aren’t
Write - writing
She not writing a song.
Something is happening NOW
He’s lying
is waiting They’re having
Are playing She’s sitting
is cooking
are standing
is swimming
are staying
is having
are building
am going
‘s sitting on the floor.
She isn’t reading a book.
She isn’t playing the piano.
She is laughing.
She is wearing a hat.
She isn’t writing a letter.
I’m sitting on a chair.
I am not eating..
It’s not raining = It isn’t raining
I’m learning English.
I am listening to music. / I’m not listening to music.
The sun is shining.
I’m wearing shoes. /I’m not wearing shoes.
I’m reading a newspaper. /I’m not reading a newspaper.

- ing
am / is / are • I, You, He…
• Michael, Renata
• The children, my
friends, my dog, the
school, that clock…

- ing
• Are you playing the piano?
• Is Cukis sleeping? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t.
• Are we studying? Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Are you going now

Is it raining

Are you enjoying the film Is that clock working Are you writing a letter
going are you eating

are you crying are they looking at is he laughing

- ing
Are you listening to me?
Where are your friends going?
Are your parents watching T.V.?
What is Ann cooking?
Why are you looking at me?
Is the bus coming?

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