English Lesson

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Unit 4

Lesson B/C

Everyday life

Created by: Gerardo Molina

Activity 1

Work in couples and share

with your peer at least 4 things
you do before coming to class.

Example: Before coming

to class I watch the news.
What do you do with these objects? Do not Activity 2

repeat the verbs.

I write poems.
I use a pencil in my English
I need a pencil in my exam.
Tel your partner about the things you DON’T
do in the fol owing places or with the fol
owing situations

Activity 3

In an While driving
exam Hospital

At night
In class
Activity 4
pc, 08/17/2014

Copy the phrases Listening exercise --------------------------------------------

pc, 08/17/2014
To evaluate the previous activities, T
pc, 08/17/2014
gives them a listening exercises in
After listening, Ss copy the phrases on
which they write some phrases. 10
the board.
min.complement with the previousm am
explanation, T uses different
subjects to see if the students
1. _________ ________________________________ understood the previous grammar

2. _________ ________________________________

3. _________ ________________________________

4. _________ ________________________________

5. _________ ________________________________

6. _________ ________________________________

7. _________ ________________________________

8. _________ ________________________________

9. _________ ________________________________

10. _________ ________________________________

Activity 5

Sinia, Bianca and Gerardo are co-workers. They Gerardo is a teacher. He lives in el Manantial
live in the same neighborhood. They work at neighborhood. He works at CEUTEC. He eats with
CEUTEC. They eat lunch at 12:00 and after his friends Sinia and Bianca and after that he goes
that they go back to work. Sinia and Bianca back to the teacher’s lounge. Gerardo prepares his
prepare reports for the Director. They use excel classes for next days. He uses Power Point
and Microsoft. After work they drive home and Presentations. After work he drives home and
spend time with their family. spends time with his dogs.
Activity 6


Mr. Bean’s Daily Routine
D i s c u s s w i t h y o u r p a r t n e r. U s e t h e s e n t e n c e s t o h e l p y o u .


1. M r . B e a n w a k e s u p a ft e r t h e a l a r m s o u n d s .

2. A ft e r h e w a k e s u p , h e t a k e s a s h o w e r .

3. M r . B e a n d r i n k s c o ff e e i n a m u g .

4. H e l e a v e s h o m e a t 6 : 3 0 i n t h e m o r n i n g .

5. H e e a t s c h i c k e n f o r l u n c h .

6. M r . B e a n g e t s h o m e a t 7 : 0 0 .

7. H e c h e c k s h i s e - m a i l d u r i n g l u n c h .

8. H e r e a d s t h e n e w s p a p e r b e f o r e g o i n g t o s l e e p

9. H e g o e s t o b e d e a r l y .

T r y t o w r i t e a s u m m a r y a b o u t M r . B e a n ’ s d a i l y r o u ti n e .

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