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Almighty Lord God, give us true

faith, and make that faith grow in

us day by day. Also give us hope
and love, so that we may serve
our neighbors according to your
will; through your Son, Jesus
Christ our Lord, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Communication strategy is
the scheme of planning
how to share information.
Strategies must be used to start
and maintain a conversation
(Cohen, 1990).
The strategy may vary according
to the need, situation, or speaker.
This is a speaker’s strategy in establishing a
collaborative conversation by opening a
subject. Commonly, to employ this strategy
without prior conversation, the speaker
frequently asks questions, tell some current
news or announcements that would require
his/her listener to respond and have a good
start for conversation.
1. Who is your hero?
2. If you could live
anywhere, where would it
3. What is your biggest
4. What is your favorite
family vacation?
5. What really makes you

Restriction in communication refers to any

limitation you have as a speaker (Sipacio and
Balgos, 2016). This strategy limits the
speaker’s content of what to say – mostly only
those that are relevant to the topic presented.
If a teacher gives a topic to collaborate,
everyone in the group are expected to bring
out ideas that would only be concerned with
the given topic. Speakers are restricted to
sideswipe to avoid communication
1. Do you want to work
on Saturday or Sunday?
2. It certainly is a
beautiful day today, isn't
3. Have you already
completed your
4. Is that your final
To make communication be organized and all
ideas are well-facilitated, people in the circle
must be given equal opportunities to present
their ideas during the conversation.
Signs that your turns-at-talk are too

Other participants in the conversation

show increasing signs of boredom or
annoyance while you speak.

Other participants keep trying to cut

you off, with false starts (which you
keep talking over).

Other people drop out of the

conversation, although you wanted to
keep going.
Topic Control
Topic control is a communicative strategy used to
control and prevent unnecessary interruptions and
topic shifts in a certain conversation. Topic control is
considered a procedural formality or informality that
affects the development of certain topics in
particular discussion or conversation.
Moreover, topic control works along the concept of
turn-taking, where everyone can express related
ideas to the ongoing topic without the need to
interrupt others.
Let's go back to the topic.

We are talking about

communication here right?
Topic Shifting

Topic shifting is a diversionary tactic in which one

person in a discussion (the shifter) manages to subtly
change the discussion's topic to another, related but
different topic, without explicitly announcing the
change of subject or reaching any kind of mutual
agreement that such a change is appropriate.
"What were you talking a while

"You have point with that. But

aren't we going to talk about
your vacation?"

"That's quiet interesting! But

what I am trying to say a while

“But aren't you going out


Repair refers to how speakers address problems in

speaking, listening, and comprehending that they
may encounter in a conversation. Repair is self-
righting mechanism in any social interaction.
Once a problem in communication is not repaired
right away, surely, it would lead into
misunderstanding or confusion.
1. Self-initiated and self-repaired
(correcting yourself)
I'm heading off to John's-- I
mean Paul's house tonight.

2. Other-initiated and self-repaired

(couldn't hear the speaker clearly)
A: I'm heading off to vacation next
B: What?
A: I said I am going on vacation next
3. Self-initiated and other-repaired
(you can't find the right word, and
someone else fills it in for you)
A: I need more storage space on my
computer, so I need to get a new umm....
B: A hard drive?
A: Yeah, that's right, a hard drive.

4. Other-initiated and other-repaired

(you have your facts incorrect and
someone else corrected you)
A: With the 6% sales tax, that would
add quite a bit to the price.
B: The sales tax is actually 7%. *
Termination refers to the conversation
participants' close initiating expressions
that end a topic in a conversation. Most
of the time, the topic initiator takes
responsibility to signal the end of the
discussion as well.
Thank you. See you then.

Of course, thank you. I’m looking

forward to our next meeting.

I should probably be going. Nice

talking with you.

I’ll miss you too. See you next week.

A: hey! I just want to say sorry to A: Look! That is why I’m
what happened last time apologizing. I’m already down on
(NOMINATION) my knees so please don’t be too
hard in me.
B: How was your mother? Was she ( REPAIRING)
doing well? I haven’t seen her lately
B: Then what do you want me to do
(TOPIC SHIFTING) after you apologizing? Do you want
A: Please. Let’s just talk about the me to give you forgiveness
last time, it’s not about my mother instantly? Do you think it’s that
or anyone else. easy?
B: ok then. Let’s just talk about B: See? Speak up! Tell me what I
ONLY ABOUT IT! What came into should do?
your mind why you did that? Were (TURN TAKING)
you out of your mind that time? A: You know what, it won’t change
(TOPIC CONTROL) anything. I’ll just go now.
( raging in anger) (TERMINATION)
“Effective communication helps to
keep the team working on the right
projects with the right attitude.”
Alex Langer, Italian Journalist, Politician, Teacher
To God be the

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