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Introduction to Distributed Systems

Main contents

 Introduction
 Definitions
 Goals

Distributed Systems Goals
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Define a distributed system and give examples of several different
distributed systems paradigms.
2. Design and implement application level communication protocols using
3. Design and implement a tool which works in a client-server architecture and uses TCP
or UDP for communication.
4. Design and implement a tool which works in a peer-to-peer architecture and uses TCP
or UDP for communication.
5. Explain fundamental problems in distributed systems relating to
synchronization, mutual exclusion, replication, and fault tolerance.
6. Design and implement applications which communicate using application level
multicast and epidemic communication mechanisms.
7. Build and test a distributed communication tool which is based on the Apache Kafka
Distributed Streaming Platform.

Distributed System: Definition
A distributed system is a piece of software that ensures:
a collection of autonomous computing elements that appears to its users as a
single coherent system
Two aspects in distributed system :
1) Autonomous computing elements, also referred to as nodes, be they hardware
devices or software processes and
2) Single coherent system: users or applications perceive a single system nodes
need to collaborate.
Each node is autonomous:
• Its own notion of time  there is no global clock
• Leads to fundamental synchronization and coordination problems.
Collection of nodes and group:
• How to manage group membership?
• How to know you are communicating with an authorized member?

Why Distributed?
Because we need to…
Resource and Data Sharing
printers, databases, multimedia servers, ...
Availability, Reliability
the loss of some instances can be hidden
Scalability, Extensibility
the system grows with demand (e.g., extra servers)
huge power (CPU, memory, ...) available
Inherent distribution, communication
organizational distribution, e-mail, video

Problems of Distribution
Concurrency, Security
clients must not disturb each other
unwanted communication such as spam
Partial failure
we often do not know where the error is (e.g., RPC)
Location, Migration, Replication
clients must be able to find their servers
hardware, platforms, languages, management

Characteristics of Distributed Systems

 Differences between the computers and the way they communicate are hidden from

 Users and applications can interact with a distributed system in a consistent and
uniform way regardless of location.

 Distributed systems should be easy to expand and scale.

 A distributed system is normally continuously available, even if there may be partial

Organization of distributed system

Overlay network Overlay types

• • Well-known example of overlay networks:
Each node in the collection
peer- to-peer systems.
communicates only with other
– Structured: each node has a well-defined
nodes in the system, its neighbors.
set of neighbors with whom it can
• The set of neighbors may be communicate (tree, ring).
dynamic, or may even be known – Unstructured: each node has references
only implicitly (i.e., requires a to randomly selected other nodes from the
lookup). system.

Coherent system
• The collection of nodes as a whole operates the same no matter where,
when, and how interaction between a user and the system takes place.
• Examples:
1. An end user cannot tell where a computation is taking place
2. Where data is exactly stored should be irrelevant to an application
3. Whether data has been replicated or not is completely hidden Key:
4. Distribution Transparency
5. Partial Failures
• It’s inevitable that at any time only a part of the distributed system fails. Hiding
partial failures and their recovery is often very difficult and in general impossible to

Middleware: OS of Distributed Systems

What’s inside?
• Commonly used components and functions that need not be
implemented by applications separately.

What do we want to achieve?

 Supporting sharing of resources

 Distribution transparency
 Openness
 Scalability

Sharing resources
• Canonical examples
– Cloud-based shared storage and files
– Peer-to-peer assisted multimedia streaming
– Shared mail services (think of outsourced mail systems)
– Shared Web hosting (think of content distribution networks)

• “The network is the computer”
(quote from John Gage, then at Sun Microsystems)

Distribution Transparency
Transparency Description
Hide differences in data representation and how an object is accessed
Location Hide where an object is located

Hide that an object may be moved to another location while in use

Migration Hide that an object may move (itself) to another location

Replication Hide that an object is replicated

Hide that an object may be shared by several

Concurrency independent users

Failure Hides failure and recovery of objects

Note: Distribution transparency is a nice goal, but aiming at full distribution transparency may be too much

Degree of Transparency
Observation: Aiming at full distribution transparency may be too much.

• There are communication latencies that cannot be hidden

• Completely hiding failures of networks and nodes is (theoretically
and practically) impossible
– You cannot distinguish a slow computer from a failing one
– You can never be sure that a server actually performed an
operation before a crash
• Full transparency will cost performance, exposing distribution of
the system
– Keeping replicas exactly up-to-date with the master takes
– Immediately flushing write operations to disk for fault

Exposing Distribution
• Exposing distribution may be good
– Making use of location-based services (finding your nearby
– When dealing with users in different time zones
– When it makes it easier for a user to understand what’s going on
( e.g., a server does not respond for a long time, report it as

• Conclusion:
– Distribution transparency is a nice a goal, but achieving it is a
different story, and it should often not even be aimed at.

Openness of Distributed Systems
Open distributed system
Be able to interact with services from other open systems, irrespective
of the underlying environment:
• Systems should conform to well-defined interfaces
• Systems should support portability of applications
• Systems should easily interoperate

Achieving openness
At least make the distributed system independent from heterogeneity of the
underlying environment:
• Hardware
• Platforms
• Languages
Policy versus Mechanisms

Implementing openness: Support for different policies:

• What level of consistency do we require for client-cached data?
• Which operations do we allow downloaded code to perform?
• Which QoS requirements do we adjust in the face of varying
• What level of secrecy do we require for communication?

Implementing openness: Ideally, a distributed system provides only

• Allow (dynamic) setting of caching policies
• Support different levels of trust for mobile code
• Provide adjustable QoS parameters per data stream
• Offer different encryption algorithms 17
Scale in Distributed Systems
Many developers of modern distributed systems easily use the adjective
“scalable” without making clear why their system actually scales.

At least three components are available:
• Number of users and/or processes (size scalability)
• Maximum distance between nodes (geographical scalability)
• Number of administrative domains (administrative scalability)

Most systems account only, to a certain extent, for size scalability. But,
today, the challenge lies in geographical and administrative

Geographical scalability

Cannot simply go from LAN to Lack of multipoint

• Many distributed systems
assume synchronous (the same) • A simple search broadcast cannot
client-server interactions be deployed.
• Client sends request and • Solution: Develop separate naming
waits for an answer. and directory services (having
• Latency(delay) may easily their own scalability problems).
prohibit this scheme.

WAN links are often

inherently unreliable
• Simply moving streaming
video from LAN to WAN will

Administrative scalability

Essence: Conflicting policies concerning usage, management, and


Exception: Several P2P networks
Computational grids:
share expensive resources • File-sharing systems (based,
between different domains. e.g., on BitTorrent)
Shared equipment: • Peer-to-peer telephony
how to control, manage, and use a (Skype)
shared radio telescope • Peer-assisted audio
constructed as large-scale shared streaming (Spotify)
sensor network?

Note: End users collaborate and not administrative entities.

Size Scalability
Root causes for scalability problems with centralized

• Computational capacity, limited by the CPUs

• Storage capacity, including the transfer rate between CPUs
and disks
• Network between the user and the centralized service

Size Scaling Technique 1
Hide communication latencies
Avoid waiting for responses; do something else:

Have separate handler

Make use of asynchronous for incoming response

Problem: not every application fits this


Offloading Work

• Facilitate solution by moving computations to client



A) a server checking the correctness of field entries

B) a client doing the job
Size Scaling Technique 2

Partition data and computations across multiple machines:
Move computations to
clients (e.g., Java applets) Decentralized naming services
(e.g., DNS)

Decentralized information systems

(e.g., WWW)

Size Scaling Technique 3

Make copies of data available at different machines:

Replicated file servers and

Mirrored Web sites

Web caches (in browsers File caching (at server

and proxies) and client)

Replication Problems

Applying scaling techniques is easy, except for one thing:
• Having multiple copies (cached or replicated), leads to
• modifying one copy makes that copy different from the rest.
• Always keeping copies consistent and in a general way requires
global synchronization (the same) on each modification.
• Global synchronization precludes large-scale solutions.

If we can tolerate inconsistencies, we may reduce the need for global
synchronization, but tolerating inconsistencies is application

Developing Distributed Systems: Pitfalls

Many distributed systems are needlessly complex caused by mistakes
that required patching later on. There are many false assumptions:
• The network is reliable
• The network is secure
• The network is homogeneous
• The topology does not change
• Latency is zero
• Bandwidth is infinite
• Transport cost is zero
• There is one administrator
The End


Architectures for Distributed Systems

Main contents
 Architectural Styles
 System Architectures


Software Architectures:
Describe the organization and interaction of software components; focuses
on logical organization of software (component interaction, etc.)

System Architectures:
Describe the placement of software components on physical machines
The realization of an architecture may be
centralized (most components located on a single machine),
decentralized (most machines have approximately the same functionality), or
hybrid (some combination).

Architectural Styles

An architectural style describes a particular way to configure a collection

of components and connectors.
Component: a module with well-defined interfaces; reusable, replaceable
Connector: communication link between modules
Architectures suitable for distributed systems:
 Layered architectures
 Object-based architectures
 Data-centered architectures
 Event-based architectures

Architectural Styles

Object based is less structured

component = object
connector = RPC or RMI

Figure 2-1. The (a) layered architectural style & (b) The object-based architectural style.

Data-Centered Architectures

Main purpose: data access and update

Processes interact by reading and modifying data in some shared
repository (active or passive)
Traditional data base (passive): responds to requests
Blackboard system (active): clients solve problems collaboratively;
system updates clients when information changes.
Another example: web-based distributed systems where
communication is through web services (Ch 12 on reference book)

Architectural Styles

• Communication via event propagation, in

distributed systems seen often in Publish/ Subscribe; Event-based architecture supports several
e.g., register interest in market info; get email updates communication styles:
• Publish-subscribe
• Decouples sender & receiver; asynchronous • Broadcast
communication • Point-to-point

Figure 2-2. (a) The event-based architectural style

Architectural Styles

Data Centric Architecture;

e.g., shared distributed file systems or Web-based distributed systems
Combination of data-centered and event based architectures
Processes communicate asynchronously

Figure 2-2. (b) The shared data-space architectural style.

Distribution Transparency

An important characteristic of software architectures in

distributed systems is that they are designed to support
distribution transparency.
Transparency involves trade-offs
Different distributed applications require different
There is no “silver bullet” – no one-size-fits-all system.

System Architectures for Distributed Systems

Centralized: traditional client-server structure

Vertical (or hierarchical) organization of communication and control paths
(as in layered software architectures)
Logical separation of functions into client (requesting process) and server
Decentralized: peer-to-peer
Horizontal rather than hierarchical communication and control
Communication paths are less structured; symmetric functionality
Hybrid: combine elements of C/S and P2P
Edge-server systems and Collaborative distributed systems.
Classification of a system as centralized or decentralized refers to
communication and control organization, primarily. 38
Traditional Client-Server

Processes are divided into two groups (clients and servers).

Synchronous communication: request-reply protocol
In LANs, often implemented with a connectionless protocol
In WANs, communication is typically connection-oriented TCP/IP

C/S Architectures

Figure 2-3. General interaction between a client and a server.

Transmission Failures

With connectionless transmissions, failure of any sort means no

 Request message was lost
 Reply message was lost
 Server failed either before, during or after performing
the service
Can the client tell which of the above errors took place?


Typical response to lost request in connectionless communication: re-


Consider effect of re-sending a message such as “Increment X by 1000”.

If first message was acted on, now the operation has been performed


Idempotent operations: can be performed multiple times without harm

e.g., “Return current value of X”; check on availability of a product

Non-idempotent: “increment X”, order a product

Layered (software) Architecture for Client-Server Systems

User-interface level: GUI’s (usually) for interacting with end users

Processing level: data processing applications – the core


Data level: interacts with data base or file system

Data usually is persistent; exists even if no client is accessing its

File or database system

Web search engine
Interface: type in a keyword string
Processing level: processes to generate DB queries, rank replies, format
Data level: database of web pages
Stock broker’s decision support system
Interface: likely more complex than simple search
Processing: programs to analyze data; rely on statistics, AI perhaps, may
require large simulations
Data level: DB of financial information
Desktop “office suites”
Interface: access to various documents, data,
Processing: word processing, database queries, spreadsheets,…
Data : file systems and/or databases
Application Layering

Figure 2-4. The simplified organization of an Internet search engine into three different layers.
System Architecture

Mapping the software architecture to system hardware

Correspondence between logical software modules and actual computers

Multi-tiered architectures

 Layer and tier are roughly equivalent terms, but layer typically implies software

and tier is more likely to refer to hardware.

 Two-tier and three-tier are the most common Multi-tiered architectures

Two-tiered C/S Architectures

Server provides processing and data management; client provides simple

graphical display (thin-client)
 Perceived performance loss at client
 Easier to manage, more reliable, client machines don’t need to be so
large and powerful
At the other extreme, all application processing and some data resides at
the client (fat-client approach)
Pro: reduces work load at server; more scalable
Con: harder to manage by system admin, less secure

Multitiered Architectures

Thin Fat
Client Client
Figure 2-5. Alternative client-server organizations (a)–(e).
Three-tiered Architectures

In some applications servers may also need to be clients, leading to a three

level architecture

 Distributed transaction processing

 Web servers that interact with database servers

Distribute functionality across three levels of machines instead of two.

Multitiered Architectures (3 Tier Architecture)

Figure 2-6. An example of a server acting as client.

Centralized v Decentralized Architectures

Traditional client-server architectures exhibit vertical distribution. Each

level serves a different purpose in the system.

Logically different components reside on different nodes

Horizontal distribution (P2P): each node has roughly the same processing

capabilities and stores/manages part of the total system data.

Better load balancing, more resistant to denial-of-service attacks,

harder to manage than C/S Communication & control is not hierarchical;

all about equal

The End



  53
3 Principles of Processes in Distributed Systems
 Communication takes place between processes and a process is a
program in execution
 From OS perspective, management and scheduling of processes is
Other important issues arise in distributed systems include:
 Multi threading is used to enhance performance by overlapping
communication and local processing.
 How are clients and servers organized and server design issues?
 Process or code migration to achieve scalability and to dynamically
configure clients and servers

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3.1 Threads and their Implementation
What a process is and how are processes and threads related?
Process tables or PCBs(Process control block) are used to keep track of
processes. There are usually many processes executing concurrently
• Processes should not interfere with each other.
• Sharing resources by processes is transparent.
• This concurrency transparency has a high price;
• Allocating resources for a new process and context switching take time.

A thread also executes independently from other threads; but no need of

a high degree of concurrency transparency thereby resulting in better

  55
Threads can be used in both distributed and non distributed systems

Threads in Non distributed Systems

A process has an address space (containing program text and data) and
a single thread of control, as well as other resources such as open files,
child processes, accounting information, etc.

Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

Processes each with one thread One process with three threads

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Each thread has its own program counter, registers, stack, and state;
but all threads of a process share address space, global variables and
other resources such as open files, etc.

  57
Threads take turns in running

Threads allow multiple executions to take place in the same process

environment, called multi threading
1) Simplifying the programming model: since many activities are going
on at once more or less independently
2) They are easier to create and destroy than processes since they do
not have any resources attached to them
3) Performance improves by overlapping activities if there is too much I/
O; i. e., to avoid blocking when waiting for input or doing calculations,
say in a spreadsheet
4) Real parallelism is possible in a multiprocessor system

  58
In non distributed systems, threads can be used with shared data
instead of processes to avoid context switching overhead inter-process
communication (IPC)

context switching as the result of IPC

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Thread Implementation

Threads are usually provided in the form of a thread package. The package contains
operations to create and destroy a thread, operations on synchronization variables such as
mutexes and condition variables
Two approaches of constructing a thread package
a) Construct a thread library that is executed entirely in user mode (the OS is not aware
of threads) cheap to create and destroy threads;
Just allocate and free memory context switching can be done using few instructions;
store and reload only CPU register values
Disadvantage: invocation of a blocking system call will block the entire process to which
the thread belongs and all other threads in that process
b) Implement them in the OS' kernel
Let the kernel be aware of threads and schedule them expensive for thread operations
such as creation and deletion since each requires a system call

  60
Threads in Distributed Systems
Multithreaded Clients
 Consider a web browser; fetching different parts of a page can be
implemented as a separate thread,
 Each opening its own TCP connection to the server
 Each can display the results as it gets its part of the page
 Can also be achieved for replicated servers since each thread request can
be forwarded to separate replicas
Multithreaded Servers
Servers can be constructed in three ways
A. single-threaded process
 It gets a request
 Examines it
 Carries it out to completion before getting the next request
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B. Threads
Threads are more important for implementing servers
e.g., a file server
The dispatcher thread reads incoming requests for a file operation from
clients and passes it to an idle worker thread
C. Finite-state machine
If threads are not available, it gets a request, examines it, tries to fulfill the
request from cache, else sends a request to the file system.

The models or approaches can be summarized as follow

Model Characteristics
Single-threaded process No parallelism, blocking system calls
Threads Parallelism, blocking system calls (thread only)
Finite-state machine Parallelism, non blocking system calls

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The separation between having a single CPU and being able to pretend and
extended to other resources as well, leading to what is known as resource
The Role of Virtualization in Distributed Systems
Virtualization deals with extending or replacing an existing interface so as
to mimic the behavior of another system.
Allow legacy software (various applications, operating systems they were
developed for) to run on expensive mainframe hardware.

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Role of Virtualization

General organization between a program, General organization of virtualizing system A

interface, and system. on top of system B.

  64
Architectures of Virtual Machines
To understand the differences in virtualization, it is important to realize that
computer systems generally offer four different types of interfaces, at four
different levels:
1) An interface between the hardware and software, consisting of machine
instructions that can be invoked by any program.
2) An interface between the hardware and software, consisting of machine
instructions that can be invoked only by privileged programs, such as an
operating system.
3) An interface consisting of system calls as offered by an operating system.
4) An interface consisting of library calls, generally forming what is known
as an application programming interface (API). In many cases, the
aforementioned system calls are hidden by an API.
01/23/2024  65
Various interfaces offered by computer systems.

Virtualization can takes place in to two different ways:

1. A process VM: we can build a runtime system that essentially provides an abstract
instruction set, that is to be used for executing applications.
Eg. Java virtual machine
2. System VM: is to provide a system that is essentially implemented as a layer completely
shielding the original hardware, but offering the complete instruction set of that same (or
other hardware) as an interface.
• Virtual Machine Monitor Eg. VMWare

  66
A process VM, with multiple instances of A VMM. with multiple instances of
(application, runtime) combinations (applications, OS) combinations.

01/23/2024  67
Anatomy of Clients and Servers

Two issues: user interfaces and client-side software for distribution transparency
A. Networked User Interfaces
To create a convenient environment for the interaction of a human user and a
remote server;
e.g. mobile phones with simple displays and a set of keys
GUIs are most commonly used
The X Window System (or simply X) as an example
It has the X kernel: the part of the OS that controls the terminal (monitor,
keyboard, pointing device like a mouse) and is hardware dependent

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b. Client-Side Software for Distribution Transparency

In addition to the user interface, parts of the processing and data level
in a client-server application are executed at the client side.
An example is embedded client software for ATMs, cash registers, etc.
moreover, client software can also include components to achieve
distribution transparency
e.g., replication transparency by means of client side solutions

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Servers and Design Issues

1 General Design Issues

A server is a process implementing a specific service on behalf of a collection of clients.

a. How to organize servers?

Iterative server
The server itself handles the request and returns the result
Concurrent server
It passes a request to a separate process or thread and waits for the next
incoming request; e.g., a multithreaded server;

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b. Where do clients contact a server?

Using endpoints or ports at the machine where the server is running and
each server listens to a specific endpoint
How do clients know the endpoint of a service?
Globally assign endpoints for well-known services;
e.g. FTP is on TCP port 21, HTTP is on TCP port 80
To have running daemon, which keeps track of the current end points of
each service implemented by a co-located server.

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How Servers can be interrupted?

Abruptly(suddenly) exit client application

Send out-of-band data
Whether or not the server is stateless:
 A stateless server does not keep information on the state of its clients,
and can change its own state without having to inform any client
 A particular form of a stateless design is where the server maintains
what is known as soft state, servers maintain soft state (keeps
information for limited period of time).
 Statefull server generally maintain persistent information on its clients.

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Code Migration

So far, communication was concerned on passing data.

We may pass programs, even while running and in heterogeneous systems.
Code migration also involves moving data as well:
When a program migrates while running, its status, pending signals,
and other environment variables such as the stack and the program
counter also have to be moved

  73
Reasons for Migrating Code

To improve performance: move processes from heavily-loaded to

lightly-loaded machines (load balancing)
To reduce communication: move a client application that performs
many database operations to a server if the database resides on the
server; then send only results to the client
To exploit parallelism (for nonparallel programs): e.g., copies of a
mobile program (called a mobile agent is called in search engines)
moving from site to site searching the Web

  74
Models for Code Migration

Code migration doesn’t only mean moving code; in some cases, it also means moving
the execution status of a program, pending signals, and other parts of the execution
a process consists of three segments: code segment (set of instructions), resource
segment (references to external resources such as files, printers, ...), and execution
segment (to store the current execution state of a process such as private data, the
stack, the program counter)
alternatives for code migration
 weak versus strong mobility
 is it sender-or receiver-initiated
 is it executed at the target process or in a separate process (for weak mobility);
migrate or clone process (for strong mobility)
  75
Weak Mobility
Transfer only the code segment and may be some initialization data; in
this case a program always starts from its initial stage, e.g. Java Applets
Execution can be by
The target process (in its own address space like in Java Applets) but the target
process and local resources must be protected (security) or
by a separate process; still local resources must be protected (security)

  76
Strong Mobility (or process migration )

Transfer code and execution segments; helps to migrate a process in execution;

stop execution, move it, and then resume execution from where it is stopped
Migration can be
Sender-initiated: the machine where the code resides or is currently running;
e.g., uploading programs to a server; may need authentication or that the client is
a registered one; crawlers to index Web pages
Receiver-initiated: by the target machine; e.g., Java Applets; easier to implement
In a client-server model, receiver-initiated is easier to implement since security
issues are minimized;
If clients are allowed to send code (sender-initiated), the server must know them
since they may access resources such as disk on the server
  77
Summary of models of code migration

  78
Resource-to-Machine Bindings

With the migrate Unattached Resources: can be easily moving

program (such as data files associated with the program)
Fastened Resources: such as local databases and complete Web sites;
moving or copying may be possible, but very costly
Fixed Resources: intimately bound to a specific machine or
environment such as local devices and cannot be moved.

  79
Types of Process-to-Resource Bindings

Binding by identifier (the strongest): a resource is referred by its

identifier; the process requires that resource; e.g., a URL to refer to a Web
page or an FTP server referred by its Internet (IP) address
Binding by value (weaker): when only the value of a resource is needed;
in this case another resource can provide the same value; e.g., standard
libraries of programming languages such as C or Java which are normally
locally available, but their location in the file system may vary from site to site
Binding by type (weakest): a process needs a resource of a specific type;
reference to local devices, such as monitors, printer

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The End

  81


01/23/2024 82
Objectives of the Chapter
Review of how processes communicate in a network (the rules or the protocols) and their
Introduce most widely used communication models for distributed systems:
Network Protocols and Standards
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) -which hides the details of message passing and suitable for
client-server models
Remote Object (Method) Invocation (RMI)
Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) -instead of the client-server model, think in terms of
messages and have a high level message queuing model similar to e-mail
Stream-Oriented Communication -for multimedia to support the continuous flow of messages
with timing constraints
Multicast Communication -information dissemination for several recipients.
Web services - offering general services to remote applications without immediate interactions
from end users.

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Network Protocols and Standards

Why communication in distributed systems?

Because there is no shared memory
Two communicating processes must agree on the syntax and semantics of
A protocol is a set of rules that governs data communications
A protocol defines what is communicated, how it is communicated, and when
it is communicated
The key elements of a protocol are syntax, semantics, and timing
Syntax: refers to the structure or format of the data
Semantics: refers to the meaning of each section of bits
Timing: refers to when data should be sent and how fast they can be sent

01/23/2024 84
Two computers, possibly from different manufacturers, must be able to talk to
each other
For such a communication, there has to be a standard
The ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model is one of such
standards (7 layers )
TCP/IP protocol suite is the other; has 4 or 5 layers
Open – to connect open systems or systems that are open for communication with
other open systems using standard rules that govern the format, contents, and
meaning of the messages sent and received
These rules are called protocols
Two types of transport layer protocols: connection-oriented and connectionless

01/23/2024 85
Lower-Level Protocols
The three lowest layers of the OSI protocol suite. Together, these layers
implement the basic functions that encompass a computer network.
 The physical layer
 The data link layer
 The Network layer

01/23/2024 86
a typical message as it appears on the network

01/23/2024 87
Transport Protocols: Client-Server TCP

Assuming no messages are lost,

 The client initiates a setup connection using
a three-way handshake (1-3)
 The client sends its request (4)
 It then sends a message to close the
connection (5)
 The server acknowledges receipt and
informs the client that the connection will
be closed down (6)
 Then sends the answer (7) followed by a
request to close the connection (8)
 The client responds with an ack to finish
conversation (9)

normal operation of TCP

01/23/2024 88
 Much of the overhead in TCP is for managing the connection
 Combine connection setup with request and
closing connection with answer
 Such protocol is called TCP for Transactions

 The client sends a single message consisting of a

setup request, service request, and information
to the server that the connection will be closed
down immediately after receiving the answer (1)
 The server sends acceptance of connection
request, the answer, and a connection release (2)
 The client acknowledges tear down of the
connection (3)

01/23/2024 transactional TCP 89

Higher- Level Protocols

Above the transport layer, OSI distinguished three additional layers. In

practice, only the application layer is ever used. In fact, in the Internet
protocol suite, everything above the transport layer is grouped together.
The session layer is essentially an enhanced version of the transport layer. It
provides dialog control, to keep track of which party is currently talking,
and it provides synchronization facilities.
Unlike the lower layers, which are concerned with getting the bits from the
sender to the receiver reliably and efficiently, the presentation layer is
concerned with the meaning of the bits. Most messages do not consist of
random bit strings, but more structured information such as people's names,
addresses, amounts of money, and so on.
01/23/2024 90
Application Protocols
 File transfer (FTP - File Transfer Protocol)
 HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol for accessing data on the WWW
Middleware Protocols
A middleware is an application that contains general-purpose protocols to
provide services
Example of middleware services
 Authentication and authorization services
 Distributed transactions (commit protocols; locking mechanisms)
 Middleware communication protocols (calling a procedure or
invoking an object remotely, synchronizing streams for real-time data,
multicast services)
Hence an adapted reference model for networked communications is

01/23/2024 91
An adapted reference model for networked communication

01/23/2024 92
Remote Procedure Call

The first distributed systems were based on explicit message exchange

between processes through the use of explicit send and receive procedures; but
do not allow access transparency
In 1984, Birrel and Nelson introduced a different way of handling
communication: RPC
It allows a program to call a procedure located on another machine
Simple and elegant, but there are implementation problems
The calling and called procedures run in different address spaces
Parameters and results have to be exchanged;
What if the machines are not identical?
What happens if both machines crash?
01/23/2024 93
Conventional Procedure Call, i.e., on a single machine

e.g. count = read (fd, buf, bytes); a C like statement, where

fd is an integer indicating a file
buf is an array of characters into which data are read
bytes is the number of bytes to be read
Stack pointer

Stack pointer

parameter passing in a local procedure call: the the stack while the called procedure is active
stack before the call to read

 Parameters can be call-by-value (fd and bytes) or call-by reference (buf)

or in some languages call-by-copy/restore
01/23/2024 94
Client and Server Stubs
RPC would like to make a remote procedure call look the same as a local
one; it should be transparent, i.e., the calling procedure should not know
that the called procedure is executing on a different machine or vice versa

principle of RPC between a client and server program

When a program is compiled, it uses different versions of library functions called
client stubs and a server stub is the server-side equivalent of a client stub
01/23/2024 95
Steps of a Remote Procedure Call
1. Client procedure calls client stub in the normal way
2. Client stub builds a message and calls the local OS (packing parameters
into a message is called parameter marshaling)
3. Client's OS sends the message to the remote OS
4. Remote OS gives the message to the server stub
5. Server stub unpacks the parameters and calls the server
6. Server does the work and returns the result to the stub
7. Server stub packs it in a message and calls the local OS
8. Server's OS sends the message to the client's OS
9. Client's OS gives the message to the client stub
10. Stub unpacks the result and returns to client
 Hence, for the client remote services are accessed by making ordinary (local) procedure
calls; not by calling send and receive

01/23/2024 96
Parameter Passing

1. Passing Value Parameters

e.g., consider a remote procedure add(i, j), where i and j are integer parameters

Steps involved in doing remote computation through RPC

01/23/2024 97
2. Passing Reference Parameters

 Assume the parameter is a pointer to an array

 Copy the array into the message and send it to the server
 The server stub can then call the server with a pointer to this array
 The server then makes any changes to the array and sends it back to the
client stub which copies it to the client
 This is in effect call-by-copy/restore
Optimization of the method
 One of the copy operations can be eliminated if the stub knows
whether the parameter is input or output to the server
 If it is an input to the server (e.g., in a call to write), it need not be
copied back
 If it is an output, it need not be sent over in the first place; only send
the size
 The above procedure can handle pointers to simple arrays and
structures, but difficult to generalize it to an arbitrary data structure
01/23/2024 98
Asynchronous RPC
 If there is no need to block the client until it gets a reply (two cases)
1. If there is no result to be returned
e.g., adding entries in a database, ...
The server immediately sends an ack promising that it will carryout
the request
The client can now proceed without blocking

a) The interconnection between client and server in a traditional RPC

b) The interaction using asynchronous RPC
01/23/2024 99
2. If the result can be collected later
 e.g., prefetching network addresses of a set of hosts, ...
 The server immediately sends an ack promising that it will carryout
the request
 The client can now proceed without blocking
 The server later sends the result

01/23/2024 a client and server interacting through two asynchronous RPCs 100
 The above method combines two asynchronous RPCs and is
sometimes called deferred synchronous RPC

 variants of asynchronous RPC

 let the client continue without waiting even for an ack, called one-
way RPC
 problem: if reliability of communication is not guaranteed

01/23/2024 101
RPC Programming Process
Dividing the program into local and remote procedures.

Proc A RPC Server Stub

Client Stub Proc B

01/23/2024 102
RPC Dispatching (Procedure Location)

Proc A2
Proc A1

RPC Server Stub Server Stub

Client Stub
Client Stub Proc B1 Proc B2

  103
RPC Interface Specification

Proc A Server Comm


Client Iface
Server Iface

Client comm Proc B

  104
RPC General Build Procedure

Develop Interface

Develop Client Develop Server

  105
Remote Object (Method) Invocation (RMI)

Resulted from object-based technology that has proven its value in developing non
distributed applications and it is an expansion of the RPC mechanisms
It enhances distribution transparency as a consequence of an object that hides its
internal from the outside world by means of a well-defined interface
Distributed Objects
An object encapsulates data, called the state, and the operations on those data, called
 Methods are made available through interfaces
 The state of an object can be manipulated only by invoking methods
This allows an interface to be placed on one machine while the object itself resides
on another machine; such an organization is referred to as a distributed object

01/23/2024 106
 The state of an object is not distributed, only the interfaces are; such objects
are also referred to as remote objects
 The implementation of an object’s interface is called a proxy (analogous
to a client stub in RPC systems)
 It is loaded into the client’s address space when a client binds to a
distributed object
 Tasks: a proxy marshals method invocation into messages and
unmarshals reply messages to return the result of the method
invocation to the client
 A server stub, called a skeleton, unmarshals messages and marshals

01/23/2024 107
common organization of a remote object with client-side proxy

01/23/2024 108
Binding a Client to an Object

A process must first bind to an object before invoking its methods, which
results in a proxy being placed in the process’s address space
Binding can be implicit (directly invoke methods using only a reference to
an object) or explicit (by calling a special function)
An object reference could contain
 Network address of the machine where the object resides
 Endpoint of the server
 An identification of which object
 The protocol used ...

01/23/2024 109
Parameter Passing

 There are two situations when invoking a method with object reference
as a parameter: the object can be local or remote to the client
 Local object: a copy of the object is passed; this means the object is
passed by value
 Remote object: copy and pass the reference of the object as a value
parameter; this means the object is passed by reference

01/23/2024 110
the situation when passing an object by reference or by value

 two examples:
 DCE Remote Objects
 Java RMI
Read R1: pages 93-98
01/23/2024 111
Message Oriented Communication

RPCs and RMIs are not adequate for all distributed system applications
The provision of access transparency may be good but they have semantics
that is not adequate for all applications
example problems
They assume that the receiving side is running at the time of communication
and a client is blocked until its request has been processed

01/23/2024 112
Persistence and Synchronicity in Communication

assume the communication system is organized as a computer network shown below

general organization of a communication system in which hosts are connected through a network

01/23/2024 113
Communication can be
 persistent or transient
 asynchronous or synchronous
Persistent: a message that has been submitted for transmission is stored by
the communication system as long as it takes to deliver it to the receiver
 e.g., email delivery, snail mail delivery

persistent communication of letters back in the days of the Pony Express

01/23/2024 114
Transient: a message that has been submitted for transmission is stored by
the communication system only as long as the sending and receiving
applications are executing
Asynchronous: a sender continues immediately after it has submitted its
message for transmission
Synchronous: the sender is blocked until its message is stored in a local
buffer at the receiving host or delivered to the receiver
 The different types of communication can be combined
 Persistent asynchronous: e.g., email
 Transient asynchronous: e.g., UDP, asynchronous RPC
 In general there are six possibilities

Persistent Transient
Asynchronous  
Synchronous  message-oriented; three forms

01/23/2024 115
persistent asynchronous persistent synchronous
communication communication

01/23/2024 116
transient asynchronous receipt-based transient
communication synchronous communication

 weakest form; the sender is

blocked until the message is
stored in a local buffer at the
receiving host
01/23/2024 117
Delivery-based transient synchronous Response-based transient synchronous
communication at message delivery communication

 The sender is blocked until the  Strongest form; the sender is blocked
message is delivered to the receiver for until it receives a reply message from
further processing the receiver

01/23/2024 118
The Message-Passing Interface (MPI)

 Sockets were designed to communicate across networks using general-

purpose protocol stacks such as TCP/IP
 They were not designed for proprietary protocols developed for high-
speed interconnection networks; of course portability will suffer
 MPI is designed for parallel applications and tailored for transient
 MPI assumes communication takes place within a known group of
processes, where each group is assigned an identifier (groupID)
 Each process within a group is also assigned an identifier (processID)
 a (groupID, processID) identifies the source or destination of a message,
and is used instead of a transport-level address
Primitive Meaning
MPI_bsend Append outgoing message to a local send buffer
Send a message and wait until copied to local or remote
MPI_ssend Send a message and wait until receipt starts
MPI_sendrecv Send a message and wait for reply
MPI_isend Pass reference to outgoing message, and continue
Pass reference to outgoing message, and wait until receipt
MPI_recv Receive a message; block if there are none
MPI_irecv Check if there is an incoming message, but do not block

some of the most intuitive message-passing primitives of MPI

Stream Oriented Communication
until now, we focused on exchanging independent and complete units of information
time has no effect on correctness; a system can be slow or fast
however, there are communications where time has a critical role
storage, transmission, interchange, presentation, representation and perception of
different data types:
text, graphics, images, voice, audio, video, animation, ...
movie: video + audio + …
multimedia: handling of a variety of representation media
end user pull
information overload and starvation
technology push
emerging technology to integrate media

01/23/2024 121
The Challenge

New applications
 multimedia will be pervasive in few years (as graphics)
Storage and transmission
 e.g., 2 hours uncompressed HDTV (1920×1080) movie: 1.12 TB
 videos are extremely large, even after compressed (actually
Continuous delivery
 e.g., 30 frames/s (NTSC), 25 frames/s (PAL) for video
 guaranteed Quality of Service
 admission control
 can we look at 100… videos to find the proper one?

01/23/2024 122
Types of Media

Two types
 Discrete media: text, executable code, graphics, images; temporal
relationships between data items are not fundamental to correctly
interpret the data
 Continuous media: video, audio, animation; temporal relationships
between data items are fundamental to correctly interpret the data
A data stream is a sequence of data units and can be applied to discrete as
well as continuous media
Stream-oriented communication provides facilities for the exchange of
time-dependent information (continuous media) such as audio and video

01/23/2024 123
Timing in transmission modes
asynchronous transmission mode: data items are transmitted one after the other,
but no timing constraints; e.g. text transfer
synchronous transmission mode: a maximum end-to-end delay defined for each
data unit; it is possible that data can be transmitted faster than the maximum
delay, but not slower
isochronous transmission mode: maximum and minimum end-to-end delay are
defined; also called bounded delay jitter; applicable for distributed multimedia
a continuous data stream can be simple or complex
simple stream: consists of a single sequence of data; e.g., mono audio, video only
(only visual frames)
complex stream: consists of several related simple streams that must be
synchronized; e.g., stereo audio, video consisting of audio and video (may also
contain subtitles, translation to other languages, ...)

01/23/2024 124
Unicast, Broadcast versus Multicast
Unicast transfer
Broadcast transfer
Unicast Multicast transfer

Destination – unique receiver host
Destination – address of network
Multicast group must be identified
Destination – address of group

01/23/2024 12
Multicast application examples

Financial services
Delivery of news, stock quotes, financial indices, etc
Remote conferencing/e-learning
Streaming audio and video to many participants (clients, students)
Interactive communication between participants
Data distribution
e.g., distribute experimental data from Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) at CERN lab to interested physicists around the world

01/23/2024 126
Introduction to Web Services

Microsoft coined the term “Web services” in June 2000, when the company
introduced Web services as a key component of its .Net initiative,
A new vision for embracing the Internet in the development, engineering and
use of software.
As others began to investigate Web services, it became clear that the
technology could revolutionise distributed computing.
Now, nearly every major vendor is marketing Web services’ tools and
applications and Web services are radically changing IT architectures and
partner relationships.

01/23/2024 127
Web services encompass a set of related standards that can allow any two
computers to communicate and exchange data via a network, such as the
The primary standard used in Web services is the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Developers use XML tags to describe individual pieces of data, forming XML
documents, which are text-based and can be processed on any platform.

01/23/2024 128
XML’s portability and its rapid adoption throughout the industry made it the obvious
choice for enabling cross-platform data communication in Web services.
XML provides the foundation for many core Web services standards:
1. SOAP,
2. WSDL,
3. UDDI,
Plus vocabularies of XML-based markup for a specific industry or purpose).
Almost every type of business can benefit from Web services such as:
Expediting software development,
Integrating applications and databases,
Automating transactions with suppliers, partners, and clients.

01/23/2024 129
SOAP (was originally called the Simple Object Access Protocol) is an XML
vocabulary that lets programs on separate computers to interact across a
network (via RPC).
WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is another XML vocabulary that
lets developers describe Web services and their capabilities in a standardised
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) is a framework that
defines XML-based registries where businesses can publish information about
themselves and the services they offer.

01/23/2024 130
Web Services’ Applications

Unfortunately, interoperability, the ability to communicate and share data with

software from different vendors and platforms, is limited among conventional
proprietary technologies, e.g. DCE, CORBA, DCOM and RMI.
Web services improve distributed computing interoperability by using open
(non-proprietary) standards that can enable (theoretically) any two software
components to communicate:
Also they are easier to debug because they are text-based, rather than
binary, communication protocols.

01/23/2024 131
The Advantages of Web Services

Web services advantages:

Use open, text-based standards, which allow components written in
different languages and for different platforms to communicate,
Promotes a modular approach to programming, so multiple organisations
can communicate with the same Web services.
Comparatively easy and inexpensive to implement, because they employ
an existing infrastructure and because most applications can be
repackaged as Web services,
Significantly reduce the costs of enterprise application integration (EAI) and
B2B communications,
Implemented incrementally, rather than all at once which lessens the cost
and reduces the organisational disruption from an abrupt switch in
The Web Services Interoperability Organisation (WS-I) consisting of over
100 vendors promotes interoperability.

01/23/2024 132
Web Services’ challenges

Web services’ challenges:

The standards that drive Web services are still in draft form, always will be in
Some vendors want to retain their intellectual property rights to certain Web
services standards.
Web services need standard security procedures, a common problem to all of
distributed computing.
The leading registry, based on the UDDI specification, has some key limitations,
and alternative discovery methods are provided by ebXML and WS-Inspection.
Web services need Quality of Service (QoS) support from Web Services Registries,
Brokerages, and Network Providers.

01/23/2024 133
Web Services Basics
Web services:
Software programs that use XML to exchange information with other software via
common Internet protocols:
Scalable, e.g. multiplying two numbers together to an entire customer-
relationship management system,
Programmable - encapsulates a task,
Based on XML - open, text-based standard,
Self-describing - metadata for access and use,
Discoverable - search and locate in registries,.

01/23/2024 134
Architecture of Web Service

A web service is a network accessible interface to application

functionality, built using standard Internet technologies.
Clients of web services do NOT need to know how it is implemented.

Application Network Web code

01/23/2024 135
Web Services

WSDL 1. Client queries registry to locate service.

UDDI Document
2. Registry refers client to WSDL
3 3. Client accesses WSDL document.
4 4. WSDL provides data to interact with
5 Web service.
Web 5. Client sends SOAP-message request.
6. Web service returns SOAP-message

01/23/2024 136
Web Service Technology Stack

shopping web service?

Discovery Web Service UDDI

Description Web Service
Packaging Proxy request
SOAP pkg


01/23/2024 137
Step1. Write Web Service Method

shopping web service?

Discovery Web Service UDDI

Description Web Service
Packaging Proxy request
SOAP pkg


01/23/2024 138
Step2. Describe Web Service using WSDL

shopping web service?

Discovery Web Service UDDI

Description Web Service
Packaging Proxy request
SOAP pkg


01/23/2024 139
Step3. Write Proxy to Access Web Service

shopping web service?

Discovery Web Service UDDI

Description Web Service
Packaging Proxy request
SOAP pkg


01/23/2024 140
Step4. Write Client to Invoke Proxy

shopping web service?

Discovery Web Service UDDI

Description Web Service
Packaging Proxy request
SOAP pkg


01/23/2024 141
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
SOAP Messages Using SOAP as RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Messages

Request message

SOAP client SOAP server

Response message

* Read about Distributed Objects and Components

01/23/2024 142
The End

01/23/2024 143

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